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Criminal Justice Week Two


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Week 2 Checkpoint
Rachel Blain
April 18, 2014
Rich Montcalm

Week 2 Checkpoint The purpose of major crime-reporting programs is to gather data in order to make informed decisions. Lawmakers, politicians, and policy makers throughout the criminal justice system use this data to create social policy. A successful crime-reporting program in the United States would be made up of an accurate statistical picture of crime. Crime rates, arrest rates, and clearance rates are all statistical data for making informed decisions within the criminal justice system. Crime rates are per capita, meaning they are gathered and divided by a certain number of people. Arrest dates are data that is gathered at a local level. Clearance rates are data from the local police of crimes solved by them.
In an effort to combat criminal activity an improved correlation between crime rates, arrest rates, and clearance rates would be better communication. The police should better communicate with each other and the courts. The courts and the FBI should better communicate with each other. Possibly having a central data base with a certain group of people overseeing it. With all of the information in one place, this group would be able to send out memos to all the statistical authorities relating to what the others have gathered. The more informed and communicative the people who work in the criminal justice system are, the more it will improve.


uop. (2011). Criminal Justice Today. Retrieved from uop, CJS/200

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