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(Project Semester January- May 2013)

Online Examination System

Submitted by

Rahul Mishra 10801091

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Aman Kamboz

Discipline of CSE/IT Lovely School of Technology & Sciences Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

This is to certify that Rahul Mishra bearing Registration no. 10801091 has completed his capstone project titled, “Online Examination System” under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledgement, the present work is the result of his original investigation and study. No part of the work has been submitted for any other degree ay any University. The project is fit for submission and the partial fulfillment of the conditions for the award of Degree.

Signature and name of the Research Supervisor Designation
School Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab Date 27 APRIL 2013

I, Rahul Mishra, student of under Department of Computer Science of Lovely Professional University, Punjab, hereby declare that all the information furnished in this dissertation / capstone project report is based on my own intensive work and is genuine. This dissertation / report does not, to the best of my knowledge, contain part of my work which has been submitted for the award of my degree either of this university or any other university without proper citation.

First and for most we would like to thank Mr. Aman Kamboz for giving us courage to bring this project. At most outset we would like to propose a word of thank for the people who gave us unending support and help innumerous ways. Many people have been constant source of inspiration encouragement and assistance in several ways in duly acknowledgement the contribution of Mr. Sandeep Gupta for this whole hearted support. We also acknowledge the contribution of my friend friends especially for useful information and suggestions. We are very thankful to our family member who were very supportive in our endeavor during times of stress.

1. Organization Overview 2. Profile of the problem 3. Existing System
 Introduction  Existing Software  DFD for present System  What’s new in the system to be developed 4. Problem Analysis  Product Definition  Feasibility Analysis 5. Software Requirement Analysis  Introduction  Specific Requirements 6. Design  System Design  Design Notation  Detailed Design  Flowcharts/Pseudo code/ER Diagram  Complete table structure  Relations (If any)  All key and constraints  Appropriate Validation checks  Bibliography

Organization Overview
The online test created for taking online test has following stages  Login  Test  Result

There is a quality login window because this is more secure than other login forms as in a normal login window there are multiple logins available so that more than one person can access to test with there individual login. But in this project there is only one login id i.e. administrator id and password by which a person enter the site. Hence it is more secure and reliable than previously used on-line test simulators.

Test page is the most creative and important page in this project. It consists of 2 modules namely:  Subject selection  Utilities Subject selection:From the given choices the candidate can select his field (like C, C++ and JAVA etc) for taking on with the test. Utilities:It includes: Skip and come back to the question afterwards if needed. Gives the list of attempted and unattempted questions and can go to any question directly and can either attempt or change the answer of the already attempted question.

Profile of the problem

Courses can be created according to institutes need. Different batches can be created within courses. Students can be added to batches at any time. New students can be enrolled at any point of time and added to existing/new batches. Each student will be having unique ID and Password to log in to the system and appear for exams.

Examination can be scheduled on specific dates and reminder can also be set for students. Examination progress can be monitored throughout the exam. Students can skip questions which they find difficult and can attend them at the end. Students can mark questions for review to check their answer once again if they have any doubt about answers.

Questions answered, skipped and marked for review will be highlighted in different colors thus catch attention of student towards questions skipped and marked for review.

Students can submit answered questions at any point of time, all they need is to click on submit button and it will end the exam.

Exam results can be viewed instantly once student submit examination or if time is up. Student will be able to view their result as well as that of the topper who has excelled in exam.

Upon completion of the exam, students will be notified whether they have passed the exam or not with reports.

Students can check each and every question they attempted along with their answer and correct answer.

Students can see explanation associated with each question. If exam is terminated in between due to power failure, network issues or any other problem, it will be resumed from where students have left the exam.

Exams with negative marking can also be set. Exams can be conducted for any number of batches from any courses. Questions can be set directly so that each student gets the same set of questions. Order of questions and answers can be randomized with an option to randomize questions while setting up the exam.

Questions can be set with patterns.Patterns can be created based on subjects/chapters/sub chapters marks and difficulty levels. Students get random questions according to patterns.

Students can practice topics at any time.Practice session can be held for any subject or chapters or sub chapters.

Existing System

Online Examination System (OES) is a Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based examination system that provides an easy to use environment for both Test Conductors and Students appearing for Examination. The main objective of OES is to provide all the features that an Examination System must have, with the "interfaces that doesn't Scare it's Users!”

Existing Software
The whole process of assigning test and evaluating their score after the test, manually till date. Processing the test paper i.e checking and distributing respective scores to take the time whenever the software was not instolled.

