Premium Essay

Mordecai Kaplan's Portrayal Of God

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Any portrayal of God that does not agree with a persons personal belief system and the foundation that they have can be unsettling. As we have learned throughout the semester there are many different interpretations and portrayals of God that have been accepted and rejected since we first came into contact with him. A great example of this is Mordecai Kaplan’s portrayal of God during the middle part of twentieth century. By looking at Kaplan’s portrayal and then looking deeper into why this portrayal is in fact comforting due to some of my own personal beliefs, a better understanding to what Kaplan was trying to say can be found.
First and foremost, Mordecai Kaplan believed that God was another name for the word creation. What exactly does that mean? Quiet simply put it means that he believed in the idea that people are always looking for God in everything, looking for signs of God in nature and in our natural world. With this idea that means a portrayal of God in todays world …show more content…
Like I stated before, all one needs to do to find God is walk with him in nature. It could be as simple as watching the sunrise over a small Missouri farm town like I have done hundreds of times to know that God is alive in his creation. Kaplan then backs up this when he goes on to say, “That yearning dies down unless it is backed by the conviction that there is something which answers to it in the very character of life as a whole. There can hardly be any more important function for religion that to keep alive this yearning for

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