...Evolution vs. Creation: The Great Debate The Evolution vs. Creation debate is often referred to as the "Great Debate." It's the emotion-packed question of "Origins" -- why, how, and where did everything come from? 20th century science has made the compelling discovery that, at some point, the universe began. Both sides of the Great Debate now agree that the universe has not existed eternally. However, this is where the agreement ends. As far as the "why" and "how" of the "origin event," this is where the division and contention begin. There are two basic theories in this Great Debate. The first is the historical default - the Creation Model of Origins. This theory maintains that the intricate design permeating all things implies a Designer. The second theory is the more recent, atheistic explanation - the Evolution Model of Origins. This theory postulates that the intricate design permeating all things is a product of random chance and excessive time. Evolution vs. Creation: The Contentions Evolution vs. Creation is indeed the Great Debate of our scientific times. In any scientific debate, the theories must be tested according to the evidence. We propose that the burden of evidence should be upon the Evolutionists, since Creation has been the historic and inherent default throughout virtually all cultures and religions until roughly the last 200 years. Of course, Evolutionists, who view themselves as the only "scientists" in the debate, insist that the burden of evidence be upon...
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... Richard D. Young Original Creation of Earth 201530 Summer 2015 PHSC 210-D07 LUO August 16, 2015 Introduction. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. (Genesis 1-5 ESV). The topic I choose to right about is The Original Creation of Earth, I believe this debate is a great teaching tool for all walks of life, regardless of which side of the debate you are own. So in this paper I will attempt to compare nebular hypothesis vs six-day creation. Six Day Creation View. The first chapter of the Bible states that God created heaven and earth, and all living thing in six days. The Young Earth view is understood as literally six days. Many Christians believe Genesis 1 is detailing the account of creation showing God as the Creator and the beginning of all things. This view does not only shows God as the creator but it gives insight into the heart of God and his plan for all mankind. Young Earth argue that the Bible clearly teaches that the earth is young. From the beginning of the universe to the creation of man. Young Earth use data for...
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...This will be a short essay describing intellectual property (IP). The writer will explain the need for protection and ethical issue that may arise when IP is involved. Intellectual Property A thought or an image made into a creation others to use is a fitting description for intellectual property (IP). Just as any other property, IP needs protection from the evil of the world. Unfortunately, there is always someone waiting to profit from another person’s hard work and dedication. In order to protect IP the law provides patents, copyrights, trademarks, as well as trade secrets. Some people believe that providing protect creates a monopoly and want to shorten the term, in which a product is protective. The law benefits the creator and the consumer; it does create a monopoly but only for a short time in order for the creator to profit. Once the term of protection expires the consumer can then take the product and make improvements and even buy it cheaper. Without protection people would choose not to share their creation or invention, which would cause poor economy growth. Due to the laws of protection for IP, many lawsuits are filed each day. These types of lawsuits could last for years. A lawsuit that has lasted for a few years is Apple Inc. vs. Samsung; the lawsuit between the two electronic companies began in April 2011. Apple Inc. filled 12 claims of infringement against Samsung; the infringements are between the two product Apple Inc.’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy. ...
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...good, the other the source of all evil.”1 Kuhn further describes the universe as the battle ground for these equally opposing forces and identifies them as light and darkness. In this definition we see God being light and Satan being darkness as equal forces in eternal hostile battle. This form of dualism is in contradiction as to what Scripture teaches. Scripture starts with God creating not only the earth but the heavens as well. (Gen.1:1) In the book of Genesis we see God as the creator of all. In the ending of Scripture God claims victory over Satan and Satan is cast into the lake fire to suffer eternal torment.(Rev. 20:10). In Isaiah 14:12-14, the prophet addresses Satan as the one fallen from heaven and cast down to earth for his prideful sins against God. In Ezekiel 28: 12-17 God addresses Satan as the King of Tyre, through the prophet Ezekiel. He addresses him as having been an anointed guardian cherub. God says “for so I ordained you.” (vs 14). “You were the model of perfection,”(vs _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1H.B. Kuhn, “Dualism.” Evangelical Dictionary of Theology: 2nd Edition, ed. Walter Elwell, [Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Publishing Group, 2001] 357 12).Verse 13 starts by saying “you were in Eden the garden of God”, followed by a description of...
