Final Exam MSCD650
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
____ 1. The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement prepares (parses) and immediately executes a dynamic SQL statement or an anonymous PL/SQL block.
____ 2. The %TYPE feature allows you to anchor variable declarations to a column in a table.
____ 3. COMMIT and ROLLBACK end the active autonomous transaction but do not exit the autonomous routine.
____ 4. The only required sections of a PL/SQL block are BEGIN and END.
____ 5. The EXCEPTION handling section is an optional section in a PL/SQL block.
____ 6. The keyword DEFAULT can be used in place of the := symbol to assign initial values to the variables within the declaration statement.
____ 7. Declaring a table of records variable in a package specification allows it to persist for a user session.
____ 8. Implicit cursors are declared automatically for all INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements issued within a PL/SQL block.
____ 9. You can process multiple rows of data from a database by creating explicit cursors.
____ 10. With an implicit cursor, Oracle closes the SQL cursor automatically after executing its associated SQL statement. As a result, %ISOPEN always yields FALSE.
____ 11. The basic loop uses the LOOP and END LOOP markers to begin and end the loop code.
____ 12. Dynamic SQL lets you write schema-management procedures that can be centralized in one schema, and can be called from other schemas and operate on the objects in those schemas.
____ 13. In PL/SQL, if a SELECT ... INTO statement returns no rows, Oracle does not return an error.
____ 14. In PL/SQL, a SELECT ... INTO statement is an example of an explicit cursor.
____ 15. In Oracle 10g, PL/SQL performance is improved across the board. Most improvements are automatic, with no action required from