...Giving Credit Where Credit is Due Foundations for Doctoral Study in Business (BTM7107-8) Ransford Addo Northcentral University Dr. Francis Maffei lll Introduction This research identifies two business professionals, Michael Dell and Andy Grove; their main contributions to their fields; the resistance that each encountered in presenting and furthering their programs; the similarities and differences in their stories; and finally, the factors that may have impacted their success. Michael Dell Michael Dell is founder and CEO of Dell Corporation, a fortune 500 company which was the number one stock of the 1990s, soaring almost 90,000 percent (Krames, 2003, p. 58-59). Dell discovered his entrepreneurial abilities early in life when at 12 years, he issued his first product catalog, the Dell Stamps (Krames, 2003, p. 58). Dell has contributed positively to the technological industry by not only building computers, but also showcasing his outstanding entrepreneurial abilities. Through mass customization, Dell revolutionized the industry. According to Draft (2013), “mass customization refers to using mass-production technology to quickly and cost-effectively assemble goods that are uniquely designed to fit the demands of individual customers” (p. 31). Mass customization enabled Dell to achieve significant savings by eliminating intermediaries. Through customer segmentation, Dell was able to determine the needs...
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...Abstract Michael Dell and Andy Grove are two of America’s leading CEOs. The nature of this paper is to compare and contrast these individuals on several elements such as their similarities, resistance and contribution to their respective organizations, and to discuss what factors impacted their success. Contributions to the field At a young age Michael Dell showed his entrepreneurial skills by starting a stamp catalogue business and again in college by starting a computer business from his dorm room. This led him to become the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company in the early 1990s. Michael Dell was instrumental in getting his organization to use the direct model of “mass customization” (Krames, 200, p. 59) thus giving the customer what they wanted, not what they think they wanted. Along with the revolution of the internet Michael Dell used that medium to his organization’s advantage and did so with great success to this day. Andy Grove at a tender age turned out to be an exceptional individual, and he overcame several factors outside of his control and was still able to become one of America’s most successful immigrants. His contribution to his organization still continues to evolve and grow especially his vision of continuous change. Andy Grove’s definition of a Strategic Inflection Point (Krames, 2003, p. 140) is change so big that no one knows what the change is, but the organization had to adapt to this change. Encountering resistance In 1989, Michael Dell...
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...Time Management Worksheet Time 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday How to Use the Time Management Worksheet PART A: Identify Obligated Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fill in all of your classes. Fill in the hours you work Fill in the time it takes to get ready and travel between home, school, and work. Fill in any other regular appointments (church, transporting children, etc.) Fill in a Lunch and Dinner Break. Include time for food preparation Establish a set time to go to sleep and get up in the morning PART B: Identify Free Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assign time for studying for each class. Allow 3-4 hours for each hour spent in class per week. Try to study for classes on the days they meet. Use large blocks for major tasks, smaller blocks for reviews. Schedule regular breaks and rewards for completing a task—don’t marathon study. Schedule fun events-- recreation, watching television, going out with friends. PART C: Analyze Your Situation 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you found “hidden time” you didn’t know you had? Is there enough time available to study for all your classes? If your schedule cannot accommodate all the demands on your time, see a counselor. If your schedule looks reasonable, then stick to it! If You Need Help Using This Worksheet: 1. The Academic Achievement Center has completed examples of this worksheet as well as books and video tapes that will give you additional...
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...CONCURRENCE OF CREDITS, definition. It implies possession by two or more creditors of equal right or privileges over the same property or all of the property of a debtor. PREFERENCE OF CREDIT, definition. It is the right held by a creditor to be preferred in the payment of his claim above other out of the debtor’s assets. NATURE AND EFFECT OF PREFERENCE 1. A preference is an exception to the general rule. For this reason, the law as to preferences is strictly construed. 2. Preference does not create an interest in property. It creates simply a right of one creditor to be paid first the proceeds of the sale of property as against another creditor. 3. The law does not give the creditor who has a preference a right to take the property or sell it as against another creditor. It is not a question who takes or sells, it is one of the application of the proceeds after the sale—of payment of the debt. 4. The right of preference is one which can be made only by being asserted and maintained. If the right claimed is not asserted or maintained, it is lost. 5. Where a creditor released his levy, leaving the property in possession of the debtor, thereby indicating that he did not intend to press his claim further as to that specific property, after that act, his claim to preference, if one had been asserted y him, could not exist because he had ceased to contest. WHEN RULE OF PREFERENCE APPLICABLE 1. Apply only where two...
