...Understanding Cultural Competency in Healthcare Settings Define culture It is very difficult to define culture from just one perspective. Culture can never be generalized and categorized into specific groups and subgroups (Bryan, 2014). We can’t say there is one African American culture, or “the Asian American culture”. We have to be careful when categorizing a group of people as being this way or that way due to their culture as that would be stereotyping (Bonder, Martin, Miracle, (2001). However, each group has some general cultural similarities and practices that are common amongst themselves (Bryan, (2014). Definitions of culture therefore depend on the views of the definer (Bryan, 2014). Some say culture is a “common view” of a people and a way of life by others (Campinha-Bacote, (2003). Others claim culture is a “common experience” that shapes similar attitudes, behaviors, and values (AIR, (2002). These values and attitudes are reinforced over time and carried forward from one...
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...provide effective and efficient health services; health care organizations need to develop cultural and linguistic competence (Gordon, 2013). The aim for health care organizations is to achieve cultural competence as evidenced by every patient regardless of race, ethnicity, culture or language receiving the highest-quality care (Betancourt, Green, Carrillo, & Park, 2005). Betancourt, Green, Carillo, and Ananeh-Firempong II (2003) defined a cultural competent health care organization as one that recognizes and integrates the importance of culture, cultural differences, cultural knowledge and services to meet the distinctive needs of the culture. This cultural competence encompasses integration and interaction of beliefs, behaviors, disease prevalence and incidence and treatment outcomes for diverse patient populations (Betancourt et al., 2003). In the case study: Diversity Conflicts in the NICU the manager has identified practices in the NICU that are not representative of a culturally competent organization. While reflecting on the diverse population that her staff comprises of the manager debates changing her hiring practices to avoid the amount of growing conflicts. Gordon (2013) discusses how health care organizations have an obligation to develop policies and practices that will assist in recruiting, retaining, and managing the various cultures represented in the workforce to offer both culturally appropriate care and improved access to care. The Commonwealth Fund indicates...
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...Cultural Competence The city of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County area is an extremely ethnically and racially diverse city in the state of Wisconsin (Milwaukee Citywide Policy Plan, 2010). According to the American Community Survey (ACS) in 2008 the city residents made up about 63% of Milwaukee County’s total population. However, the city of Milwaukee accounts for almost 88% of the county’s minority population and that number is slightly increasing yearly (Milwaukee Citywide Policy Plan, 2010). There are primarily Blacks, Hispanics, and Asian minorities found living in the area but there are still many more other minorities found in the streets of the city of Milwaukee. Graph 1 and Graph 2 below show the minority population in Milwaukee County compares to the minority population in the city of Milwaukee. Graph 1: Milwaukee County Population 2013 Sources: United States Census Bureau, 2010 Graph 2: City of Milwaukee Population 2010 Sources: United States Census Bureau, 2010 With the continuing rise of minorities, one of Milwaukee’s largest health care facilities, Aurora Health Care, needs to focus more on how they can increase cultural competence. Cultural competence is the ability of a health care system to be able to provide care to their patients of diverse values, behaviors, beliefs (Betancourt, Green, & Carrillo, 2002). It is a continuous attempt and ongoing process to understand the traditions, values, customs, and beliefs of a diverse group and respecting...
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...CULTURAL COMPETENCE IN HEALTH CARE: EMERGING FRAMEWORKS AND PRACTICAL APPROACHES Joseph R. Betancourt Massachusetts General Hospital–Harvard Medical School Alexander R. Green and J. Emilio Carrillo New York-Presbyterian Hospital–Weill Medical College of Cornell University FIELD REPORT October 2002 Support for this research was provided by The Commonwealth Fund. The views presented here are those of the authors and should not be attributed to The Commonwealth Fund or its directors, officers, or staff. Copies of this report are available from The Commonwealth Fund by calling our toll-free publications line at 1-888-777-2744 and ordering publication number 576. The report can also be found on the Fund’s website at www.cmwf.org. CONTENTS About the Authors.......................................................................................................... iv Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................... iv Executive Summary......................................................................................................... v Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 Findings........................................................................................................................... 3 Defining Cultural Competence ..............................................................................