DFD for present system

What’s new in the system to be developed?
The online test created for online test has following features  In comparisons to the present system the proposed system will be less time consuming and is more efficient.   Analysis will be very easy in proposed system as it is automated. Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in very short span of time because calculation and evaluations are done by the simulator itself.  The propose system is very secure as no chance of leakage of question paper as it is dependent and their marks are stored and can be backup for future use.

Disadvantages of the Current System
   The current system is very time consuming. It is very difficult to analyze the exam manually. To take exam of more candidates more invigilators are required but no need of invigilators in case of online exam.   Results are not precise as calculation and evolution are done manually. The chances of papers leakage are more in current system as compared to proposed system.

Problem Analysis Product Development Approach
To solve actual problems in an industry, software developer or a team of developers must incorporate a development strategy that encompasses the process, methods and tools layers and generic phases. This strategy is often referred to as process model or a software developing paradigm. A process model for software developing is chosen based on the nature of project and application, the methods and tools to be used, and the controls and deliverables that are required. All software development can be characterized as a problem solving loop in which four distinct stages are encountered: Status quo, Problem definition, technical development and solution integration. Regardless of the process model that is chosen for a software project all of the stages coexist simultaneously at some level of detail. Our Project Follows the Waterfall Model  THE WATERFALL MODEL The steps of the typical Waterfall Model are: 1.Requirement Definition 2.System & Software Design 3.Implementation 4.Integration & System Testing 5.Operation and Maintenanc

The Waterfall Model
There have been some variations from the typical waterfall model for this project lifecycle. They are: 1. Maintenance has been omitted from the current project. 2. Not all testing methods which are present in theoretical model are implemented

Feasibility Analysis  Economical Feasibility
Economic analysis in most frequently used for evalution of the effectiveness of the system. More commonly knows as cost/benefit analysis the procedure is to determine the benefit and saving that are expected from a system and compare them with costs. Decisions is made to design and implement the system. This part of feasibility study gives the top management the economic justification for the new system. This is an management input to the management, because very often the top management dose not like to get confounded by the various techniques that bound to be associated with a project of this kind. A simple economic analysis that gives the actual comparision of costs and benefits is much more meaningful in such cases. In the system the organizayion is most satisfied by economic feasibility. Because, if the organization implements this system, it s need not require any additional hardware resources as well as it will be saving lot of time.

 Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility centers on the existing manual system of the test management process and to what extent it can support the system. According to feasibility analysis procedure the technical feasibility of the system is analyzed and the technical requirements such as software facilities, procedure, inputs are identified. It is also one of the import phases of the system development activities. The system offers greater levels of the users friendliness combined with greater processing speed. Therefore, the cost of maintenance can be reduced. Since, Processing speed is very high and the work is reduced in the maintenance point of view management convince that the project is operationally feasible.

 Behavioural Feasibility
People are inherently resistant to change and computer has been known to facilitate changes. An estimate should be made of how strong the user is likely to move towords the development of the computerised system. These are various levels of users in order to ensure authentication and authorization and security of sensitive of the organization.

Software Requirement Analysis Introduction
This system will be used in Three User Modules which are Administrator, Faculty and Student. As all of these have different requirements the modules are designed to meet their needs and avoid any type Of confusion. The Uses of all three User Modules have been described below: 1. U s e r c a n d o t h e f o l l o w i n g f u n c t i o n s i n t h e S u p p l i e r M o d u l e         Add & Edit Course Add & Edit Year Add & Edit Subject Add & Edit Faculty Add Receipt for User Edit User View Results Generate Reports.

2. User can do the following functions in the Faculty Module   Add & Edit Question Search the Question

3. U s e r c a n d o t h e f o l l o w i n g f u n c t i o n s i n t h e S t u d e n t M o d u l e   Give Exam View Result

Hardware and Software Specifications  Hardware Specifications
Server: Processor RAM HDD Pentium Dual Core 2.2 GHz or above 1 GB or above 80 GB or above

Client: Processor RAM HDD Pentium-IV or above 256 MB or above 40 GB or above

 Software Specifications Programming Language Scripting Language Operating System RDBMS Web Servers ASP Editor .NET Framework ASP.NET, C Sharp JavaSrcipt, HTML, CSS Microsoft Windows XP Professional SQL Server IIS 5.1 Visual Studio 2010 4.0

