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Selflessness In Beowulf

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It was always frowned upon by my classmates to be different. They did not see the world as I did, and I did not see it from their perspective. They abhorred my experiences because I stood out, and in first grade the worst thing that could happen to one would be to stand out. I ignored there loathing and continued reading my books. I was enthralled by these dedicated individuals called heroes. Despite being in a different era I found Beowulf captivating and while watching The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey, I was able to devise common traits all heroes share such as :courage , selflessness, and perseverance. In Beowulf it was refreshing to see a hero who has been dubbed “the strongest man alive” come to terms with the fact that he is not, and …show more content…
The whole concept behind selflessness is to show more concern for other people than yourself. Beowulf depicts selflessness when he avenges the death of Hrothgar's comrade, Aeschere, as illustrated when he states “Better for man to avenge a friend than much to mourn” (896-897). Even though Beowulf was not best friends with Aeschere, Hrothgar was, and since Aeschere was so close to Hrothgar Beowulf will avenge his death in respect. Beowulf does not ponder upon the consequences that avenging Aeschere's death will have. He is so selfless he does not even think about his own safety but he thinks about how to heal a wound for these people that have lost a notable comrade. Comparably, in the hobbit when thorin is lying unconscious awaiting death Bilbo becomes selfless and saves thorin. When lunging with his sword Bilbo disregarded his own safety because he is selfless and to him it was important that thorin survive and not face a cruel death. Despite facing two different situations Beowulf and Bilbo are similar heroically because they both are …show more content…
First, both Beowulf and Bilbo have courage which is necessary to stand up against enemies. It is also significant because if you are fearful of the enemies then there is no way that you will be able to protect all the innocent people. Next, they work hard and persevere through difficult circumstances to get their intended results. Lastly, they are selfless which is vital because they have to put their life on the line, and if they are constantly thinking that they are in danger then they will not be able to perform at their full potential. As a result to be identified as a hero you must be selfless, have courage, and persevere through the

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