...Critical Path Analysis & PERT Charts Planning and scheduling more complex projects The benefit of using CPA over Gantt Charts is that Critical Path Analysis formally identifies tasks which must be completed on time for the whole project to be completed on time, and also identifies which tasks can be delayed for a while if resource needs to be reallocated to catch up on missed tasks. The disadvantage of CPA is that the relation of tasks to time is not as immediately obvious as with Gantt Charts. This can make them more difficult to understand for someone who is not familiar with the technique. A further benefit of Critical Path Analysis is that it helps you to identify the minimum length of time needed to complete a project. Where you need to run an accelerated project, it helps you to identify which project steps you should accelerate to complete the project within the available time. This helps you to minimize cost while still achieving your objective. As with Gantt Charts, the essential concept behind Critical Path Analysis is that you cannot start some activities until others are finished. These activities need to be completed in a sequence, with each stage being more-or-less completed before the next stage can begin. These are 'sequential' activities. Other activities are not dependent on completion of any other tasks. You can do these at any time before or after a particular stage is reached. These are non-dependent or 'parallel' tasks. Use the following steps to draw a...
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...with interdependent activities can apply this method of mathematical analysis. CPM calculates the longest path of planned activities to the end of the project, and the earliest and latest that each activity can start and finish without making the project longer. This process determines which activities are "critical" (i.e., on the longest path) and which have "total float" (i.e., can be delayed without making the project longer). A project can have several, parallel, near critical paths. An additional parallel path through the network with the total durations shorter than the critical path is called a sub-critical or non-critical path. - One of the most important things to formulate a CPM is to identify the activities crucial to your project. - We used the SDLC model to identify the list of activities for drawing out the CPM This table shows the list of activities crucial to our project NETWORK DIAG -1 * Networks typically flow from left to right * Arrows indicate precedence and flow NETWORK DIAG -2 This is the 2nd non critical path for our project NETWORK DIAG -3 * This network shows the critical path for our project * Sum total of time required for each activity along this path was the highest. * This essentially gives us an idea about the time frame of our project After identifying the critical path you can decide to - - either fastrack your project by running the float activities parallely ...
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...CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CEE 320 – VDC SEMINAR) 4 February 2009 Jesse Santiago & Desirae Magallon Overview Background & History CPM Defined The CPM approach Definitions Class Exercise Background & History Developed in the 1950s by the US Navy Originally, the critical path method considered only logical dependencies between terminal elements Since then, it has been expanded to allow for the inclusion of resources related to each activity, through processes called activity-based resource assignments and resource leveling. Critical Path Method for the construction industry Non-computer approach John Fondahl John Fondahl Stanford CE Professor Emeritus – 35 years Passed away last September 13th, 2008 US Marine Corps Sergeant in Iwo Jima His father was USMC LtCol Co-founder of the CEM program 1961 Paper for the US Navy – "Non-Computer Approach to the Critical Path Method for the Construction Industry" What is CPM? The Critical Path Method or Critical Path Analysis, is a mathematically based algorithm for scheduling a set of project activities It is an important tool for effective project management Commonly used with all forms of projects, including construction, software development, research projects, product development, engineering, and plant maintenance, among others Any project with interdependent activities can apply this method of scheduling What is CPM? The essential technique for using CPM is to construct a model of the project that includes...
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...Critical Path Analysis (CPA) is a project management tool that: • Sets out all the individual activities that make up a larger project. • Shows the order in which activities have to be undertaken. • Shows which activities can only take place once other activities have been completed. • Shows which activities can be undertaken simultaneously, thereby reducing the overall time taken to complete the whole project. • Shows when certain resources will be needed – for example, a crane to be hired for a building site. In order to construct a CPA, it is necessary to estimate the elapsed time for each activity – that is the time taken from commencement to completion. Then the CPA is drawn up based on dependencies such as: • The availability of labour and other resources • Lead times for delivery of materials and other services • Seasonal factors – such as dry weather required in a building project Once the CPA is drawn up, it is possible to see the CRITICAL PATH itself – this is a route through the CPA, which has no spare time (called ‘FLOAT’ or ‘slack’) in any of the activities. In other words, if there is any delay to any of the activities on the critical path, the whole project will be delayed unless the firm makes other changes to bring the project back on track. The total time along this critical path is also the minimum time in which the whole project can be completed. Some branches on the CPA may have FLOAT, which means that there is some spare time available...
