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Submitted By Tboskie04
Words 435
Pages 2
Current Event:

“Lizard Squad Hack Sony Playstation and Xbox

An online hacking group named “Lizard Squad” issued and carried out attacks on Christmas against the video game giants, Playstation and Xbox. They accomplished this feat by using a tactic call “DDoS.” MCcormack and Spillett (2014) state that DDoSing occurs when massive numbers of people or automated machines flood servers with external data requests, crippling the computers to the point where they grind to a halt and are effectively frozen (MCcormack & Spillett, 2014). This caused both console users the inability to use their devices due to the digital technology of the next generation consoles. Each require a connection to the Internet to both sign into user profiles and ultimately play a game. Without the servers, the consoles were basically bricks taking up space. This group also has made terroristic threats on the CEO of Sony during one of his flights, stating that there were explosives on board, which resulted in the plane being diverted to be searched.
The digital ethical issue with this case is a group that broke into two corporation’s networks and shut down their servers, resulting in a worldwide incident. Users everywhere were affected by this malicious act. I myself was a victim of this attack. I could not even log onto my Xbox. I like to use my console for other entertainment such as streaming Netflix and I was not able to do this. This group has also made claims to have ties to ISIS. As we advance into a more technological world, one can only imagine what other dangers await us.
After experiencing/reading this article some questions that arise are, if they threatened to carry out this attack, why were there no security measures put in place? Second, being such big companies, Sony and Microsoft, why is there no protocol when stuff like this happens? I remember not

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