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Tough Guise Analysis

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Media has shown how powerful it’s ability to perpetuate inaccurate representation about people of a certain race and what it can do to them. To be in a country where majority of the media industry is ran by whites makes it difficult for minorities to truly have the right form of depiction of who they are on media. For many years, there has been a chain of how we see black bodies and what is thought of one if they look a certain way. Our beliefs have been interpreted by these countless programs that visualize the body of an African to be classified in such limited categories. For both males and females, patterns of their appearance from back then till now have corrupted the hopes of anyone of this race to not be stereotyped. Through numerous of media, African American bodies have been depicted negatively in the media to the point where …show more content…
It has been said that to be a real man, you must possess some features and attitudes in order to uphold that image. Tough Guise goes on to talk about how a real man should look like from the perspective of black bodies. By using Richard Major definition that cool pose “demonstrates black males’ potential to transcend oppressive conditions to express themselves as men” (pg. 5) the speaker of Tough Guise found that “the glamorized image of the hyper-violent black male body and urban street style” correlates with “power and control…that respect is linked to physical strength” (mins; 37-41). Therefore, black bodies who have strong and muscular physical are consider a real man. Since this has been passed down by different race in media and popularized by blacks, consumers of both side expect this out of a man of color now. This illustrated image of how the black body of a male must look to be a man enforces a norm to the real-life black males in which puts them in position of whether or not they want to be a real

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