...In the TedTalk, “Looks aren’t everything”. Believe me, I’m a model,” Cameron Russell speaks on the many assumptions made about her derived from how she looks. She also displays a multitude of images with herself on French Vogue, modeling Chanel and Victoria’s Secret, and then she displays some images with herself on a regular day. The images drastically contrast with each other. Russell’s argument is that people should not worry so much about their appearance as their image is superficial. In her argument, she reveals the reality of modeling and the fact that even models are edited or changed. Ultimately, the TedTalk is rhetorically effective because of its use of pathos by relating to the audience’s feelings concerning insecurity and self-positivity....
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...athletes deserve their salaries because of the job growth they create, their skill level, and the degree of revenue that they generate for their team owner. Sources: * Gwen Burrow, Economic Modeling, Not Just a Game; The Impact of Sports on the U.S. Economy (2013) http://www.economicmodeling.com/2013/07/09/not-just-a-game-the-impact-of-sports-on-u-s-economy/ Summary of article: Gwen burrow talked about the job growth created by the sports industry. The industry creates about 456,000 jobs that pay an average of $39,000. This is a lot of jobs that sports create. Credibility: Gwen Burrow, is a writer for Economic modeling. Economic Modeling is a data company who helps organizations connect better with people. Relevance: In this scenario, they have captured necessary data to understand how sports benefits the economy. The data they found is the amount of jobs are created because of sports. * Angelo Spaminato, World Stadiums, Past and Future (2016) http://www.worldstadiums.com/stadium_menu/past_future/future_stadiums.shtml Summary of article: This website has a list of every sports stadium in the world. It has information on stadiums that are already in use, being built, and announced. Currently there are 9 stadiums being built or announced in America. Credibility: World Stadiums is the most comprehensive website on the internet about sports stadiums in the Unites States. Relevance: According to World Stadiums, currently, there are 9 stadiums in America...
Words: 1509 - Pages: 7
...Analysis of Effects of Source Credibility, Electronic Word-Of-Mouth, Website Quality, and Perceived Quality towards Buying Decision Yonatan Suganda, Wibawa Prasetya (Pembimbing) ABSTRAK Penelitian menjelaskan pengaruh electronic word-of-mouth, source credibility, website quality dan perceived quality terhadap buying decision. Metode penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah metode kuantitatif. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari kuesioner dengan responden adalah konsumen Bhinneka.Com. Penelitian ini bersifat deskritif dan verikatif, sedangkan analisis berdasarkan pengolahan data menggunakan metode SEMdisertai implikasi teoritis dan implikasi manajerial. Perkembangan internet di Indonesia telah mendorong berkembangnya e-commerce di Indonesia. Menurut data yang dirilis biro riset Frost & Sullivan, bersama China, Indonesia menjadi negara dengan pertumbuhan pasar e-commerce terbesar di dunia dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan 17 persen tiap tahun. Melalui penelitian ini disimpulkan, bahwa variable electronic word-of-mouth dan variable perceived quality tidak berpengaruh terhadap buying decision. Variabel website quality dan variable source credibility mengukur hal yang sama sehingga membentuk variable baru yaitu variable website credibility yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap buying decision. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa variable perceived quality memiliki pengaruh negative terhadap buying decision Kata kunci: SEM, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, buying decision...
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...Critical Thinking Response Kyra Schamber Parents teach kids how to be bullies by Allan Levine is Credible. In order for a document to be accurately critiqued as credible, the writer must provide concrete examples, concessions, and make reference to their thesis statement, all of which is shown in this document. Levine frequently references his thesis “Parents teach kids how to be bullies” throughout the piece. When talking about a hockey game he states: “They cheer when their son hits a player on the other team, whether the check was legal or not”. Referencing his thesis statement and previously stating that bullies grow up to be parents and sometimes pass on their own behaviours to their children. This may be so. But by stating that...
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...Concept of Leadership When I think of the concept of leadership I see someone whom has the desire and the willingness to lead a group of people, department or organization to success. Success is typically not a smooth nor an easy road. There are many ups, downs and bumps along the way to achieving success. Making a difference is what sets one apart as a leader. One must have courage and confidence in what they believe makes them a strong leader. Even if a leader has the above characteristics they can still be unsuccessful if they are not able to build trust and confidence among their team. One can be a great leader, but without credibility among those whom follow, leadership will not exists. Guarding and protecting ones credibility is essential in leadership. (DePree, M 1997) Inspiration is important as well and will assist in overcoming setbacks as well as solving problems. When a leader inspires people they assist them to see a better future. The concept of leadership is not something that is only learned. I believe that one is born with leadership qualities and has to work to attain the credibility to reach their potential. Unfortunately, I have seen a CNO lose her credibility among her team members after seventeen years of service. The instance she started to lack communication, courage, confidence and no longer was able to inspire those below her, she lost the respect of her team members. This individual stopped paying attention to relationships within the...
