Premium Essay



Submitted By kidfresh
Words 710
Pages 3
Car Project
| Your First New Car |
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|Students will evaluate different cars (makes, models, options, fuel efficiency, warranties, etc.) to best fit a consumer’s needs. |
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|DIRECTIONS: Follow each step below. The charts on the next pages will help you stay organized. You must complete all the required information on pages 2-3. |
|Your final work must be TYPED NEATLY. |
| |
|You will receive a “consumer profile” showing 1) your annual net income, 2) description of your lifestyle, 3) the amount of down payment you will put down, 4) |
|the time period you will have to pay off the loan, and 5) the APR for the loan you will take out. Using that information, make a list of your NEEDS and WANTS |
|for a new car using the table on page 2. You may want to add some details to your consumer’s profile. |
|Calculate how much money you can spend on car expenses (loan + gas + insurance +

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The Crucible

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The Crucible

...Joshua Smelser Professor Lee Hinds Composition 2 September, 10, 2012 Fear As a Living Person In the movie, The Crucible, inspired by Aurther Miller and directed by Nicholas Hytner, fear is a subtle but important aspect in the movie. In fact, if fear was an actor in the film, it would be the lead character, leading to deaths, lies, and betrayal. Now the movie starts off with the towns teenage girls dancing in the woods, conjuring up spells to make boys like them. As they dance around, some naked, reverend Paris a man with power in a city of puritans discovers the girls. This would be the first time fear appears in the movie. Out of fear the girls scatter to avoid getting in trouble with the reverend. All but two girls get away, the reverend’s daughter Betty, and his niece Abigail. After this scene fear gets its biggest part in the movie. Betty falls into a coma nothing can wake her. The town including her father believes that the devil has got hold of her. I believe that Betty is just scared to get in trouble, and there are pieces of evidence that prove it. First off through the entire movie all the girls of the town are lying that they can see the devil. Why would this be untrue for this small girl? Second during church Abigail and the girls march up to Betty’s room and explain to her that everything is ok, her father knows and is not angry. Remarkably she wakes and says she wants her mom. If Betty was truly possessed I am sure she would not wake at the first instance...

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The Crucible

...Bryanna Miller English 2 L1 The Crucible essay March 13, 2014 “Because it’s my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them to hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” (43) This is the reasoning John Proctor, a tragic hero, gave to why he wouldn’t sign his name on the document confessing to witch craft. This is also one of his last statements he made before he was hung to prove that he is a hero. John Proctor is a tragic hero because not only does he bring trouble on people, but in the end he tries his hardest to fix his mistakes, making him a hero. Proctors mistakes and attempts to fix them also helps the author, Arthur Miller, of the play The Crucible, get the theme, your mistakes will catch up with you, across. John Proctor is known as a tragic hero because he has made many mistakes and brought trouble into people’s lives, but he tried to make up for the mistakes and fix the problems he caused. The mistake he made in the play was when he had an affair with Abigail. This causes troubles, with not only his wife Elizabeth’s life, but also with Abigail’s life. This causes great trouble for Goody Proctor because she had to live with the fact that her husband cheated on her, because divorce was very looked down upon in the community. To try and get over the affair John had, she tried her best to pretend that it didn’t happen, and that everything...

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The Crucible

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