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National Crime Victimization Survey Paper

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National Crime Victimization Survey is a survey conducted annually by the Bureau of Justice Statistics that provides data on surveyed households reporting they were affected by crime (Schmalleger 2017). The abbreviation for National Crime Victimization Survey is NCVS. This survey has been translated into many languages and used in many countries. This survey was created because of the skepticism about the accuracy of crime statistics maintained by law enforcement agencies and forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for compilation in its annual nationwide Uniform Crime Report (Karmen 2005). Originally this was called the National Crime Survey but its name was later changed to National Crime Victimization Survey. The changes happened after some of the questions and methods were modified. The questionnaire can be more than twenty pages. It focuses on interpersonal violence: forcible rapes and other sexual assaults, armed and unarmed robberies, and simple and aggravated assaults. The survey is geared toward uncovering the suffering of individuals 12 years old or older and the losses experienced by entire households, criminal acts …show more content…
It was the first nationwide system for crime information. It was created to provide a controlled crime reporting system to aid in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. State, city, county, and other law enforcement agencies throughout the United States voluntarily submit summary-level reports of crimes known to the police and arrests made by the police to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Faggiani 2005). It divides offenses into two parts. Part one is where the offenses include both reported incidents and arrests and serves as the primary source for reporting crime rates and monitoring crime trends. Part two offenses include 21 additional crimes for which only arrests made by the police are submitted. The demographics are included in this

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