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Criminal Justice Ethics


Submitted By MissMonica84
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Criminal Justice Ethics
Monica A. Stoddard
Prof. Stephen Knights
CRJ 410
June 10, 2012

Two of my most important values is integrity and honesty. Integrity and honesty go hand and hand. Without honesty there is no integrity. Integrity is doing the same thing whether you are in a group or completely alone; in other words, doing the right thing, all of the time, even if no one is watching. Criminal justice integrity is especially important in police work. It is an essential value for officers to maintain even if they are trying to fit into the subculture of law enforcement. Much corruption in police departments has been the result of officers compromising integrity. These principles are important to me because as a criminal justice professional I am entrusted to do a job that may require little to no supervision. Another of my important values is honesty. Honesty is a very important part of our personal and professional lives. Being dishonest can break down relationships and harm the community as a whole. Honesty is also a major value in the criminal justice system. In order for the system to even work it must be based on honor and honesty.
I will remain professional on and off duty. Some citizens have this idea that some criminal justice officials are crooked. Remaining professional while on duty is very important. No matter how an inmate or a probationer or parolee may act disrespectful, I must remain in control of the situation as to not get out of character. Remaining professional off duty is also very important. When in the public’s eye, I have to remain a person who has good morals and ethics about me. I don’t know who I may encounter, but there is always someone watching.
Dependability and responsibility are also important to me. While working any job or attending school or having to be somewhere, being five minutes early is being on a time. Being late for any event can have negative effects on others. Responsibility is important because it helps gets the job done. Being responsible for my actions is a must. I have a moral responsibility when it comes to dealing with inmates or probationers.

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