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Why Do We Need Religion

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Thousands of years ago, religion was created by early humans. In the beginning, humans worshipped many gods and spirits they believed to be ancestors. These gods and ancestors were said to control the weather, hunting, and survival of humans. These humans were said to have communicated with these gods to help them survive (Religion). Religion would not be possible without language. Communication between humans had evolved so much that they began to understand an afterlife, or even understand the weather and animals. Communication was the most important and valuable thing that ancient civilization created and modified to make society and life better for everyone. The study of religion also created a much more sophisticated human brain and opened up the world of science and math.
Science and math are the two most commonly used areas of study in today's society, mostly for creating jobs and careers. These two career fields have opened up areas of study that have furthered technology and allowed humans to live in a much easier and friendly world (PBS).
Science …show more content…
Religion helped humans understand how some things worked, like nature or other creatures. As society and language advanced, humans began to veer off of the path of religion. This opened up the study of science. These humans needed to understand how things worked without religion. Religion had many questions that went unanswered and science helped answer them. While some humans studied both religion and science, there was often a conflict due to how the two differed from each other. Language allowed humans to create a thought process which helped them separate from religion to understand the laws of science in more detail

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