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Unicorns Exist Research Paper

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Religion; As of 2012, 84.65% of the people on Earth believe in the existence of a creator, either deity or deities, and one of those people might be you. When someone tell us that the Earth is flat, hopefully we will correct them, because from empirical evidences and logics, Earth is in fact a spherical shape. It is the same when an adult tells you that “Unicorns exist”, you probably will laugh it off because we have no evidence that they exist. Unicorns might in fact exist, but as long as we do not have proof of their existence, there is no reason for us to assume that they do. Yet, an exception is made for anything that people hold in high regard. Such as religion. When anyone attempts to scrutinize it, we are told that we should give the benefit of the doubt, that we should let …show more content…
Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able or willing? Then why call him God?” - An abridged version of the Epicurean Paradox. This quote summarises the problem of evil, one of the main arguments against religion. The point of this paradox is to show that a deity that is infinitely good and infinitely powerful cannot exist as long as evil still exists because they would do anything in their power to remove it, therefore the only logical conclusion is that God isn’t “God” or God is evil. Some people might say, “That’s because God gave us free will”. That just raises the question, “Why would he? How do you know free will exists? Why is free will even good?”. Free will has been proven not to exist because of causality, as nothing can be caused by itself; everything sentient beings do is either the result of their genes (for the sake of argument, is given by God) or the environment (which was created by God). Since God is supposedly omnipotent and therefore omniscient, he should know every outcome, ergo, every outcome is

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