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...Introduction A. Attention Getter i. We use Internet to entertain us, but there are people that get entertained in a different illegal and wicked way. What ways do you use you Internet? 1. “There is much documented evidence of human trafficking as a modern day pandemic. Human trafficking affects between 4 and 27 million (U.S Department of State 2007) victims per year.”(Murray, Dingman, Porter, Otte. 272) ii. Ethos/Credibility Statement 1. Palantir Technologies is a software company that has worked with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to aid this company to grow and make sense of all the data at it’s disposal as a result of numerous initiative studying human trafficking. 2. The audience should...
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...Getting Started A Manager’s Guide to Implementing Capacity Management You have just been tasked by senior management to develop capacity management capabilities for your organization. You are very familiar with managing day-to-day IT infrastructure activities, however when it comes to Capacity Management, you are one of the many uninformed professionals. Although Capacity Management has been in existence in one form or another for over 40 years, only a minority of shops have chosen to implement it. With constantly lowering prices, many IT shops have chosen to throw hardware at performance and capacity problems rather than spend the time to manage what they have. In the past, that approach has worked, however times and management challenges have changed and costs increased; demanding a different approach. Capacity Management is one solution. This guide is designed to help those managers who are now looking to assemble a Capacity Management organization and put in place the processes and best practices to make it successful. About the Author Ron Potter is the Best Practices manager for TeamQuest Corporation. Ron’s background includes more than 20 years in the IT industry, spearheading a successful ITIL implementation with a Fortune 500 insurance company, and discussing ITIL topics as a presenter at several conferences and trade shows. 2 of 11 Getting Started: Implementing Capacity Management White Paper What is Capacity Management? Capacity Management definitions...
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...Running head: DECISION MAKING Decision Making Bonnie K. Hinsdale Grand Canyon University BUS 660 November 24, 2010 Decision Making The purpose of this paper is to explore how a company can become an analytic competitor. Questions as to what are the sources of Decision Making to an analytic competitor will also be discussed. A discussion on how influential quantitative modeling is and its utility in business decision making will be summarized. Finally, a Christian view that presents an ethical perspective on quantitative modeling and decision making will be presented. In an ever increasing global environment, maintaining a competitive advantage can be sustained through quantitative modeling, which can make a company a viable analytic competitor. How Can a Company Become and Be an Analytics Competitor Competitors make it increasingly more difficult to maintain a strategic competitive advantage when exclusive technologies, products and services can be duplicated (Davenport, Cohen & Jacobson, 2005). Organizations are now framing their strategies to accomplish optimization of “key business processes”: serving optimal customers, optimize supply chains, and understand and create optimal financial performance (Davenport, et al., 2005, p. 1). Optimization strategies demand that organizations now gather extensive data and perform extensive analysis that will guide executives in the decision-making process. The data and the analysis...
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...model that can be used to predict values for different or new data. This modeling provides results in the form of predictions that represent a probability of the target variable based on estimated importance from a set of input variables. • Statistics summarizes the data for public use. There are two main statistical methods: Descriptive Statistics and Inferential...
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...TOPICS IN AD HOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS Simulations in Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks: Matching and Advancing Models, Metrics, and Solutions Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Birmingham and University of Ottawa ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to give advice for carrying out a proper and effective simulation activity for protocol design. It challenges some of the existing criticisms of simulation practices that emphasized validation aspects. This article advocates the use of simple models, matching assumptions and metrics in the problem statement and simulation to provide a basic “proof of concept,” and comparison with truly competing solutions, which is possible only after a thorough and critical literature review. Then the complexity of the models can be increased (one parameter at a time), revising the algorithms themselves by adapting them to new assumptions, metrics, and the corresponding simulation environment. Selected independent variables should explain performance under a wide range of scenarios. unclear which protocol will perform well under a wide range of scenarios. It is our view that each article should be judged on its overall contribution, including the assumptions used, theory developed, new algorithms introduced, protocol details, simulation results, and relevance to an ultimate goal of staying on a path toward creating applications. We begin with a literature review of existing criticism for simulation practices, and then discuss what we...
