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Cue Screeching Case Study

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Spatial Cueing
1.When examining the result of the lab, which of the three reaction times were lower (faster) - (a) no cue (b) valid cue or (c ) invalid cue? If the “no cue” reaction time was faster than the invalid cue, what could be inferred about invalid cues?

All members get a lower response time in valid cue and we also got a "no cue" reaction time faster than invalid cue. These invalid cue occur at locations where nothing was predict. This means that each member does not expect that the signal will go out on the opposite side of the direction the arrow shows. This makes every group members take a while to react and this also causes them to give the wrong reaction. If no arrows appear. The target will appear either on the right or left. In this case, each member of the group will reacting without being confused by the arrow. From this test we can conclude that the response is faster as the target appears at the cued location and slower when the target appears at the unexpected location. …show more content…
what will happen to your reaction time if you try to escape the bats in this cave?
Reaction time will be faster if we hear something that attracts us. In this case, I do not like bats and this causes my reaction time to be faster because I'm afraid of bats. Fear of something will also make my response time faster. Your nervous system allows your body to respond to different stimuli. Reaction time is influenced by several factors. for example, fears, age, awareness, fatigue, disturbances, stimuli warning to be generated, and intelligence.

3.You are playing your final game against York University, a strong offensive team. You are defending number 23, a top player and a well known for his fancy footwork. why does he beat you to the basket every time after he fakes his body to the right but then goes left? Explain in terms of your reaction speed to his

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