Premium Essay

Analysis Of Tttc With More Feeling 'By Tim O' Brien

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Words 590
Pages 3
EL. Doctorow, late American novelist once said this about why writers use emotion in their work, “Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader, not the fact that it’s raining, but the feeling of being rained upon”. ‘Feeling’ in literature is simply how the reader reacts to piece of writing. Some authors are bleak and only write down words to form sentences on paper while other authors write in a way to make their readers react in a certain way by which it evokes ‘feeling’. There is no way to measure ‘feeling’ in literature but assessing the authors writing style will sure help. Tim O’Brien wrote TTTC with more ‘feeling’ to help readers connect to the story, and for this reason, it has more of an impact than IIDIACZ.
In TTTC O’Brien

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