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Restorative Justice


Submitted By rosestevens85
Words 1315
Pages 6
Restorative Justice
Rose Stevens
June, 16th, 2014

Restorative Justice
Restoration is one of the goals of the criminal justice system. The idea of restoration is to restore the criminal and the community affected by the crime. Restorative justice stems from the idea of restoration. Restorative justice is different than retributive justice. In this essay I will discuss the restorative justice process, the difference between restorative and contemporary justice, and how restorative justice worked for the RJ city case study.
Restorative Justice Process
Restorative justice deals with "the need to compensate victims, the need to place appropriate responsibility on the criminal offender, and the need to attempt the reintegration of the offender with the community" (Schmalleger, Hall, & Dolatowski, 2010, Chapter 14). The way we used to view crime was like a violation against the state. We now understand that crime also violates an individual. The idea of restorative justice is to restore the victim and the criminal instead of just the criminal. There are three main processes involved in the restorative justice system. There are restorative circles, restorative conferencing, and victim-offender mediation.
Restorative Circles Restorative circles are meetings that include the offenders, victims, friends and families, interested members of the community, and some representatives of the justice system. ("Restorative Justice Online", 1996-2014). There is a facilitator who keeps the process in order and summarizes the information given in the meeting. The circle gives each person time to discuss the issues with the offender. The meeting works to help the members get involved in helping the offender. The idea of a circle is to find a solution to helping the offender to find ways to better him/herself.

Restorative Conferencing Conferencing brings together the victim and the offender. They meet face-to-face to discuss the crime and the impact of the crime. ("Restorative Justice Online", 1996-2014). There is support for the victim and the offender. There may also be a representative of the justice system. Like the circles, a trained facilitator will guide the discussions and make sure each person gets time to discuss their feelings about the crime and its impact. The idea of the conference is to show the offender how much harm he/she has caused by committing a crime. It is to make the offender feel sorry for what he/she did and understand how much of a negative affect it had on everybody.
Victim-Offender Mediation Victim-offender mediation is similar to conferencing. It brings together the victim and the offender. A trained facilitator guides the discussion to help discuss how to restore the victim and the offender. The victims tell their perspective of the crime and ask the offender questions. The offender is allowed to explain why they commited the crime and to answer any questions from the victims. The victim and offender have to volunteer to participate. Victim-offender mediation has three phases, deciding if VOM is appropriate, a meeting, and follow-up. VOM can only take place after the guilt has been established.
Retributive vs. Restorative Justice The biggest difference between retributive and restorative justices is who is more involved in the process.
Retributive Justice
With retributive justice, the state is the one most involved. A crime is considered to be against the state. The state controls the crime. The offender is punished by the state. The victim is not as involved with the retributive justice system. The focus is more on deterring the crime by issuing pain. The community is not involved with the retributive system. There is an adversarial relationship with retributive justice. The criminal is alone with most of the process, trying to defend him/herself.
Restorative Justice The restorative justice system involves the community. A crime is considered to be against the victim and the community. The crime control lies in the community. The offender has to take responsibility for him/herself and understand that there was harm done with the offense. Victims are necessary for the restorative justice system. The idea is to repair the defendant and the community/victim. The community works together to restore the people involved in the crime. The whole process involves both the offender and the victim and tries to restore both parties. The offender understands his/her guilt and learns how much the crime has affected everybody. The idea of the restorative justice system is for the victim and offender to have complete communication and resolve the issue completely.
RJ City Case When looking at the RJ city case, I saw that the restorative justice system worked out great for David, Mildred and the community.
David was quick to realize he did something wrong. He felt guilty immediately after the arrest. David was willing to make things right, and he worked through the restorative justice system. David had his parents, his uncle, his baseball coach and the people from the justice system there to help him. David was able to open up to why he did what he did, how he felt about the situation and what he was going to do to fix it. He was treated as a person who needed help and accepted the help given. David agreed to restore what he did to Mildred and the community, and he was welcomed back into the community. He ended up going to college and coaching Little League. He apologized to Mildred and had a relationship with her afterward. The restorative justice system worked in truly restoring David back into the community.
Mildred had a lot of support after the burglary. She had people volunteer to hang her door up, bring her meals, and talk to her when needed. Mildred was informed of all of the options she had with the criminals. Mildred chose to use the community circle with David. She had the support from her daughter, her lawyer, and the officer involved. Mildred also had the opportunity to talk to a victim advocate. Mildred was able to open up to David and explain to him how the burglary affected her. She was able to explain how much the burglary has changed her life. She lost precious possessions and trust in her own community. She was able to hear David's side of the story and see that he was going through things that caused him to act in a negative way. He learned he wasn't a bad person; he just made a bad decision.
In a restorative justice system, we learn the crime committed does not only affect the victim. It also affects those in the community. In the RJ city case, the community was able to share how they felt about the burglary. Mildred's daughter was able to tell how the burglary increased demands on her family. She was taking on having to support Mildred and keep up with her family as well. Barbara, a neighbor of Mildred, was able to open up about how the neighborhood felt vulnerable, and they wanted to increase safety. Barbara's son felt unsafe because he asked if bad people were going to take his toys. Barbara had set up a neighborhood meeting and asked David to come, and he agreed. The community, in this case, was able to resolve the problem and even accept David into the community.
The restorative justice system seems to function well. It seems to be more of a solution to the problem as opposed to just a "band-aid." The restorative justice system includes every person involved in the crime and creates a closer, stronger community. It also seems to achieve the goal of restoration for the criminal, victim and the community involved.

Restorative Justice Online. (1996-2014). Retrieved from


Schmalleger, F., Hall, D. E., & Dolatowski, J. J. (2010). Criminal Law Today (4th ed.).

Retrieved from The University of Pheonix eBook Collection database.

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