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...Ethics Report – task2 Human Resources RJDT Strategies for ethics training on the job should be applied to all levels from temporary workers to upper management. There must be no basis for resentment among employees because of a real or perceived double standard of morality. The company itself must also model these standards to the public. Consistency builds credibility, a contrast to competitors and non-competing companies alike, who may not be as accountable to outsiders. “This stage involves the use of managerial, communication, administrative, and persuasive abilities to ensure the choice is carried out. The success of a decision is based on how it is implemented.” (Becker 2011) b.1 Strategies Mentoring will help employees learn better ways of applying the code of ethics and understanding ways it can help them be more successful on the job. Modeling is a natural extension of mentoring, since the company sees all employees as co-workers, and peer pressure is a useful tool for reinforcing positive behaviors. Forthrightness helps build trust. Accountability is an asset to relationships, and a good role model for employees following the code of ethics. Shifts power to the employee to determine how to apply the ethical standard and be responsible for the result. This is one factor in raising job satisfaction and performance, making employees see that every person’s actions count. When one employee sees another engage in ethical, code-conscious activity, there is greater...
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...Models do much more than promote the sale of fashion. The model look promotes and distributes ideas about how women and men should look. Models “do gender” professionally in ways that connect with social positions such as race, ethnicity and class, and there are many critiques of fashion models and their gendered and racial meanings. Modelling succeeds on the criticism of the female body and the gap between promoted beauty ideals and reality. As women gain political and social ground, beauty ideals are held to higher extremes of slenderness and perfection. Another social force for clients is they face uncertainty of changing consumer desires as they are highlighting the importance of healthy lifestyles and body types. Demographics For fashion models age is a very strong factor in the selection process. Models are usually discovered between the ages of 12 to 20 by agents or scouts. High fashion modeling agencies often demand height and body shape requirements and have strong preferences for standards. With cultural diversification of the Western world, ethnic diversity is becoming an important factor for all people in the modeling industry. Moreover, various races and backgrounds are becoming progressively noticeable. Anita Norris needs to be aware of the changing demographic trends in the modeling industry Technological Factors With the internet and digital technology, global networks of scouts and agencies have unlimited access to clients and models around...
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...HR metrics such as compensation, staffing, hiring and retention. This work laid the foundation for gathering comparable data across organizations, which in turn, enabled the benchmarking of HR metrics. Over the years, a number of scholars and practitioners expanded the benchmarking of HR metrics to include investments in training and developing employees, as well as in a broad array of other HR policies and practices. Refining and improving the benchmarking of HR metrics remained a primary area of focus throughout much of the 1980s and 1990s. This benchmarking focus, while helpful in informing HR professionals about how their organization’s HR metrics stacked up to comparable or best-in-class organizations, provided little by way of actionable business intelligence on how to gain competitive advantage through people. It also contributed to an often unhealthy belief by HR professionals in simple one-size-fits-all solutions: something to the effect of, “If we can just look more like our competitors on some standard HR metrics, then we have done our jobs.” During the past decade, this has begun to change. Advances in the software used to automate transactional aspects of the...
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...change management 4 Critique what steps must be taken to ensure that all team members learn of changes 5 Assess the timing of communication as critical to the success of the project 6 Assume that two (2) key members of the were replaced during the executing phase of the project due to family crisis situations. Explain the actions you would take to establish trust and credibility with the remaining project participants involved in the situation 7 References 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Design technology company Autodesk recently expanded its presence in New England with a new headquarters for its Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Solutions Division. It is located in Waltham, Massachusetts and the new facility accommodates staff expansions and offers additional space for meeting with its customers, the press, and the community. Autodesk viewed the project as an opportunity to implement several new trends in the building industry, including integrated project delivery (IPD), sustainable design, digital design-to-fabrication, and the technical process underpinning all of them—building information modeling (BIM). According to Phil Bernstein, FAIA, vice president, Industry Strategy and Relations of the AEC Solutions Division at Autodesk, felt strongly that it was important to use these methodologies because they advocated their use to millions of customers around the world (Integrated Project Delivery). Determine how you would manage the morale of the team related to...
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...Abstract Credibility is the foundation of leadership. People have to believe in their leaders before they will willingly follow them (Kouzes & Posner, 2011). Before one can begin to comprehend the importance of credibility, they must first discover themselves. In order to understand oneself, many challenging questions must be honestly answered while reflecting inwardly. In the book Credibility, by authors James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, the writers build upon the very foundation that credibility is the key essential ingredient in becoming a successful leader. The authors give numerous examples in the book displaying this essential leadership trait in both national and international organizations that span the past thirty years. By including key learning principles in each chapter, the writers are able to assist the reader in achieving their understanding of the material presented. John Maxwell builds upon what Kouzes & Posner establish as a good foundation. Maxwell believes an effective leader can lead within any organization at any level. A leader doesn’t have to have a formal title or position in order to influence those they work with. This paper will review both the foundation Kouzes & Posner establish in regards to the importance of credibility and the tools leaders can use to influence their organization at any level provided by John Maxwell. Ethics and Credibility in Leadership What is Credibility According to Kouzes & Posner (2011)...
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