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Criminal Justice Problems


Submitted By cfaz2427
Words 4821
Pages 20
Problems within the Criminal Justice System
In the United States

This research paper explores some problems faced within the criminal system justice in the United States. Larry J. Siegel’s book “Criminology” gives us a history of the criminal justice system, how it operates, and some of the problems we experience with this system. Some of the problems detailed in this paper include the right to equal justice; which he explained the different kind of judgment that people receive based on their race, gender and class, the criminal justice system spends more money on criminals instead of improving technology for the police apprehending them, the criminal justice system lacks of sentencing disparity, reliance on eyewitness and modern technology can lead to conviction of innocent citizen, and finally the rehabilitation model which is set up to educate criminals and eventually let them free because of the belief that they are changed people and have been rehabilitated.

According to the definition from the text “Criminology”, the term criminal justice system refers to “the components of government charged with enforcing law, adjudicating criminals, and correcting criminal conduct” (Siegel, 2009, p. 558). According to Siegel, the criminal justice system is essentially “an instrument of social control: society considers some behaviors so dangerous and destructive that it either strictly controls their occurrence or outlaws them outright” (Siegel, 2009, p.558). Therefore, the essence of criminal justice system is “maintaining social control, protecting the public, preventing crime, preserving order, enforcing the law, identifying transgressors, bringing the guilty to justice, treating criminal behavior, and administering justice in a fair and even-handed manner” (Siegel, 2009, p. 556).

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