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How Did Beowulf Fight

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Beowulf fighting Grendel

When Grendel had returned to Herot again he found that Hrothgar’s home was much more defended than before. Grendel, incredibly upset, went up to the door and tore it open, rushing into the hall angrily. Inside, he found all of Beowulf’s sleeping soldiers throughout the hall. Grendel was extremely joyous to find so much fresh meat for himself. He was ready to take these lives that night. Little did he know this would be his last meal. Many watched him, waiting to see those sharp claws.

Grendel approached a Geat and took hold of the poor soul, tearing him to shreds with his powerful jaws. He drank all of the soldier’s blood and finished the deed with one strong bite. Grendel then moved to another still body, clutching the next victim in his claws. Before he could make another move however, Grendel was immediately seized in his prey’s hands. Beowulf had grabbed onto his claws, bending them backwards as he leaned towards the beast on one arm. In that moment, …show more content…
His claws were bound by Beowulf and his anger only rose, but his strength had all left him. As the beast writhed in pain, the bleeding sinews deep inside of his shoulder snapped in two, splitting muscle and bone apart. Grendel then escaped, wounded and beaten, back to his pathetic hole at the bottom of the marsh. He waited there for the end of his days, bleeding out alone.

The battle was over, won by the strong and brave Beowulf. The Danes celebrated the victory. They had driven away the evil that had plagued Herot and made it clean of such sin. A prince of the Geats, had finally killed Grendel and ended the suffering, the sorrow, and the grief that had forced itself upon Hrothgar’s people by a being of pure hatred and evil. No one doubted this victory, for there was pure proof of it that Beowulf had hung high from the rafters. The monster’s arm, claw, and shoulder and

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