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...January 2013 Prudential Standard APS 112 Capital Adequacy: Standardised Approach to Credit Risk Objective and key requirements of this Prudential Standard This Prudential Standard requires an authorised deposit-taking institution to hold sufficient regulatory capital against credit risk exposures. The key requirements of this Prudential Standard are that an authorised deposit-taking institution: • must apply risk-weights to on-balance sheet assets and off-balance sheet exposures for capital adequacy purposes. Risk-weights are based on credit rating grades or fixed weights broadly aligned with the likelihood of counterparty default; and • may reduce the credit risk capital requirement for on-balance sheet assets and off-balance sheet exposures where the asset or exposure is secured against eligible collateral, where the authorised deposit-taking institution has obtained direct, irrevocable and unconditional credit protection in the form of a guarantee from an eligible guarantor, mortgage insurance from an acceptable lenders mortgage insurer, a credit derivative from a protection provider or where there are eligible netting arrangements in place. APS 112 - 1 January 2013 Table of contents Authority ........................................................................................................... 3 Application ....................................................................................................... 3 Interpretation...
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...equivalents. There is no restricted cash. Loblaw’s has cash and cash equivalents of $528 million which includes highly liquid marketable investments with 90 days or less maturity. In Note 8, Loblaw provides additional details as to the composition of the cash and cash equivalents as follows (in millions $): * Cash $42 * Government treasury bills $219 * Government sponsored debt securities $58 * Corporate commercial paper $209. Loblaw also has no restricted cash. (c) Loblaw’s has Accounts Receivable totaling $867 million at January 3, 2009. As per Note 9, these receivables are made up of credit card receivables (from the PC credit card) and other receivables (due from independent franchisees, associated stores and independent accounts for goods sold) for $436 million. The credit cards have been securitized and therefore, the credit card receivable is reported net of the...
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...Evaluation of Credit Where Credit & Commerce Integrates Background of the Study 1.1 Origin of the Report: Internship Program brings a student closer to the real life situation and thereby helps to launch a career with some prior experience. It is also a part of our education. In our university we learn only theoretical knowledge but to collect practical knowledge we have to do intern. One of the main objectives of the BBA program is to create skilled professional for various sectors. This program is designed to meet the needs of each student who want to develop their career as executives in the field of different business areas as well as teaching and research positions in different institutions. BGC Trust University Bangladesh offered an opportunity to do intern. For the competition of this internship program, the author of the study was placed in a bank namely, “National Credit & Commerce Bank Limited”. My paper topic is monitoring and evaluation of credit of NCC Bank. My internship was at NCC Bank Ltd., Anderkilla Branch, Chittagong. During my internship, I had to prepare a report under the supervision of Mrs . 1.2 Objective of the Report: Project Objective: Presenting and Emphasizing on credit operation, credit risk management and credit performance including the credit payment system. Secondary objective: Objectives assist the researcher to advance objectively. The followings objectives may be with this identified study as presented below: Knowing the credit policy and...
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...INSURANCE: AN INTRODUCTION Insurance may be described as a social device to reduce or eliminate risks of loss to life and properly. It is a provision which a prudent man makes against inevitable contingencies, loss or misfortune. Once Frank H. Knight said "Risk is uncertainty and uncertainty is one of the fundamental facts of life." Insurance is the modern method by which men make the uncertain certain and the unequal; equal. It is the means by which success is almost guaranteed. Through its operation- the strong contribute to the support of the weak and weak secure, not by favor sent by right duly purchased and paid for, the support of the strong (Calvin Coolidge.) Under the plan of insurance, a large number of people associate themselves by sharing risks attached to individuals. As in private life, in business also there are dangers and risks of different kinds. The aim of all types of insurance is to make provision against such dangers. The risks which can be insured against include fire, the perils of sea (marine insurance), death (life insurance) and, accidents and burglary. Any risk contingent upon these, may be insured against at a premium commensurate with the risk involved. Thus, collective bearing of risks is insurance. Definition Insurance in its basic form is defined as “ A contract between two parties whereby one party called insurer undertakes in exchange for a fixed sum called premiums, to pay the other party called insured a fixed amount of money...