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...SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN (PERT) AND (CPM) Critical Path Analysis and PERT are powerful tools that help you to schedule and manage complex projects. They were developed in the 1950s to control large defense projects, and have been used routinely since then. Program (Project) Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project. It is basically a method to analyze the tasks involved in completing a given project, especially the time needed to complete each task, and to identify the minimum time needed to complete the total project. The Critical Path Method or Critical Path Analysis, is a mathematically based algorithm for scheduling a set of project activities.Critical path method seeks to determine the longest possible continuous pathway taken from the initial event to the terminal event. It determines the total calendar time required for the project; and, therefore, any time delays along the critical path will delay the reaching of the terminal event by at least the same amount. PERT Networks and CPM Arrow Diagramsare similar in manyways and yet take paths that are often-different:Both aresystematic ways of analyzing and planningthe components ofa program or project.Both have been used extensively byindustry and government. CPM uses activity oriented network while PERT uses event oriented network. Furthermore durations of an activity may be estimated with a fair degree of accuracy...
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...CPA (Critical Path Analysis) and its value on Strategy Implementation Critical Path Analysis (CPA) plays a very important role in the planning and implementation of an operations strategy. Its helps with planning the implementation of the operations strategy and is a mechanism to help manage and control improvements and/or the targets of performance objectives, the alignment of capabilities (changes in layout, machinery etc.) and the resources required underpinning the implementation exercise. The main outcome from CPA and its main value to implementing an operations strategy is that it identifies those tasks which cannot be delayed or take longer than their estimate without impacting the overall project, this being from a time perspective. Such tasks form the basis of the critical path and are the tasks crucial to the success of the implementation exercise. Karaca & Onargan (2007) describe that critical paths are not fixed and as changes and updates are made, a new critical path may emerge. CPA and its Application within an Operational Context Karaca & Onargan (2007) discuss as part of their article on the application of CPA in workflow schema of Marble Processing Plants, a number of benefits emerged upon completion of this exercise. Through the use of CPA network diagrams, the critical path of workflow for the new marble plant resulted in better production capacity and production timing. The study proves CPA can be used in the design of a new marble plant and...
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...ProHRIS Project -Critical Path flow Critical Path expense list: A+D+Z+ZA = 10+3+15+5 = 33 A+E+F+T+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+15+5 = 57 A+E+F+W+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+4+10+15+5 = 61 A+E+F+G+V+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+10+15+5 = 67 A+E+F+G+Y+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+7+15+5 = 64 A+E+F+G+L+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+10+10+15+5 = 77 A+E+F+G+N+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+15+10+15+5 = 82 A+E+F+G+P+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+10+10+15+5 = 77 A+E+F+G+H+I+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 89 A+E+F+G+M+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 79 A+E+F+G+O+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 79 A+E+F+G+J+K+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 89 A+E+F+G+X+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+10+5+10+15+5 = 72 A+E+F+S+Q+Z+ZA = 10+7+10+12+10+15+5 = 69 B+C+U+Z+ZA = 3+10+4+15+5 = 37 B+C+R+Z+ZA = 3+10+12+15+5 = 45 B+E+F+T+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+15+5 = 50 B+E+F+W+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+4+10+15+5 = 54 B+E+F+G+V+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+10+15+5 = 60 B+E+F+G+Y+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+7+15+5 = 57 B+E+F+G+L+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+10+10+15+5 = 70 B+E+F+G+N+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+15+10+15+5 = 75 B+E+F+G+P+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+10+10+15+5 = 70 B+E+F+G+H+I+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 82 B+E+F+G+M+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 72 B+E+F+G+O+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 72 B+E+F+G+J+K+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+10+12+10+15+5 = 82 B+E+F+G+X+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+10+5+10+15+5 = 65 B+E+F+S+Q+Z+ZA = 3+7+10+12+10+15+5 =...
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...should show the critical activities as well as Total and Free Slack for each activity. Table 1 presents the project schedule accompanied with the total cost for the project, the duration and both the free and total slack columns. Table 1 Initial project schedule Figure 1 illustrates how the activities from table 1 will be scheduled across time, in the form of a Gantt chart. Figure 1 Gantt chart for initial schedule Figure 1 Gantt chart for initial schedule Figure 2 demonstrates the several “paths” formed by the activities sequence, in a network diagram. Highlighted in red is the critical path, consisted by the critical activities A, D & G. The total duration of the critical path, which at the same time is the total duration of the project, is 12 weeks as seen in table 1 while the total cost of the project is estimated to be at € 61,000.00. Figure 2 Network diagram for initial schedule Table 2 presents the activity paths for the initial schedule. Due to free slack in activities B, E & F, the non-critical paths have a slack of 2 to 4 weeks, which provides a greater flexibility in resource commitment and use for these stated activities. Path 1 | A | D | G | 12 weeks (critical path) | | 3 weeks | 5 weeks | 4 weeks | | Path 2 | B | G | | 10 weeks | | 6 weeks | 4 weeks | | | Path 3 | C | E | G | 8 weeks | | 2 weeks | 2 weeks | 4 weeks | | Path 4 | A | F | | 10 weeks | | 3 weeks | 7 weeks | | | Table 2 Activity paths and respective...
