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Creon Tragic Hero Essay

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Lily Bryden Kessler English II 23 May 2024 The Tragic King of Antigone Aristotle has a theory about a Tragic Hero, describing them as a character who is inherently good, but because of a serious mistake in judgment loses those they love, and usually their own life too. They have three major qualities: hamartia, peripeteia, and anagnosis. Pride, reversal of circumstances, and the recognition of the character’s flaw, usually too late to fix. In the play Antigone, King Creon displays all of these qualities, making him a tragic hero. In the play Antigone, pride is a major theme, being the reason that Polyneices isn’t buried, and the reason the conflict begins. One of the major characters in the play, King Creon, is an example of this extreme hamartia, or pride. …show more content…
Another example of the sudden reversal of Creon’s circumstances is when the Queen Eurdice goes into her chambers, and one of the messengers reports later that she’s killed herself. The messenger tells Creon about her death, stating, “...her heart/Welcome the knife her own hand guided... and her last breath/Was a curse for their father, the murder of her sons.”(I.Exodus.1013). This quote from the play shows how Tieresias was correct in his prophecy of ‘sorrow coming to the palace’. Because of this peripeteia and sudden reversal, she kills herself due to the loss of her son. Loss and sorrow cause this reversal, which continues its “butterfly effect” with all of his family members killing themselves. My final quote of Creon’s sudden reversal in his life is when Choragus tells Creon what he has to do to fix his mistake of imprisoning Antigone. Choragus says to Creon, “You must go yourself, you cannot leave it to others.”(I.V.874). In this quote, the irony of the situation unfolds by showing how Creon has to now go himself and fix his own mistakes, not give the responsibility to

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