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...Standards of Care NUR 531 Emerging Standards of Care The impact of the varying demographics and the emergent multicultural humanity emphasizes the significance of cultural competence for the provision of quality care in this diverse society. Identifying and comprehending the beliefs, customs, practices, and values of a culture is essential for nurses and health care providers. Beyond the racial and ethnic group, classification that usually comes to mind with discussion of cultural diversity, other types of cultural diversity such as gender and organization affiliation warrants attention. This paper will discuss cultural competence in home health care/hospice, the people that receive service and issues of community vulnerability. Exploration of standards of cultural competence, potential impacts of delivery of care, and possible solutions to implement where standards are not being met will emerge. Cultural Competence According to Freidman, Bowden, and Jones (2003), people view culture as a model for our way of living, behaving, living, and feeling. An association between culture and heath practices is existent. In fact, culture is the most influential factor in determining health behaviors and beliefs (Campinha-Bacote, 2003). Cultural competence involves being aware of, and conversant on, and sensitive to the diverse cultures that exist in the population. Health care providers should not only embrace cultural diversity but must also strive for cultural competence in order...
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...Barrett * OUT LINE: “Cultural competence an important skill to a health care practice”: * What is cultural competence? What is not? 1. It’s not cultural awareness, cultural sensibility. 2. According to the anthropologist, Williams Haviland: Cultural 3. According to the office of Minority Health, defined Cultural and linguistic ( Website: www.competence (http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/) 4. Kate Berardo as Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication. 5. Stephanie Quappe and Giovanna Cantatore( 2007). * Why is cultural competence important in the health field? 1. I’ am an immigrant (My experience) : I have seem poor quality of care 2. Personal experience as an interpreter. (Example). * The Benefit and the lack of cultural competence:(Negative & positive effects): 1. Zborowski, M. (1952). Cultural Components in Responses to Pain. Journal Of Social Issues, 8(4), 16-30. 2. Dr Elyse R. Pork PhD from, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (2006) 3. http://xculture.org/why-cultural-competency 4. Used: Schwartz, M. C. (1978). Helping the worker with counter-transference. Social Work, 23(3), 204. 5. Cultural Competence in Psychosocial and Psychiatric Care: A Critical Perspective with Reference to Research and Clinical Experiences in California, US and in Germany. Social Work In Health Care, 39(3-4), 231-247. doi:10.1300/J010v39n03_ ...
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...12/13/13’ Cultural Competence To begin with, in order for people to understand cultural competence, they must know the meaning of culture. What is culture? Culture can be defined as different experiences of people customs, values, beliefs, and languages. It also entails of worldviews, ways of communicating and knowing. Also culture can be classified as race/ethnicity, social class, age, sexual orientation, religion, gender or disability. Cultural of conglomerates can refer to people who are not related by lineage. For example, they are not in the same lineage for organizational culture, disability community culture, and gay culture. Not only that, but culture can mean to the institutions. This can means family, education, government, and religion. This help with economic systems that preserve and shape patterns of thought, behavior, and beliefs. Cultural competence is associated with the ability to talk effectively with people of socio-economic backgrounds. Cultural competence can be associated in the same category of government agencies, non-profit organizations, and human resources that consist of employees work with people of different ethnic/cultural backgrounds. Cultural competence has four components. They are cross-cultural skills, knowledge of different cultural worldviews, awareness of one’s own cultural worldview, and having positive cultural differences. These elements are important because if people develop cultural competence, it can help to understand...