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...simultaneously running critical project or situation where seasonal weather effect come to the play in time. Mostly this kind of expedition occurs from the non critical activities where the slack is available. Having done the crash, it would result better utilization of recourses but the rule of thumb is there should not be any major impact on the project scope. In simple terms, this refers to the compression of the original project schedule in order to minimize the total time of the project. This has to be done after very careful study since it might crack the whole project till up to the abandons. Moreover detail analysis and total acceptability of the stakeholders has to be met and this has to be done at the least additional cost. The regain value should be derived from the benefit gain over the additional cost; which has to be realized in positive node with respect to the aggregate impact on the organization. Q2 What are the steps involving in Project Crashing? First, the marginal cost has to be calculated in relation with the project crash for each activity. Crash Cost Per Time Period or Margin Cost= Marginal Cost = (change in cost)/(change in time) = (Crash cost - Normal cost)/(Normal time - Crash time) This has to be calculated in line with the project activity list. Secondly finding the current critical path and way to crash the project at the lowest possible cost is the prominent task. To do so, Identify the critical path in the project net...
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...The Expert Says Question: What role does the Critical Path play in EV Analysis? The Expert Says: In our example the positive schedule variance indicates the project is ahead of schedule. However, the critical path for this project is A – C – E and requires additional evaluation. Delays on the critical path will impact the end date and deserve special attention. Here task A is on the CP and is significantly (10%) behind schedule. Be careful when analyzing project totals for SV and SPI as the Critical Path is not directly taken into consideration! The Expert Says Question: Should the PM use slack at will? The Expert Says: Slack is a great tool for the Project Manager to help manage the project schedule and complete the project on time. Slack is really "flexibility" in the schedule along the non-critical paths which can be utilized when required to compensate for unforeseen circumstances. Slack should be used with discretion because using slack will decrease the "flexibility" and move non-critical paths closer to becoming critical. The Expert Says Question: If we know how far we can crash all the tasks, why don't we just crash them at them all the way and avoid working the iterative process? The Expert Says: Be careful not to shorten the tasks on the critical path too much, otherwise we may not be spending our money efficiently. In the diagram below, the "all crashed" line shows us by adding resources to all tasks, we can finish in 22 days instead of 29 days. By taking...
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...Production management Critical Path Method (CPM): 1) Critical Event: An event in the project which cannot be delayed by any amount of time beyond its earliest occurrence time without affecting total project completion time. 2) Critical Activity: An activity whose start or completion cannot be delayed by any amount of time without affecting total project completion time. Float of critical activity is zero. Necessary and sufficient conditions for identifying critical activities: a) Necessary condition: If the earliest occurrence time (E) and latest occurrence time (L) at the head and tail events of an activity is same (i.e. Ei = Li and Ej = Lj) then that activity may be a critical activity. b) Sufficient condition: If the necessary condition is satisfied and if difference between earliest occurrence time of the head event and the earliest occurrence of the tail event is equal to the activity time, then that activity is definitely a critical activity. i.e. an activity is definitely critical when: 1) Ei = Li and Ej = Lj and 2) Ej – Lj =tij 3) Critical Path: The sequence of critical activities in a network diagram is called as critical path. The critical path is the longest path in the network diagram. The critical path defines the minimum project completion time. It means if the duration of critical path is say 20 days, then the project can be completed at the earliest in 20 days. ...
