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Criminal Justice Trends


Submitted By asumrall06
Words 898
Pages 4
APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE W/ CHANGES MADE Weekly Specials Ok ladies- here is what everyone has been waiting for!!! Below are my weekly specials that I run everyday! I have this on my phone/computer so I can copy and paste into my FB status and post in groups (if allowed)! I get great results almost everyday!!! Monday- “Monday Madness” Ahhh Monday Madness!!! The weekend is over, but don’t be sad- PLACE A ORDER BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT AND YOU’LL BE IN FOR A SURPRISE! I’m grateful for my customers and want to show it! Check out my website to browse the catalog, then PM me with your order or any questions you may have! (your scentsy website) *When they PM me their order I offer them something- Monday Maddness is fun cause each week I try something different… when they give me their order I might say- “Thank you so much for ordering today, I will send you a surprise in the mail” **Note- the word SURPRISE is in the status and its what I told them they would get!*** Tuesday- “Travel Tin Tuesday” Happy Travel Tin Tuesday!! It gets fun today..Do you love the Scentsy Travel Tin?
I wanna know, where do you use your Travel Tin? PM me your answer and at 8pm tonight I’ll pick my favorite answer, and you’re the lucky ducky!!! (your scentsy website) *People will comment on that status their answers- you simply pick your favorite- PM that person and have a conversation with them, something like- “Congrats you are the lucky winner! I loved your story about how you use the Scentsy Travel Tin!!” Just talk to them, I try and get them to book a show, and if they do I offer them “their favorite travel tin” as a gift from me at their party!! J Wednesday- “Wish List Wednesday” It’s Wish List Wednesday…all day!!! All you need to do is comment here your number on Wish List item on your Scentsy Wish List!! I will then PM you a secret…you’ll want to participate in this one…trust me! J (your scentsy website) *Kinda the same thing as Tuesday- when you PM them your number one goal is to get them to book a party, why? Bc they can get this #1 wish list item for FREE based on the sales at their party, right?? Just be friendly, carry a convo and don’t try to “sell” them anything!
Thursday- “Themed Thursday” Today is THEMED Thursday, I love themes!! I’m have a surprisel for anyone that books a THEMED party today! I have a whole binder full of THEMED ideas- “Scent Swappin”, “Girl’s Night In”, :Lovey Dovey Hubby” and many, many more! PM me for details, I have my calendar ready to check on dates! (your scentsy website) *If anyone likes this status or comments on it, make sure to PM them and talk about how fun it is to have a themed party! Talk to them, see whats going on in their lives in the next couple months! Housewarming party? Do it Scentsy style- and say something like for every guest that orders $55-75 (you pick) I will give you a bar of your choice to welcome your new home! You can have a ton of fun with themed parties, be fun and creative!!! Friday-
Fun Friday Who loves Friday? I do, I do!! Today is Fun Friday, so let's play a little game-- pick one of the numbers below, and PM me your number! Let the game begin!!

*3 & 4 – March (3) and April (4) Awesome! Number ____ is a FREE party in _____ with me and your friends!
If you book a party with me for the month of _____ I will give you an additional $10 in FREE product! That’s awesome, because Scentsy already gives their Hostesses FREE and ½ priced items based on the sales of their show!
I have my calendar ready, lets discuss dates! *7- 7 Reasons to Join Scentsy Thanks for playing! Number 7 is my favorite! 7 reasons why to join Scentsy!
1). FREE yourself from the 9-5 routine!
2). FREE training and support from me and other consultants!
3).FREE promotional tools to promote your business!
4).FREE workstation to enter parties, manage your customers and much much more!
5). FREE shipping on all orders over $150- which means NO inventory to keep- NO extra money out of your pocket!
6). FREE awards and incentives for sales and sponsoring!
7). You earn $$$$$$, and you decide when you are ready for a raise!! If you like two or more of these reasons, lets talk about the opportunity! Let me know if you have any questions, I am always here for you!
*10- 10% off Is 10 your lucky number? Cause it’s your lucky day! Number 10 is a chance for you to save money!
If you place a order with me today I will give you 10% off the order! If the order is at least $55 you get the 10% off and a FREE Scent Circle as a Thank you from me! Please browse the catalog at my personal website:
And PM me with your order!
Thank you!

****Remember ladies, do all of this in a personal setting and change it up to fit your business! Hope this helps!!

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