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Population-Based Regis Entries

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Registries are a category that use more detailed secondary data from patients’ medical records. Registries are usually clarified by health statuses of patients, diseases, conditions, or procedures. Registries inform healthcare professionals of availability and responses of patients on different methods of treatments. The information helps healthcare professionals in choosing the best treatment options to improve patients’ conditions. For example, cancer registries were developed with the need to collect information in studying the diseases to improve diagnoses and treatments of cancers. Hospital-based registries and population-based registries are two major types of registries for cancers. Hospital-based registries are developed for administrative …show more content…
UHDDS contains reported information, such as diagnoses, procedures, ages, sexes, races, insurances information, and admitted hospitals’ identifications. UHDDS are used in acute care, rehabilitation, long-term care hospitals, nursing homes, and retirement homes (HSS Inc. Staff, 2006). UHDDS was created following the forming of Medicare program, which allows researchers to compare the services between different hospitals and define a nationwide standardized reimbursement model. The model plays an important role in motivating hospitals to improve their quality not quantities of services. UHDDS requires secondary data input of all diagnoses, including primary diagnosis and subsequent diagnoses, and all important medical procedures that are parts of the reasons for admission to the facilities. Beside, the previous diagnoses of patients’ health conditions should not be on reported on UHDDS although it is listed in medical records. The chronic conditions need to be monitored continuously so they should be …show more content…
A data dictionary can improve the solidity of healthcare organizations’ data, reduce prolixity, and assist in documentation, data analyzing, and making care decisions. The mean of data dictionary is providing appropriate data to support clinical information system and EHR. Previously, most healthcare organizations manage patients’ information in small-scale systems, which are usually inconsistent and incomprehensive throughout the organizations. Creation of data dictionary simply makes sure that the formats, terminologies, and meanings of patients’ records remain coherently and are unified and understandable for all medical staffs. The data dictionary also shows the information that is incomplete and inaccurate, which will help in completing the documentation process of patients’ records. Within an organization, data dictionary plays an important role in supporting providers in making necessary treatment decisions based on accurate facts and outcome results of treatment options collected from other patients’ records (Wolfson, 2014). As technologies emerge into healthcare, the use of computerized information system and EHR are widely applying around the world. Before, each healthcare organization had their own internal health information system, which generated nontransferable medical records to other organizations. The developing of standardized

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