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...Running head: ASSIGNMENT 1, WEEK 6 Assignment 1 Teassa Eubanks Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness Mansour Rostami, Instructor November 13, 2010 Minority Population | Health disparities | Native American Indian Native Alaskan | Health disparities are believed to be the result of the complex interaction among genetic variations, environmental factors, and specific health behaviors. Compared with other Americans, Indians experience disproportionately high mortality from alcoholism, tuberculosis, diabetes, injuries, suicide, and homicide. Tribal leaders report that diabetes, unintentional injuries, alcoholism, and substance abuse are rising to crisis proportions in American Indian and Alaska Native communities | Asian | Lack of access to regular care. Asians are least likely to report having a personal doctor compared to other racial and ethnic groups in the US. 19.4 % of Asian adults compared to 12.9% of whites report being without a usual source of health care. Cambodians and Vietnamese are three times more likely to forgo visiting a doctordue to cost compared to all Asians or US residents.• Less satisfaction with care. Compared to other racial and ethnic groups, Asians are least likely to be satisfied with the speed of their care, doctor-patient communication, and office staff.• Fewer preventive services. Asians are less likely to have blood pressure monitoring and pap smears. In fact,cervical cancer screening...
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...K**** I**** Grand Canyon University: Transcultural HealthCare February 28, 2016 Applying Purnell’s Model What is cultural competence? To be culturally competent healthcare provider one needs to understand their own world outlook and those of their patients, at the same time avoiding stereotyping and their own biases. Cultural competence is obtaining cultural data and then relating that knowledge. Cultural competence is a conscious ongoing process. Cultural awareness allows a healthcare provider to see the entire picture and improves the quality of care and health outcomes. Familiarizing ones self to different cultural beliefs and practices requires flexibility and a respect for others view points. Cultural competence requires the ability to listen to the patient, to learn about the patient’s beliefs of health and illness. The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence is a framework having detailed questions and a format that could be used to assess culture in healthcare setting. The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence in a healthcare setting place an importance on effective communication as well as the need to know the cultural views of patients. Purnell’s definition of cultural competence is, the totality of socially transmitted behavioral patterns, arts, beliefs, values, customs, lifeways, and all other products of human work and thought characteristics of a population of people that guide their worldview and decision making (Purnell, 2002,pg6-7). In other words...
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...INTRODUCTION In recent years, patient-centeredness and cultural competence have been promoted as integral to improving health care quality. Although patient- centeredness and cultural competence have grown out of separate traditions each with its own focus they have many similarities. Health care that is patient-centered is likely also to be culturally competent, and culturally competent care is likely to be patient-centered. Proponents of patient-centeredness may therefore view cultural competence as within its purview; likewise, proponents of cultural competence may view patient-centeredness as an essential element. THE EVOLUTION OF PATIENT-CENTEREDNESS Patient-centered care supports active involvement of patients and their families in the design of new care models and in decision-making about individual options for treatment. The IOM (Institute of Medicine) defines patient-centered care as: "Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions." The term “patient-centered medicine” was originally coined by Balint in 1969 to express the belief that each patient “has to be understood as a unique human being (Balint)".The concept has evolved and expanded, and today, no one would deny that health care should be patient-centered.2 However, despite universal endorsement of patient-centeredness, there is considerable ambiguity in its definition and use across settings...
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...Leininger’s Cultural Care Theory as cited by Maier-Lorentz (2008), on Transcultural Nursing, nurses need to be aware of various cultures and how to use this knowledge in their daily practice (Maier-Lorentz, 2008). Leininger’s Cultural Care Theory addresses the need for cultural competency in health care. Communication with a patient can be affected by a patient’s culture. In addition, nurses need to avoid ethnocentric bias. In an effort to achieve a holistic approach to health care one must have an understanding of cultural factors that may affect proposed health care interventions. Leininger’s Cultural Care Theory can be hardwired with Watson’s Theory of Human Care to help achieve holistic care of the patient (Leininger & McFarland, 2002). In this paper I will discuss the design of a teaching program at my workplace to help raise awareness about vulnerable populations. According to De Chesney and Anderson (2008), issues with vulnerability can apply to population groups or individual people. De Chesney and Anderson (2008) discuss vulnerable populations that are at higher risk for health issues related to socioeconomic status, cultural issues, or environmental issues (De Chesney & Anderson, 2008). In the development of this project, I considered focusing on the Hispanic population. However, after research on vulnerable populations the project was focused to be broader and encompass other populations in an effort to help caregivers understand the need to hardwire cultural competence...
