Premium Essay



Submitted By SaumyaNair
Words 2503
Pages 11
Curroption is an inherent part of the democratic setup.

Submitted To:

Prof. Rohita Dwiwedi

Submitted By:

Saumya Nair.

PGP-I (25)

Tulsidas said: “I am troubled by two kinds of people; the good people and the bad people”. When asked how the good people troubled him he replied: “The good people trouble me because of their absence and the bad people trouble me because of their presence”.

Good people are not absent they are in the shadows and sidelines. Bad people have swamped the stage. Their doings have reduced the faith of people in the Administrative machinery in India. Even intellectuals and ideologues are feeling that with such inefficient and largely dishonest machinery, there is little hope of bringing about any progress or economic development. The preamble to the Indian Constitution says: “We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute INDIA into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens, Justice, Social, Economic and Political… equality of Status and opportunity… in our Constituent Assembly this Twenty Sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution.” In the directive principles of the Constitution, the State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting a Social order with justice, economic and political, in all Institutions of National life. How difficult it is to achieve this task of reaching these lofty goals set by the founding fathers of our Constitution with corruption prone Administrative machinery?

We believed in ‘Simple living and High thinking’. We are seeing now ‘High living and simple thinking’. We were taught eating in public and easing in private; it is the opposite now. Newspeak has coined expressions like ‘Speed money’ ‘Hush money’ ‘Slush money’ and so on.

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