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...project length? Make sure you fully label all nodes in the network. The total project length is 22 weeks. c) Identify the critical path. What are the alternative paths and how much slack time is associated with each “feeder path?” Critical path: B – C – E – G Duration Path Slack Other paths : A – D – G 21 weeks 2 days A – E – G 16 weeks 1 day B – F – G 20 weeks 2 days d) Identify the “burst” activities and the “merge” activities. Burst Activities: A and B Merge Activities: E and G Chapter 9 – Question 7 Critical Path: A – C – D – F – H 22 Other Paths : A – B – E – H 18 A – B – D – F – H 20 A – C – G – H 17 Chapter 10- Question 4 a. Identify the sequencing of the activities to be crashed in the first four steps. Which of the critical activities should be crashed first? Why? The correct sequence for crashing activities is listed as: a) Activity E or G (cost for both $2,500 more) b) Activity E or G (cost for both $2,500 more) c) Activity B d) Activity D Ordered from the lower extra crashing cost to the higher. b. What is the project’s critical path? After four iterations involving crashing project activities, what has the critical path shrunk to? Critical Path is B-D-E-G = 21 weeks. After four iterations of crashing project activities, the critical path has reduced to 16 weeks. c. Suppose project overhead costs accrued at a fixed rate of $500 per week. Chart the decline in direct...
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...Brandon C. Foltz, M.Ed. 6/26/2012 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT NETWORK DIAGRAMS: CRITICAL PATH ANALYSIS USING FORWARD AND BACKWARD PASSES B r a n d o n C . Fo l t z , M . E d . B r a n d o n C . Fo l t z , M . E d . education / training & development / business / tech / math / opinion http://bcfoltz.com/blog Twitter: @BCFoltz YouTube: BCFoltz education / training & development / business / tech / math / opinion http://bcfoltz.com/blog Twitter: @BCFoltz YouTube: BCFoltz MILWAUKEE PAPER EXAMPLE MILWAUKEE PAPER NETWORK WITH TIME Installing a complex air filtration system in a paper manufacturing plant Activity Description Immediate Predecessor(s) Time to Complete (weeks) A Build internal components ─ 2 B Modify roof and floor ─ 3 C Construct collection stack A 2 D Pour concrete and install frame A,B 4 E Build high-temperature burner C 4 F Install pollution control system C 3 G Install air pollution device D,E 5 H Inspect and test F,G 2 TOTAL TIME 25 http://bcfoltz.com/blog 1 Brandon C. Foltz, M.Ed. 6/26/2012 CRITICAL PATH ANALYSIS CRITICAL PATH NODES When can we expect our project to be done? Which (if any) activities can be delayed without delaying the overall project? To conduct CPA, we need to find two starting times and two ending times for each activity Earliest Start (ES) - earliest start time given predecessor activities Earliest Finish (EF) - earliest possible completion time Latest Start (LS) – latest start time...
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...Chapter 2 | Project Management | | Discussion Questions 1. Software is an essential element for successful management of complex projects. It can provide information on completion performance of critical activities, highlight activities that need additional resources, and suggest the project duration that will minimize costs. However, whether projects are large or small, the people who manage them or perform the activities will ultimately determine the outcome of the project. The project manager must have the ability to coalesce a diverse group of people into an effective team. The organization of the firm must also be conducive to cross-functional inputs. 2. This question is best used when it is given as an assignment prior to class. Responses will vary, but rely on the students with some business experience. The projects do not have to be large ones. Stories in the headlines include natural disasters (earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, and hurricanes), cleanup of oil spills, and delays in the introduction of new products. 3. This question is best used when it is given as an assignment before class so that the students will have a chance to think about it before discussion. Most everyone should be able to describe some project they have been a part of. Common ones include preparing a high-school yearbook, planning a major party, building a new home, and organizing a banquet for a club or student group. Take time to elicit examples of activities and their interrelatedness...
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...Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 2.0 NETWORK TECHNIQUES 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Critical Path Method (CPM) ……………………………………………………………..…………………………………… 8 2.2.1 Steps of CPM Project Planning ……….……………………………………………………………………………… 9 2.2.2 Example of CPM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 2.2.3 Benefits of CPM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 2.2.4 Limitation of CPM …………….…………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 2.3 Project Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) ……..……………..………………………………………… 13 2.3.1 Steps of PERT in Project Planning ……....……………………………………………………………………….. 14 2.3.2 Benefits of PERT……..……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16 2.5.1 Limitation of PERT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16 3.0 CONCLUSION 17 4.0 REFERANCES 29 1.0 INTRODUCTION: 1.1 What is a project? A project is a series of activities directed to accomplishment of a desired objective. A project have a defined start which is when the descision of the project process starts and also a defined end where by that point the goal and the objectives of that project is achived. 1.2 What is project management? Project management its concerned with the overall planning and co-ordination of a project from conception to completion aimed at meeting the stated requirements and ensuring completion on time, within cost and to required quality standards. Project management is normally reserved for focused, non-repetitive, time-limited...
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