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Critical Thinking And Technology/Information Management (TIM)

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All of the general competencies listed are very important to not only the academic and career paths, but in life generally as well. However, the two general competencies that I have chosen are the Critical Thinking (CT) and Technology/Information Management (TIM).
According to the syllabus, critical thinking (CT) is defined as, “To demonstrate skills necessary for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation” (Day 2). Critical thinking is a component of our everyday lives, whether we are aware of it or not. This type of mindset is crucial to the impact of to both my academic and career success. In the academic setting, critical thinking allows you to process information in a way that is logical and can be applied to a task. For example, when given …show more content…
For the most part, critical thinking gets you through almost any class, whether I will be taking an elective class, science course, or math course. How you solve the problem makes all the impact on the solution being correct and adequate. In a career setting, this is a very, very crucial component. Since my career goal is to become a pharmacist, I already use this general education competency now that I have started working as a pharmacy technician trainee. In the pharmacy, you are ill-suited for the demands of the fast-paced environment if you lack critical thinking skills. There are several different stations that require different tasks and you are responsible for handling patients’ prescriptions and other private information. Complying with federal and state laws, as well as the company policy, is very important for the safety of everyone. In my store, any pseudoephedrine products (such as Claritin-D, etc.) are sold strictly behind the pharmacy counter and require a valid form of identification in order to purchase them. We have to use our own critical thinking skills to make a professional judgment of whether or not the customer may look suspicious enough to be purchasing products for the (illegal) creation of methamphetamine (basically to prevent a “Breaking Bad” …show more content…
The syllabus defines this general competency as, “To demonstrate the skills and use the technology necessary to collect, verify, document, and organize information from a variety of sources” (Day 2) In the academic setting, this is imperative to academic success, as academic essays take on the rigors of structure, content, and the strict policy against plagiarism. Managing information adequately, which goes hand-in-hand with time management, is what promotes academic success and eliminates a great amount of stress that encompasses college classes for students. Organization makes your life easier, and I am figuring that out more and more as I tweak my organization methods and time management skills. It really is difficult to tackle these two things with the amount of work that classes require, as well as balancing a part time job. I always have my syllabi and work schedules to begin assembling a schedule for the next week in terms of lecture hours, work hours, and important due dates for assignments. Then, I plan around those time blocks and incorporate rest breaks and homework blocks so I can work on assignments throughout the week so I do not have to worry about last minute time to allot to completing an entire assignment. In the pharmacist career, this competency is very important because of the amount of confidential information that is accountable in the pharmacy. Patient information,

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