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Paintball Gun History

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Did you know that the first paintball gun was built in the 1970’s? It was invented by Charles Nelson, owner of Nelson Paint Company. At first paintball gun were called markers for the simple fact that foresters and ranch owners would mark tree to be cut down or for the ranchers to mark cattle. It was not until June 2, 1981 that they were used as guns against other people. Legend has it that Hayes Noel, a stockbroker for Wall Street, and Charles Gaines, a writer, they had to settle an argument that an average city-man can go up against a professional hunter. Twelve men set out to have the first paintball match. Now children and adults have fun playing a friendly round of paintball. Even in the military they use paintball as training. What …show more content…
The Tippman Cronus would be the best one. On its user reviews it is known for its accuracy. With rails on the side, owners of the guns can customize them anyway they want. Its at an affordable price. All these reasons are what makes it make the top of the list. Next on the list is the Tippman A5. There are tons of options for realistic looking body kits. A wide multitude of stocks, barrels, magazines, grips and barrels available, the combinations are almost endless. The gun itself has a fire selector on the grip for safety and single shot modes, and can easily fire up to 15 paintballs a second. The Tippman A5 an extremely versatile mid range package for any serious player. One of the most popular Tippmann paintball markers for scenario players. Our 3rd best is the Dye Proto Rail MaXXed. While the Dye Proto Rail might be on the higher end of the price scale for most entry level players, it's a great option for those looking to upgrade to a high end gun but still not break the bank. The 14 inch barrel shoots straight and it can fire 15 balls per second, and rarely chops paint. Everything about this high end marker screams quality.he Proto Rail Maxxed comes equipped with an e-trigger right out of the box, which means by using an electronic circuit to power the autococker firing mechanism, you save a lot of air over the course of several games. It also means reduced recoil, a quieter gun gun overall and tighter

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