Doing an investigatory project considers as a major achievement of any students in Science. Through scientific investigation, they learn how to apply the acquired knowledge, scientific concepts, theories, principles and laws of nature. They can use their higher-order process or thinking skills in conducting a research. Let us provide you a brief description of the parts of the Science Investigatory Project Report below.
The Title should be clear and precise. It has an objective or purpose. It should not be written too long or too short. By just reading the title, you can determine what the investigative study is all about.
The Abstract should be one or two paragraphs only. It includes your research problems, the method or procedure that you used and the findings or conclusion of the study.
Chapter I
1. Introduction and Its Background
The Introduction is about one page only wherein it includes the background of the study and its rationale. It usually leads into the research problem.
2. Statement of the Problem
The Statement of the Problem has two categories namely: the general problem and specific problems. Usually, one general problem and three specific problems which derived from the general problem. The research problems should be specific, reliable,valid, measurable, objectively stated. It can be a question form or in a declarative statement.
3. Formulation of the Hypothesis
The Formulation of the Hypothesis has two types namely: the null hypothesis and affirmative hypothesis. Hypotheses is a scientific guess which intends subject for thorough investigation. It is recommended to use null hypothesis in your research project.
4. Significant of the Study
The Significant of the Study indicates how important is your investigatory project for the people, environment and community as a whole. It is really relevant in the