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...Creator vs. Creation Victor Frankenstein creates one of the most horrible creatures known to man; it was also the most human. Sometimes a creation can be more “real” than the creator. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the main character, Victor, creates a beast that is argued to be more human than the creator. Human characteristics show that Victor’s creature is more human than the creator himself because he thinks of others and feels betrayed. Victor Frankenstein has a mighty ego while his creature feels for himself and others. The creature soon talks to Victor and tells him of his feelings and thoughts. The creature describes himself as “alone and miserable” and is heartbroken because “man will not associate” with him (213). Victor’s monster is ashamed of his loneliness and is sad that no one cares for him. Victor soon understands the pain the monster feels but he does not do anything. Because he is ugly, the monster is alienated and alone. The monster claims that “no mortal could support the horror” of his features and “personality”(43). He feels and knows that he is ugly and that no one will go near him. He feels alone and abandoned because of his looks, but he never gives up hope in man. Victor remembers when he first saw his creation. He claims that “the beauty of the dream vanished” and that “breathless horror and disgust filled [his] heart”(42) Victor only cares for himself while the monster sees that caring for others is the key to happiness. Victor cares for himself...
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...Creation vs. Evolution What do you believe in? In creation which explains that we were created by God or in evolution that explains that creatures evolve from one simplistic ancestors naturally overtime and emphasizes that we came from an ape. Almost everyone ask “How people originate?” “Who or maybe what created us?” and every one wonders, if people came from an ape and were just evolved, where did the tail go? We all want to know the answer to both of those questions. This has been a controversial issue and has been fought for many years until now. Although there are several ideas, many argues over two of them. According to what I have read, creation as documented in the Bible in Genesis 1: 1 – 2: 25 states that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and goes on to describe how in six days God created the plants, the animals, the sun, the moon, the stars and the human being. It shows that God created the universe and all living things out of love, in a particular order, and with a particular purpose for six days and he rest in the seventh day. While evolution is a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. Charles Darwin proposed a theory, now called the “Theory of Evolution”, stating that animals differentiated into species when the survivors of a changing environment were able to pass their genetic traits to their offspring. Specifically, “Creation” is supported by religion which explains that we...
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...Faith vs. science. Is there a contradiction between faith in God and science? Faith in God and belief in science will never contradict if God, in fact, exists and is the Creator of the universe. If God is the Creator of the universe, and there is ample evidence that He is, then science is just knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths about His creation. If God doesn't exist, then faith and science will contradict since science is the search for facts about the cosmos. For those with faith, however, science can be one of our greatest forms of worship. Science is mankind's attempt to understand how the world works. The scientific method is one of the greatest tools to accomplish this. It starts with a question about the world. Then background research, a hypothesis or educated guess about the research, an experiment, analysis to determine if the hypothesis was correct, and the report of the results. If the hypothesis was correct, the cycle is finished. If not, another hypothesis is put forth, and testing begins again. The scientific method infers that a provable fact will be repeatable and verifiable—that other scientists will come up with the same answer if their experiment is performed in the same way. There is nothing unbiblical about the scientific method as such. God made light, matter, water, plants, animals, and humans. We honor Him when we endeavor to understand His amazing creation. We also learn more about Him, about His wisdom and power and...