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...CULTURAL COMPETENCY Policy: SCOPE: This policy impacts all staff and departments in National Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Services PURPOSE: This policy demonstrates a commitment to a comprehensive linguistic and cultural competency plan and describes how it will meet the linguistic and cultural needs of the residents it serves. The objectives of this policy include the following: 1. To ensure that National Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Services is aware of and identifies enrollees who may need additional resources to meet their cultural and linguistic preferences. 2. To ensure that National Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Services meets the language requirements of its client health plans and their State mandated requirements to provide enrollee materials in easily understandable formats, including special attention to the reading level requirements set forth. 3. To ensure that National Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Services meets the needs of enrollees who may require materials in additional formats such as large font, braille, audio recordings, etc. 4. To ensure that National Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Services meets the needs of enrollees in providing access to interpreters, onsite and offsite when speaking with National Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Services staff. POLICY: National Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Services has developed a Cultural Competency Plan and training program to create an awareness of and sensitivity...
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...culturally congruent care are the key factors for effective and excellent nursing care (Srivastava, 2007). However, health care provider’s roles and responsibilities in meeting health care needs of the clients in consideration to cultural perspective and diversity are getting more challenging and complicated due to increased number of people from a group of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, which, in turn requires health care providers to acknowledge and understand variations of cultural healthcare beliefs, values and practices. Transcultural nursing is essential in the process of nursing care because of the different factors, which includes increasing diversity and multicultural identities, emergent use of health care equipment that occasionally dispute the cultural ethics and beliefs of the clients and a rise in feminism and gender issues (Andrews &ump; Boyle, 2008). Maier-Lorentz (2008) states that the fundamental aspect of healthcare is transcultural nursing since culturally competent nursing care help guarantee patient satisfactions and health beneficial outcome. According to the Royal College of Nursing (2009), providing care with respect to health and illness based on the expectations of the people’s values, beliefs and practices corresponding with culture is the focal point of transcultural care. Influenced by the principles and theories of transcultural nursing, the author defines transcultural nursing as a discipline of culturally care for individuals, families...
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...of Care Paper December 15, 2014 Donna Rose Nur/531 Emerging Standards of Care Paper A growing problem in the United States is the increase in health disparities amongst minorities regardless that the United States is a multicultural country. This problem is due to the poor quality and accessibility of health care services. As the population of diversity continues to grow rapidly so does the importance of cultural competence in healthcare. Cultural competence is a set of behaviors, attitudes, and skills that enables nurses to work effectively in cross-cultural situations ("Cultural Competence", 2014). Organizations must have the capacity to value diversity, conduct self-assessment, manage the dynamics of difference, institutionalize cultural knowledge and adapt to the diversity and the cultural context of the communities they serve. The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) stated that inequities in service delivery and care in the health care system are associated with discrimination, and a lack of culturally competent practices, including a lack of cultural awareness and sensitivity by health care providers (Upsher, n.d). Substance abuse is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences ("The Science Of Drug Abuse And Addiction: The Basics", 2014). This paper will discuss and define the appropriateness of competent care in Substance abuse care and...
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...Atim, MBChB, MPH Uganda Health Marketing Group (UHMG) Stephanie Cantu Harvard Medical School Jonelle Wright, PhD, RN University of Miami Introduction This module consists of four (4) sections. After completing the training, you will take a short quiz on the training content. After completing the quiz, we ask you to answer a few optional questions to give your view of this training module. Learning Objectives By the end of this module, you should be able to: Describe the concept of Cultural Competence in Research Explain the importance of Cultural Competence in Research Describe ways to enhance the engagement of diverse populations and communities in research Identify cultural competence challenges faced by researchers when working with culturally diverse populations Cultural Competence in Research Culture is fundamental to everyone's perceived identity. It is a mix of one's values, beliefs, standards, norms, behaviors, language, communication styles, and thinking patterns.[1] Cultural competence refers to understanding the importance of social and cultural influence on the beliefs and behaviors of the patient, student, colleague or client.[2] Cultural competence in health care describes the ability of systems and health care professionals to provide high quality care to patients with diverse backgrounds, values, beliefs, and behaviors, including communicating effectively and tailoring delivery to meet patients' social, cultural and linguistic needs and...
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