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Cs200 Fundamentals of Information Technology


Submitted By bruins2011
Words 576
Pages 3
CS200 Fundamentals of Information Technology
Module 1
Assignment 2

System analysis and design for a library system:
Suppose you are helping to develop a library system for your community. Here is a brief description of scenarios of using this library system.
• Bob applied for a new membership to use this library. He provided his name, address, phone number, and driver license to a librarian Alice. Alice logged into the system with her id and applied the membership for Bob, Then Bob got his new library card.
• He wanted to use his new card to borrow several books. He wanted to borrow a novel by C.S. Lewis. But he didn’t remember the book name. Alice helped him use key words and author name search to find the book “The chronicles of Narnia” on one of the library’s computers.
• However, this book was not available. He requested the book so that the book can be recalled. Alice told him that he will be informed when the book was ready to pick up. Alice helped him check out other books.
• He checked the status of book everyday online. His wife also wants to borrow a cook book. He reserved that cook book too. After a couple of days, he got a call that “The chronicles of Narnia” was available. He went to pick it up as well as the cook book and a couple of other books.
• After he finished reading the books, he went to return the books. And because some books are passed due date, he need pay some fine.
• After two years, Bob need to move to another city. He went to library, and Alice helped him cancel his library membership.
Please answer the following questions, and submit your assignment as a single Word document with all diagrams inserted into that one document:
1. Identify all actors and use cases from the above description and draw a use case diagram for this library system.
Actors Use Cases
Bob (Customer) Book Search – By Name, Author, Genre

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