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Snowman Narrative

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Sticking two black button eyes on our snowman, I turned and gave Charles a high-five. "Finished!" I said. "And there's not a finer snowman in the whole neighborhood." But Charles wasn't looking at me. He was staring at the snowman, his face almost as white.

"D-d-d-did you s-s-s-see that?" he screamed. *one hour earlier* My brother has been watching some really scary movies and has been getting really scared so I decided to pull a prank on him.

I grabbed my money and asked my mom if she could take me to Dollar General to get something. She said she could and took me. I looked in the old Halloween area and found a hand. I bought the fake hand, some red food coloring, some paint and left.

When we got back I told my brother I was going to go …show more content…
I gave him a high-five as I said "Finished! And there's not a finer snowman in the whole neighborhood." As I said that I stepped on the string. The hand with red paint flew out of the snowman and nearly landed on my shoe. The red food coloring actually looked like real blood inside the snowman, but I was looking up at the house. It was fun watching him scream "D-d-d-did you s-s-s-see that?" then run like a chicken with no head all the way back to the house. I took the hand put in inside my coat in my hoodie pocket and put snow in the hole and quickly smoothed it out I ran in after him screaming what to make it actually seem like I didn't know what was going on. "What?!" I said to him as he was trying to say a hand just flew from the head of the snowman. Finally he was able to get a few words out and said "Th-th-there was a h-h-h-hand the come from th-the s-s-snow-snow SNOWMAN." "No there wasn't, let's go out and check." We went outside and walked to the back of the snowman. He got scared when he saw nothing so I just told him he was probably seeing things. It's was a good scare for video tapping him... I'm glad I

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