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Cross Cultural Perspectives


Submitted By lovelylex6
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The global organization that we chose is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is known throughout the world as a company that helps customers save money. This organization was built on values and morals and has its’ own unique corporate culture. One of the key elements to all off the rules of Wal-Mart is respect for everyone, customers, suppliers, and associates. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and he would encourage the associates of the company to follow the 10 foot rule which is whenever as associate comes within 10 feet of a customer they would smile, greet them, and ask if they can help the customer. One of the ethical and social responsibility issues that Wal-Mart deals with because it is a global organization is that the organization has found that its’ formula doesn’t fit every culture. Wal-Mart failed to became the successful store in Germany that it is in America. Germany is not the only country that the organization has problems in. They also have problems in South Korea and Japan because even with the low prices and large selection of merchandise they are having a hard time competing with the chain markets in these countries and the shopper habits. Wal-Mart’s experience in Germany, where it lost hundreds of millions of dollars since 1998, has become sort of template for how not to expand into a country (LANDLER, 2006). The sales clerks in German Wal-Mart’s are no longer required to smile at customers because it is often interpreted as flirting. The organization never established a good relationship with labor unions because they didn’t understand that companies and unions are closely connected. The grocery business is a struggle for Wal-Mart in other countries because either they can’t beat the prices of other discount markets or they type of food doesn’t meet the countries culture. For example in the German culture they purchase meat from a butcher and Wal-Mart sells packaged meat, so they did not do very well with that. The company has been tripped up by the difference in shopping habits on other cultures. Wal-Mart’s shoes to sausage product line does not suit the shopping habits of many non-American shoppers (LANDLER, 2006). Some other examples are the mistakes of trying to sell golf clubs in Brazil which is a country that is not familiar with golf, or trying to sell ice skates in Mexico. Also in some countries it is not as common for most people in the community to have a car, they may travel by subway and bus, so it is not convenient for them like it is in America.
This global organization has significant responsibilities to consider in business perspective in order to succeed in different communities. Opening a company in another country is like immigrating to a different country. For an individual immigrating to a new country it is about learning new laws, culture and values. Global Organizations are responsible to learn, and value the new laws, and respect new cultures to survive in different countries. Considering values of the new community must be the main goal of a global organization. It is essential that global organizations are able to create a culture that considers everyone’s rights, and respect different cultural values.
For a huge global company with such a great success in business it is surprising to learn that Wal-Mart is recently faced with difference ethical challenges while working in different countries. According to Foroohar “a New York Times investigation revealed that Wal-Mart’s Mexico subsidiary paid $24 million in bribes to local officials to sidestep regulations and obtain construction permits for new stores”(Froohar.1.). According to article the CEO and different members of the company knew about the situation and did not talk about it.
Just because a company knows how to be successful in making the sales goals does not mean it can be successful in different communities with different cultures. The company should have a great understanding and respect of the new community in order to continue to work there. Ethical perspectives change in different cultures and communities. Each community has different rules and values.
These ethical issues not only will make problems for organizations financially, but also take away the trust from company. Customers, investors, and stockholders only continue to do business with a company that they can trust, and feel safe to invest their money in. Sometimes organizations may make some changes in their cultures to be able to work in different countries. Global organizations should be able to create a strong culture and ethics that protect different cultures and fit their values.
The ethical and social responsibility of an organization does not depend on the size of it. Wal-Mart took an advantage of its size and respect in U.S.A, and tried to shortcut their way into foreign countries such as Mexico. In September, 2005 Wal-Mart was investigated for bribery in the amount of $24 million. This opened another door for further investigation inside U.S.A borders by F.B.I. Wal-Mart made a lot of mistakes such as choosing the wrong product and try to sell a huge quantity of it in the wrong country. This organization spent more money trying to get in every corner of the world instead of spending less money trying to investigate and study the foreign cultures and their needs before moving in. This global retail store made another expensive mistake by just taking their exact store and merchandise and shipping it all over the world, without doing their homework in marketing their stores and product. The reason for Wal-Mart’s success in U.S.A was satisfying their customers’ needs and going out of their way by delivering an outstanding customer service. People’s needs varies from one city to another, and the only way for global retail stores like Wal-Mart to succeed, they need to be more flexible with every cultures’ needs. Wal-Mart has recently been lagging on their employees’ satisfaction. These worldwide retail store needs to understand and value their employees’ needs because they also could affect the Wal-Mart’s total net performances by delivering a good customer service and also being a loyal customers. Happy employees would result in better customer service and that would lead the company to a success.

LANDLER, M. (2006, August 2). Wal-Mart Finds That Its Formula Doesn't Fit Every Culture. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Foroohar, R. (2012, may). Wal-Mart's Discounted Ethics. TIME, (), Retrieved from:,9171,2113176,00.html

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