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Critical Reflection


Submitted By sam45
Words 884
Pages 4
| FALL 2011-2012Critical Reflection | Should a leader be feared or loved? |

12-Dec-11 |

In early May 2009, I got hired at a reputable local software development company. At the time, I was really excited and looking forward to achieve the best that I could. I even felt somehow lucky that I was going to be a member of this company. Little did I know however, that in just a few months’ time things were going to take a turn for the worse. My boss succeeded at making me dread her presence. Not only did she not tolerate any mistakes, but she also failed to acknowledge my hard work. I reached a point in time where I didn’t dare go to her office to ask her a question. The reason was that she would directly lose her temper and engage in a heavy criticism. New ideas were attacked rather than welcomed. As a result, I just focused on doing the job right, and waited impatiently for my last day at work.
Was my boss’s leadership style effective? The answer to that question depends on how a leader is defined. A true leader is one who inspires his/her followers through shared vision, shared goals, mutual respect, ongoing communication, and most importantly a focus on problem solving rather than finger pointing (Gittell J.H, 2004). A person who is self-centered and who believes that people should be driven by fear can’t possess these traits and qualities. According to Bird (2003), “Leadership through respect is built on the bedrock of patience, virtue, and a truly strong moral character. It must be earned, and when it is earned it is the foundation of great things. Leadership through fear is built upon the sand of haste, disrespect, and short-sighted self-interest. It can be seized, but when it is taken it can slip through your fingers just as easily.”(as cited in Barrett, C. 2008). Ruling by fear might give quick results, but does it bring a change? When

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