Premium Essay



Submitted By biship712
Words 506
Pages 3
CS 669

Business Rules
As part of my Non-Default Term Project, I made a few key modification to the existing health project: * Every visit by a patient registered as completed appointment is considered an encounter (enc) or visit that then becomes the primary key for my main table (FACT_Encounter), while all other tables in the diagram are references. * The REF_Patient table functions as a Electronic Health Record System, where each patient has a specific Electronic Medical Record Number (MRN) that is interchangeable at any hospital within this network. * Third, the patient table is part of the physician scheduling design that includes my part for the student enhancement allowing one to track patient schedules for physicians.

* Each Encounter (Visit) has at most one Patient. Patients have one or more Encounters (Visits)

* Each Encounter (Visit) has at most one Appointment. Appointments are preformed at one or more Encounters (Visits)

* Each Encounter (Visit) has at most one Service lines. Service Lines are given at one or more Encounters (Visits)

* Each Encounter (Visit) is performed at most one Facility. Facilities are locations for one or more Encounters (Visits)

* Each Encounter (Visit) has at most one Physician. Physicians attend one or more Encounters (Visits)

* Each Encounter (Visit) is performed in at most one Market Area. Market Areas are locations for one or more Encounters (Visits)

* Each Encounter (Visit) is performed in at most one Building. Buildings are locations for one or more Encounters (Visits)

Conceptual ERD

Logical ERD
Project Enhancement – Tracking physician schedules.


Screen shots of 10 Use Cases 1. First and last names of all physicians that work specific buildings

2. Names of all patients that currently have insurance with the

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