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...INRODUCTION: Credit Risk Management (CRM) is responsible for the planning, monitoring and reporting of the credit portfolio. The monitoring of loans on obligor and portfolio basis as well as the reporting of these to Management and the Board remains the core responsibility of CRM. The monitoring unit is delineated along the strategic business units (SBUs) to provide independent support and guidance to the relationship teams in the management of facilities, by ensuring early warning signs of deterioration are promptly picked up and remedial action is set in motion. The credit control unit is responsible for ensuring adherence to control measures, confirming approval of credit, conveying approvals and ensuring conditions are satisfied. CRM has ownership of all rating systems/scorecards and recommends and monitors the credit risk appetite for the year, and reports periodically to the Board and Management. The department serves as the credit secretariat and manages the documentation and other credit process initiatives for the Group. Credit risk management verifies and manages the credit process from origination to collection. In designing credit policies, due consideration is given to the Bank’s commitment to: Create, monitor and manage credit risk in a manner that complies with all applicable laws and regulations; Identify credit risk in each investment, loan or other activity of the Bank; Utilise appropriate, accurate and timely tools to measure credit risk; Set acceptable...
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...Accounting 70150 Financial Institution Financial Analysis, Part I 75 points Name: Signature 1. (12) Refer to the Citigroup 2009 10-K report. Explain the primary reasons for the Net Income differences between 2008, 2009 and 2010. Use the following format: 2009 2010 2011 Citigroup’ net income (loss) $billions ($1.606) 10.602 $11.067 Change $12.208 $.465 2011 vs. 2010: Citigroup and Consolidated Subsidiaries Overall, the largest change between the two years on the Income Statement is the 50.86% reduction (26,042 to 12,796) in the provisions for credit losses and benefits and claims. Net income for Citigroup increased 4.65% (10,602 to 11,067) while revenues decreased 10% (from 86,601 to 78,353) and operating expenses increased 7.51% (47,375 to 50,933). Additionally, the income from discontinued operations increased from (68) to 112. Citicorp Analysis: While total Citicorp income from continuing operations only decreased 2%, the Global Consumer Banking increased 33%, the Securities and Banking decreased 25%, and the Transaction Services decreased 7%. Citi Holdings Total Citi Holdings increased 38% in the period, as Brokerage and Asset Management decreased 27%, Local Consumer Lending increased 43% and Special Asset Pool decreased 49%. Thus, Citi Holdings income from continuing operations increased only 1%, but the Discontinued Operations, Net Income attributable to NCI decreased 47%, causing Citigroup net income to increase by 4%...
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...MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES LESSON 13: FACTORING – THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Lesson Objectives • • • • • • • Finance Maintenance of accounts Collection of debts Protection against credit risks”. To understand the Concept of Factoring. Methodology of Factoring and Forfeiting. Types of factoring. Introduction Receivables constitute a significant portion of current assets of a firm. But, for investment in receivables, a firm has to incur certain costs such as costs of financing receivables and costs of collection from receivables. Further, there is a risk of bad debts also. It is, therefore, very essential to have a proper control and management of receivables. In fact, maintaining of receivables poses two types of problems; (i) the problem of raising funds to finance the receivables, and (it) the problems relating to collection, delays and defaults of the receivables. A small firm’ may handle the problem of receivables management of its own, but it may not be possible for a large firm to do so efficiently as it may be exposed to the risk of more and more bad debts. In such a case, a firm may avail the services of specialised institutions engaged in receivables management, called factoring firms. At the instance of RBI a Committee headed by Shri C. S. Kalyan Sundaram went into the aspects of factoring services in India in 1988, which formed the basis for introduction of factoring services in India. SBI established, in 1991, a subsidiary-SBI Factors Limited with an...
