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Cricipus Attucks Research Paper

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Pages 1
Crispus Attucks was the first American martyr and the most significant While I will have to disagree with Kareem, Crispus is an unknown hero in us history. black male in history to Kareem Abdul Jabar. Crispus Attucks is a hero no one has shed light on his bravery and resistance. Crispus Attucks bravery led him to the front lines of the Boston massacre. He was seen leading a revolt against the British soldiers as he stood up for his beliefs and rights.A man with no education and no right to freedom stood against the red backs leading to his death fighting for a country who hadn’t valued him. Crispus Attucks was not only brave, but resistant to the world. He shows his resistance in his first escape September 30, as a wanted man but was never

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