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...William Blake he chooses Tyger versus Lamb to develop a sense of strength versus frailty. How these two animals, who are the complete opposite of each other, could possibly have been made by the same creator. William Blake does this by using imagery, symbolism and repetition in this poem. By looking deeper into this poem, I will emphasize these points and provide evidence to support these ideas. By seeing the Tyger as big and ferocious and the Lamb as small and innocent the perception of opposition is created. Blake refers to the Tyger as a fearsome beast by writing “Tyger! Tyger! burning bright in the forests night,” as well as “In what distant deeps or skies burnt the fire of thine eyes?” The color contrast of the Tyger and its eyes that shine in the night reflect the image of fiery and strong. Further in the poem the lamb makes an appearance when Blake writes, “Did he who made the lamb make thee?” asking the reader to consider that the same creator made both creatures. “When the stars threw down their spears and watered heaven with their tears,” reveals that the lamb was made of another element, water. The speaker then refers to fire once again when additionally in the poem, Blake describes how the Tyger is created. Using the image of a Blacksmith to portray the creator by using such words as “hammer”, “chain”, and “anvil” to give readers this illusion. Another form William Blake uses is symbolism. The symbol of the Tyger is one of inspiration, and power whereas the...
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...William Paley uses the analogy of finding a watch vs. finding a stone in nature, and the complexities of the watch that are not similarly found in something like a stone, to prove that we, as complex beings that can reproduce, must also have a supreme designer the same way a complex watch has a designer. Paley goes through some of the parts of a watch and explains each specific purpose they serve in the mechanism and the great deal of care each piece was placed with. Given the complexities of the watch, it is clear that the watch in question must have had a creator, a designer who made everything as it was for a reason. Even though we may not know a watchmaker personally, or have not seen a watch being made, ancient art being created, etc. we understand that there was someone who created these things at some point in time and these creations served a specific purpose. It is absurd to think that something with a design did not have a designer. Paley then asks us to consider the possibility that the watch in question contained a specific set of parts that would allow it to create another watch like itself. If someone found this watch and then later discovered it could reproduce, the person who found the watch would no doubt see it in a new light and see this as a new reason to believe that a designer put a great deal of thought into this creation. He also uses an analogy of water powered corn grinder to show that although water is unintelligent, the manner in which it is used in...
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...Young Earth –vs- Old Earth Here is my take on the young earth- vs- old earth debate. I am extremely confident that the Universe and everything that lives on the Earth was created by God. This miraculous process took place as stated in Genesis chapter one. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Holy Bible). The oppositions to old earth is young earth. For me, it is just like the life of a Christian. If you live for God then you oppose the way of the devil. Old earth perspective can be added up to two main issues. Issue number one is the meaning of the word Yom. Young-earth followers will say with no hesitation, that Yom equals a 24-hour day in the creation account. “God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” “And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day” (Holy Bible). Old earth counter this argument because the definition in the Hebrew, “gives Yom more than one meaning”. “It can be 24 hour period, or an unspecified longer period of time” (Along with other meanings). The second issue, says that life on earth developed “over a process of time” (Morris, 1994). My perspective has not nor will it ever change. As I always say, “if you can explain your God, then He is too little”. This definitely takes faith to believe the creation and the account of the flood. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding“(Holy Bible). Let us take the big bang theory. “This theory...
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...desire: ‘they penetrate into the recesses of nature and show how she works in her hiding places’ • ‘they ascend into the heavens’ ‘new and almost unlimited powers’ ‘penetrate’ ‘command’ ‘mimic’ • ‘with fervour’ • ‘performed miracles’ • ‘unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation’ • ‘secret’ ‘hidden laws’ • How dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge’ Power: ‘as if my soul were grappling with a powerful enemy’ • ‘like a hurricane’ ‘pour a torrent of light’ • ‘pursued’ ‘unremitting ardour’ ‘clung’ ‘dedicated myself’ ‘secret toil’ ‘tremble’ ‘tortured’ • ‘one pursuit’ • ‘tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man’ • ‘I preferred glory’ • ‘until from the midst of this darkness a sudden light broke in upon me- a light so brilliant and wondrous’ Lack of Morality: Transgression against God he mocks the power of the creator ‘torrents of light’ ‘a new species would bless me as its creator and source’ ‘many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me’ • ‘eyes insensible to the charms of nature’ • ‘Labours’ scientist in being able to mimic and usurp traditional creation methods; existence of an immortal soul? • Responsibility for creation image reinforced ‘inarticulate sounds’ Pursuit: ‘deeply smitten with the thirst for knowledge’ • ‘Pursuit for discovery and wonder’ attracted to the tree of knowledge ‘eternal light’ back to biblical times, tree of knowledge deeply rooted in humanity, desire to discover more ...