Design Design Notation
This is an overview of all the Database Design Notations that you will use when drawing Database Model Diagrams and ER diagrams. All these shapes are available in Creately and you can try out ademo or take a look at some sample database models for more context.  Table

Table object in database design is used to represent 'things' in the real world. real real-world objects might be a customer, an inventory item or an invoice. Tables are made of rows  Entity

In Entity Relationship model, an entity notation is a thing of the real world which can be distinguished from other aspects of the real world. An entity may be a physical object such as a house, an event such as a house sale, or a concept such as a customer transaction.  Weak Entity

Weak Entity notation cannot be uniquely identified by its attributes alone. It must use a foreign key in conjunction with its attributes to create a primary key. This notation is represented by a attributes double- outlined rectangle. For ex., consider a database for tracking employees. Dependent persons (Jake and Tom) exist in the employee database because their father (an employee) exists in the Employee table.  Key Attribute

A key attribute is the unique characteristic of the entity. For ex. Name and hire date are attributes of the entity Employee.

Multivalued Attribute

A multivalued attribute can have more than one value at a time for an attribute. For ex., skills of a surgeon is a multivalued attribute since a surgeon can have more than one skill.  Relationship

Relationships in Entity Relationship Models show how two entities share information in the database structure

Detailed Design




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 Question Dump











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Flowcharts/ER Diagram
 Data Flow Diagram

ER Diagram

ER Diagram

Complete table structure  Discussion

Question Dump




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All key and constraints
Key  Super Key A combination of one or more columns in a table which can be used to identify a record in a table uniquely, a table can have any number of super keys.  Candidate Key A Column (or) Combination of columns which can help uniquely identify a record in a table without the need of any external data is called a Candidate Key. Depending on the need and situation a Table may have one or more candidate keys and one of them can be used as a Primary Key of the table. A candidate key is a sub set of a Super Keys.  Compound Key A Combination of more than one column identifying records of a table uniquely, all the columns that take part in the combination process are Simple Key’s. We can represent this buy taking a table which has the combined information of Department to Employees, Employee ID + Department ID – here both of them define a record in this table, but both can make sense separately as well.  Primary Key A Column in a table (which is a Simple Key) which is a Candidate Key (Uniquely identify a records in a table) and has the Constraint NOT NULL attached to it is known as a Primary Key.  Composite Primary Key (Composite Key) When we have a Primary Key of a table defined using more than one columns then it is known as a Composite Key, each columns data can be duplicated, but combined values

cannot be. The columns which are participating in a composite primary key are not simple keys.  Alternate Key We cannot define the Alternate Key Seperately from a Candidate Key, for a table, if there are two Candidate Key’s and one is chosen as a Primary Key the other Candidate Key is known as the Alternate Key of that table.  Unique Key A column (or) combination of columns which can be used to uniquely identify a record in a table, it can have one NULL Value. Primary Key can be considered a special case of unique key with a Not Null Constraint.  Foreign Key A column of one table points to the Primary Key column of another table to implement referential data integrity.

There are five types of constraints:

A NOT NULL constraint is a rule that prevents null values from being entered into one or more columns within a table.

A unique constraint (also referred to as a unique key constraint) is a rule that forbids duplicate values in one or more columns within a table. Unique and primary keys are the supported unique constraints. For example, a unique constraint can be defined on the supplier identifier in the supplier table to ensure that the same supplier identifier is not given to two suppliers.

A primary key constraint is a column or combination of columns that has the same properties as a unique constraint. You can use a primary key and foreign key constraints to define relationships between tables.

A foreign key constraint (also referred to as a referential constraint or a referential integrity constraint) is a logical rule about values in one or more columns in one or more tables. For example, a set of tables shares information about a corporation's suppliers. Occasionally, a supplier's name changes. You can define a referential constraint stating that the ID of the supplier in a table must match a supplier ID in the supplier information. This constraint prevents insert, update, or delete operations that would otherwise result in missing supplier information.

A (table) check constraint (simply called a check constraint) sets restrictions on data added to a specific table. For example, a table check constraint can ensure that the salary level for an employee is at least $20,000 whenever salary data is added or updated in a table containing personnel information.

The On line test System is developed using Java and sql fully meets the objectives of the system for which it has been developed. The system has reached a steady state where all bugs have been eliminated. The system is operated at a high level of efficiency and all the teachers and user associated with the system understands its advantage. The system solves the problem. It was intended to solve as requirement specification.

   

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