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BAE Business Report on Woolworths

LIU Ying (Rina)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………ⅰ


Evaluation of company in terms of an ethical issue…………2

Evaluation of company in financial terms of profitability…..4



Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to provide an ethical and financial evaluation of Woolworths for a client to help him decide whether to invest in this company.

The respect for the right of employees was chosen as an ethical issue and the company was evaluated from two aspects: the right of employees and safety. Profitability was the financial factor which was also be used for the evaluation.

Woolworths has showed respect for the rights of employees and performed well in achieving safety standards for employees. It is an ethical company. In addition, the profit of Woolworths is going up every year and there is an upward trend in the profit. Thus, the recommendation of this report is that Woolworths is an ethical company with an ability to gain profit, which is good for investment.

This report aims at evaluating the company of Woolworth from ethical and financial aspects to help a client who is interested in ethical investing. So the client can make a decision as to whether to invest in this company. Ethical investing is a method of investing which contains social or ethical goals or constraints, as well as conventional financial criteria in decisions over whether to hold or dispose of an investment. (Cowton 1999, p. 60).

Woolworths Limited is an Australia-based company operates in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and India. It is one of the largest retailers chain in Australia and also has the largest employees in Australasia with more than 188,000 members. There are approximately 3,030 stores, petrol sites and hotels under the operation of Woolworths. The principal offerings include food and grocery, liquor, petrol, general merchandise and consumer electronics. This company also operates hotels and related services. (REUTERS n.d.)

The report includes four main sections. The first section gives the purpose of this report, background information about ethical investing and brief description of Woolworths. The next section involves the evaluation of Woolworths in terms of an ethical issue concerning the respect for the rights of employees. The third part evaluates Woolworths from a financial view. Finally, a recommendation will be made for the client with some limitations of this report.

Evaluation of company in terms of an ethical issue
Ethical investing uses non-financial normative criteria such as social responsibility, the concerning of environment, to ensure the securities of portfolios for investors. (Hudson 2005, pp 641) Therefore, whether the performance of the company is “ethical” or “unethical” will surely have an influence on the investing decision-making of investors. This section will examine the respect for employees as an ethical issue to evaluate the performance of Woolworths from two aspects: one is the right of employees and the other is safety.

Arnold, D.G. (2006, pp 416) claimed that employees have a right to the fruits of their labor. The most important point is that employees are entitled to be treated with respect by their employers. Thus, when employees are terminated, they are required to be given reasons which explain the actions of employers. Woolworths is in fact acting ethically in terms of the respect for the right of employees. Available information indicates that Woolworths fired eight employees in three states for performing potentially dangerous stunt on top of meat grinders, display shelves, trolleys and stacks of milk crates and then boasting the planking online. ( 2011) After sacking the eight employees, Risk and Safety General Manager of Woolworths Anthony Wilson said "It's not about being the fun police, it's about making sure people are looking out for their own safety," Mr. Wilson said. "Planking is a direct contradiction of our safety and health policy. Our employees have a responsibility to ensure their own safety and the safety of those around them."(Yahoo! 7 news 2011) Woolworths had given reasons for its sacking, which fulfilled its obligations in terms of the respect for the right of employees; therefore, from this aspect, Woolworths is quite ethical.

Safety is a responsibility of management, just as important as the organizational effectiveness. (Dunbar & Roger, L.M, 2005, p 364) Woolworths has made significant achievements in terms of safety. According to the Woolworths Limited Corporate Responsibility Report 2011(Woolworths,2011,p 34) safety is a key aspect of their business and underpins all operational activity. Woolworths had set up the goal of zero harm to their people, environment and community. In order to achieve this goal, they encouraged all levels of people in the organization to take care of their own safety and the safety of others. Another fact to support this is that in 2011, Woolworths reduced Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 8.51, 30% lower than 2010.(Woolworths,2011,p 35)In addition, Woolworths won the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) Workplace Safety Award 2010,which is also a good example. (Woolworths,2011,p 34)Therefore, responsible evidence has shown that Woolworths is quite ethical in achieving safety standards for employees.

Evaluation of company in financial terms of profitability
Table 1: Five Year Summary of Profitability ($m)
[pic]data from: Woolworths Limited Annual report 2011(Woolworths,2011,p 80)

Profitability is an important factor which can be used to evaluate the financial performance of a company in order to help investors decide whether to invest in the company. The graph illustrates the profitability of Woolworths the x-axis indicates the years and the y-axis shows the profit measured by million. As can be seen from the graph, overall, there was an upward trend of profit through the five years. According to the table, the profit of Woolworths Limited after tax and Hybrid Notes kept increasing in the five years. In 2007, the number was 1294.0 and then climbed to 1626.8 in 2008.The profit after tax and Hybrid Notes grew by 208.9 in 2009 and in the next year, went up to 2020.8. In 2011, the profit after tax and Hybrid Notes amounted to the maximal point at 2124.0. It is noticeable that the non controlling interests showed a downward trend. In 2007, the number of non controlling interests was 17.3 and then peaked at 24.7 in 2008. There was a slight decrease of non controlling interests dropped at 24.3 in 2009. In 2010, the figure fell to 17.2 and in 2011 the non controlling interests hit the bottom at 16.3. Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the chart that the profitability of Woolworths has performed an upward trend in the five years which means Woolworths has a strong ability to operate business and gain profit. Thus, Woolworths is a good company to invest in.

Taking into account the evaluation of Woolworths from ethical and financial aspects, this report recommends that Woolworths would be a good company to consider investing in. Woolworths has performed well in respect to the rights of employees and has made significant achievements in ensuring the safety of workplace. Thus, Woolworths is an ethical company. From a financial view, the profit of Woolworths keeps growing every year, which shows that Woolworths is a good operator and has a strong ability to make profit; therefore, it would be a good company to invest in.

However, there are some limitations of the report since this report mainly focuses on only one ethical issue and the profitability of Woolworths. For investors, they may need to learn more information about the whole operating situation of the company.

Arnold, D.G 2006, ’The right of employees’, Business Ethics Quarterly,vol 16 no 3, pp.415-418
Cowton, C.J. 1999, 'Playing by the Rules: Ethical Criteria at an Ethical Investment Fund', Business Ethics: An European Review 8(1).
Dunbar & Roger, L.M, 2005, ‘The right of employees in an organization’, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 18, no 2, June, p364-369
Hudson, R 2005, ‘Ethical Investing: investors and management’, Business Ethics Quarterly, vol 15, no 4, pp. 641-657 2011, Woolworths sacks workers for planking, viewed 28 December 2011,
REUTERS n.d., Profile: Woolworths Ltd (WOW.AX), viewd 30 December 2011,
Woolworths Limited, 2011, Woolworths Limited Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 , p 34-35
Woolworths Limited, 2011, Woolworths Limited Annual report 2011, p 80
Yahoo! 7 news 2011, Woolworths fires eight staff for planking, viewed 28 December 2011,

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