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Bridges Summer Program Essay

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I would like to take part in the Bridges summer program because I’m a dedicated, determined and ambitious student that wants to get a head start in college. I have taken on the task of graduating a year early so I can go above and beyond my education in the field I would like to pursue. The Bridges summer program helps me start on a higher level than my peers who might also be going into Computer Science. I have also heard about the great and beneficial opportunities that I could have if I go to Valencia before starting off at the University of Central Florida. It’s a great opportunity to use my summers for something other than sitting behind the computer playing games or sleeping… although those things sound great and like a fun way to spend …show more content…
I’ve gone against all three and still find a way to hold my head high, there has yet to be something that knocks me down so far that I can’t get up. Early on in my life, it was around my middle school years, I was forced to grow up relatively quickly when my father had gotten diagnosed with leukemia, it was a hard time and it was also extremely terrifying. I only had one parent left in my life and now he was sick, I had no idea what to do if my father did pass, I was angry, I was confused and upset. I had started to become angry and depressed. I had nowhere to turn and no one to talk to, I felt like my family didn’t want to talk about it because we already had a huge problem at hand and they couldn’t deal with another one, they would have said something like “It’s okay, you’ll be fine.” or “Get over it.”. I had made a not so wise decision to turn to negative outlets that temporarily made life tolerable. My grades started to fall from A’s and B’s to high and low C’s. No one in school ever noticed because it was seventh grade and to the guidance counselor's slipping grades were the least of their worries. Life has slowly started to become too much for me, at some point, I had thankfully started to see a counselor outside of school to help me feel more like me. She was the one who had introduced me to

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