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...Running head: Existence of God The Existence of God Abstract There is always been a curiosity about God, the creator. Some question if it even exists as an entity. Others question of the operation of God, wondering if God is a single being or an umbrella term that describe multiple individual entities that operate as a unit. Regardless of the specifics, there is always been the argument and research/conversation about the existence of a universal God, and a continual search for evidence to prove once and for all if indeed God exists, or not. In this paper I plan to discuss the above topics, and provide evidence to support my assessment. The social influence on religion, the mind and science will be the primary area of focus. The Existence of God Statement of Research Problem Intuition can be defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning (Wikipedia). I will also include a personal definition for intuition: Intuition is the inherent spiritual compass that is used by man to guide his/her steps along the proverbial pathway of life. Some to validate their reason for belief in religion uses this spiritual compass. Others believe it only exists on a personal level, independent of any internal or external spiritual influence. Some believe in a spiritual element of life, which is something we cannot see, taste touch or feel; a “God” component that allows us to understand the ethereal...
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...percent in 2009 (Figure 1). Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the authorities made job creation the top priority in the 2010 and 2011 budgets. The New Growth Brazil Chile China Colombia India Indonesia Israel Korea Malaysia Mexico Peru Philippines Poland Russia Thailand Ukraine 70 70 90 90 2009 Argentina Hungary South Africa Turkey 30 30 50 50 2000 Figure 1. Employment (Percent of working age population)WHAT DO FAST JOB CREATORS LOOK LIKE? WHAT DO FAST JOB CREATORS LOOK LIKE? SOME STYLIZED FACTS AND PERSPECTIVES ON SOUTH AFRICA SOME STYLIZED FACTS AND PERSPECTIVES ON SOUTH AFRICA 2 Path (NGP) set an ambitious target of creating 5 million more jobs in the next decade, so as to reduce the unemployment rate by 10 percentage points. Against this backdrop, this Departmental Paper examines the job creation performance in a group of large emerging market economies, including South Africa, and highlights some common economic characteristics that are likely associated with fast job creation. This Departmental Paper is structured as follows. The next section highlights some factors identifi ed by the existing literature that are related to job creation. Section III ranks countries based on their performances in job creation during the last decades. Section IV presents comparative statistics between fast and slow job creators. Section V explores which factors are more likely to...
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...universe” (Thomas, 2011). This freedom that community members within a fandom have to connect, create, and discuss are what makes fandom such a strong force in the digital world. The online world has opened up doors for fans no matter what age they are, what country they live in, or how talented they are as a writer (Schaffner, 2009). This is where the consumer fan versus creation fan comes into play because, just because you may not like to write, you can still read and interact with those that...
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...a video clip, was when Trey Parker and Matt Stone made “The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs. Frosty” (1992). In this short video clip, the boys already looked a lot like the characters they would create to make South Park, the one difference being that Cartman was called Kenny at that time and Kenny had no name. When Brian Graden, Fox network executive, saw this clip, he commissioned Parker and Stone to make a second one as an animated Christmas Card. This time it was called “The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs. Santa Claus” (1995) in which Jesus and Santa Claus fight over the meaning of Christmas. This animated short was widespread throughout Hollywood and the internet and became such a success that the duo was offered the possibility of developing it into a series. Given that Fox did not want to distribute it because of the presence of Mr. Hankey, a talking piece of feces, Comedy Central picked up the offer. The very first episode called “Cartman gets an anal probe” was aired on August 13, 1997. Ownership and Market Today, the show is still aired on Comedy Central. This channel however, has gone through a number of ownerships since South Park’s first episode made it to the screen. When the channel was first created, it was owned by Time Warner, the same company that owns HBO, a well known premium cable television network, and called The Comedy Channel. In 1991, two years after the creation of The Comedy Channel, Viacom launched a rival channel called “Ha!”. Both channels were...
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