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Submitted By taralala
Words 457
Pages 2
This excerpt from Nabokov's Pnin focuses on the main character Pnin and how he is obsessed about his health and assumes every worst possibilities that could happen to him. In this extract Pnin is in a station waiting to board a bus to Cremona. Due to circumstances he has to leave his bag in the station and board the bus and that's when he starts getting paranoid and anxious that something is happening to him and he thinks to himself that it's because he left his bag in the station and something bad is going to happen to him. So he stops the bus, gets his refund and lands in the middle of a strange town and starts thinking more about why he is feeling the way he is. He manages to pull out all sort of discomfort he is feeling at that moment and questions everything he did the day earlier. It seems like this story was written from the viewpoint of Pnin's Physician and he knows that Pnin has always had the tendency to over think every situation that comes his way and has a way to make it look bad, like it's written in the excerpt, “...That the repulsive automation he lodged had developed consciousness of its own”. Pnin has also kept track of and noted down the date of all those time he got the same anxious feeling and he's very specific about it. He seem like a very fidgety and a nervous person as a whole. The narrators of this story sounds like he is also in the same state of mind as Pnin's because of the way he ponders about life, death and the world. Pnin seems very confused, lost and very easy to manipulate and also naive. He seem terrified on many occasions through out this excerpt. His character is very endearing while the narrator explains Pnin's mannerism in a rather harsh manner. If people look at Pnin as an outsider, they will come up with a conclusion that he has an Anxiety disorder because of the way he behaves. He is frantic, terrified, nervous, suspicious and function on impulse. Pnin's obsession with his health makes him seem like a hypochondriac but it could also be something else for example, the memory of Pnin as mentioned by the narrator states Pnin was from a well to do family and he was always looked after and cared with great caution by his mother and his servant. Pnin is used to that love and care so there is a high chance of people being suspicious about everything or coming up with their own conclusion due to the absence of their primary care giver who they trust and are so used to.

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