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...Credit Card Use September 15, 2010 The article I found about interest rates is called “Credit Where It’s Due.” This article talks about credit unions and how they offer lower rates and how they are becoming more popular. This article states that more people are looking into credit unions because of lower interest rates and higher savings rates. I think it is relevant to credit card use because if more people saw this article, more people would think about joining these credit unions and receive lower interest rates on credit cards. Article 2 is called “Win at the Credit Scoring Game.” And is about credit reports and ratings. The first thing you need to do is learn your score. They also say that you should never, ever be late on payments. Also always remember the “magic 20%. This 20% is about how much you owe compared to how much credit has been extended to you. This article is relevant to credit card use because it tells you what to do if you spot an error, how to improve your score. All the things that people should realize if they have a credit card. The article that I found is about money management and is called “5 East Cost Cutting Tips”. It includes things like to stop paying credit card interest rates, get a better price no Internet service, slash cell phone costs, reconsider landlines, and reducing bank fees. This article gives you all the ways you can cut and how to do each. This article is relevant to the topic of credit card use because it shows you that...
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...China’s Green Credit Policy: Building Sustainability in the Financial Sector World Resources Institute June 8, 2011 Motoko Aizawa, Sustainability Advisor, IFC The Green Credit Policy - the Domestic Context • Pattern of rapid economic growth characterized by: High consumption of energy and natural resources Environmental pollution & biodiversity loss Growing social tension and inequality • Recognition that administrative measures need to be coupled with market-based policies • Turning to the power of the market: Environmental economic policies Environmental Tax Ecological Compensation Mechanism Green Trade Policy Green Government Procurement Green Insurance Green Securities Green Credit China’s Green Credit Policy • Context: Banks provide 80-90% of funding to Chinese enterprises • Dual Purpose: Direct credits away from highly polluting and high energy-consuming enterprises and projects Direct credits toward energy conservation and emission reduction at preferential terms • Launched in July 2007 by three agencies: Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) People’s Bank of China (PBOC) • New feature: Inter-agency collaboration with clear implementation responsibilities Based on lessons learned from the 1995 policy experience IFC Partnership with Chinese Agencies on Green Credit • Objective: Knowledge transfer of IFC experience in sustainable...
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...SWOTT Analysis Introduction The number one question that pops into people's minds when deciding on where they are going to open up a checking account is what is the difference between a credit union and bank. Many people are unaware of the true differences that stand between banks and credit unions and generally go with the bank logo they see the most due to convenience. The difference is simple, banks are for profit financial institutions, and credit unions are not-for-profit financial institutions. Majority of credit unions are able to offer lower rates on all products and services offered due to being member owned, not stockholder owned. Most customers receiving a service in a bank considers them just a number and not an actual customer because it based on making money not creating a lasting impression. "Arizona Federal was established on October 23, 1936 when a small group of City of Phoenix employees pooled their resources to form Phoenix City Employees Federal Credit Union. They started with fewer than 50 members and an average account balance of $5. The credit union has since expanded to manage over $1.3 billion in assets from 200,000 member accounts in 15 branch locations" ( Arizona Federal, 2010 ). |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Great Member Service |Employee Retention ...
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...Lending and Retail Lending. For the purpose of this Code, the term ‘credit’ will include all funded and non-funded credit facilities. RBI’s guidelines / directives, that may be issued from time-to-time, will override the Code where applicable. 2 Short title and commencement 2.1. This Code is called IDBI Bank Ltd. Fair Practice Code for Lending. 2.2. This Code is made pursuant to the Directives of Reserve Bank of India, vide Circular No:DBOD.Leg.No.BC.204/09.07.007/2002-03 dated May 5, 2003. 2.3. This Code is applicable to all members of staff of IDBI Bank Ltd. 2.4. The Board of Directors of the Bank may modify the Code from time to time. 3 Applications for Loan and its Processing 3.1. Application for loan in the loan application form/Loan related important document (LRID) shall be comprehensive to include information about rate of interest (fixed/floating) and manner of charging (monthly/quarterly/halfyearly/yearly), process fees and other charges, penal interest rates, pre-payment option and any other matter which materially affects of the interest of the borrower. The LRID would be retained with the applicant for his future reference and would also act as an acknowledgement for the applicant for having submitted 1 Fair Practices Code for Lending the application form. (A copy of the filled application form duly signed by the borrower would also be retained by the borrower). It is expected that credit application from borrower will be completed in all aspects and be accompanied...
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