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Case Study: Dear Attending Physicians

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Dear Attending Physicians,
Based on my right to conscientious objection as described by the American Academy of Pediatrics, I hereby wish to uphold my request to refuse counsel and prescribe birth control to unmarried patients as I view it to would lead to infringement on my religious morals based on the ethical principles of integrity and truthfulness. This refusal triggers a conflict between my personal beliefs and the healthcare standards of the PA profession.
According to the AAP, I understand it is my duty to disclose my objection in advance, send a referral to a willing clinician while still providing care in the interim, until transfer is complete (Bioethics, 2009). Thus far in my time here as a PA, you have respected my position on this matter and this case should be no different than our prior agreement. Since this is not an urgent life or death matter, “when referral would significantly increase the probability of mortality or serious morbidity,” of providing healthcare for Ms. R, I do not need to provide intervention …show more content…
Prescribing birth control would not induce any positive healthy relationships or prevention of risk of STD’s and pregnancy. I believe this effective healthcare treatment cannot be achieved without integrity. My steadfastness of this principle allows me to work within the healthcare requirements, moral control, and ensure maximum benefit to the patients. The principle of integrity allows me not be swayed with unnecessary medical concerns. Therefore, with my “continuing self-reflection and self examination and openness to other people” I am able to deliver quality care morally and rationally (Yeo et al., 2010). My integrity has allowed me to have hard stances based on my rational and moral judgment of what I believe will bring beneficence to my patient, Ms.

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