...Personal Thinking Styles Pursuant to my Life Styles Inventory (LSI): Self-description results my primary personal thinking style is “Avoidance” with a percentile score of 55% and my back-up thinking style is “Conventional” with a percentile score of 50%. As I reviewed my circumplex I became rather disturbed as I tried to understand the “Avoidance” scale. The LSI description of Avoidance states that the this thinking style is defined by tendencies of denying responsibility and your behavior, feelings of guilt and an obsession of your own concerns. I have trouble relating to these characteristics as I hardly stray from responsibility if it’s warranted or of having guilty feelings and am definitely not obsessive over my own concerns. In fact, I always own up to my responsibilities and/or any mess ups either at work or at home. I have not been in a role of a manager yet have supervised a number of interns and I have never been threatened by or with any responsibilities pushed upon me. In fact, I almost always took same on with confidence and a sense of dedication. I do agree with the assessment that at times I may not give myself full credit where I completely deserve it; I have attributed this more to humility than to insecurity. Although I am not hard on myself for mistakes and misjudgments I do, however, tend to dwell on things far longer than necessary. For example, if during a presentation I stumbled in answering a question I would live with the embarrassment of same...
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...Five Conflict Management Styles Here are the five conflict management styles according to Thomas, K.W., and R.H. Kilmann: Accommodating – This is when you cooperate to a high-degree, and it may be at your own expense, and actually work against your own goals, objectives, and desired outcomes. This approach is effective when the other party is the expert or has a better solution. It can also be effective for preserving future relations with the other party. 1. Avoiding - This is when you simply avoid the issue. You aren’t helping the other party reach their goals, and you aren’t assertively pursuing your own. This works when the issue is trivial or when you have no chance of winning. It can also be effective when the issue would be very costly. It’s also very effective when the atmosphere is emotionally charged and you need to create some space. Sometimes issues will resolve themselves, but “hope is not a strategy”, and, in general, avoiding is not a good long term strategy. 2. Collaborating – This is where you partner or pair up with the other party to achieve both of your goals. This is how you break free of the “win-lose” paradigm and seek the “win-win.” This can be effective for complex scenarios where you need to find a novel solution. This can also mean re-framing the challenge to create a bigger space and room for everybody’s ideas. The downside is that it requires a high-degree of trust and reaching a consensus can require a lot of time and effort...
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...Life Style Inventory Results Management 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Anne Hallcom September 16, 2012 The LSI, life styles inventory, measures twelve specific patterns of thinking that are broken down into three categories: constructive, passive/defensive, and aggressive/defensive. Constructive styles reflect self- thinking to receive your own satisfaction, develop relationships to work with people, and task completion. Passive/defensive styles reflect self- protecting thinking to ensure security needs with people. Aggressive/defensive styles reflect self-promoting thinking to maintain position through security needs by task-related activities. After taking the LSI survey my primary and secondary styles of thinking fall under aggressive/defensive thinking. My limiting style of thinking falls under passive/defensive thinking. My primary thinking style, power, measures your self-worth to a degree that we can control and dominate others. Power thinkers lack confidence in others and try to establish their feelings of self-importance. Power thinkers are characterized to be aggressive and to have a rigid way of thinking. Power thinkers have a high need for control, power, prestige, and status. Power thinkers dictate the actions of others and they are threatened by undermined authority. Consequently, the qualities I found to be true about me regarding power is that I have a lot of aggression, lack confidence in others, and I have a high need of control and influence. At...
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...1.0 introduction The Thomas Kilmann Model is simple tool that provides practice scenario of particular methodologies to managing conflict viably. The exploration upheld TKI offers a commonsense approach to launch safe and nonemotional discourse to resolve conflict. That is the reason its perfect for utilization in such a variety of diverse situations. It can additionally enhance organizational profit by helping individuals pick up knowledge into their own particular and others' conduct which thus helps them settle on better decisions about conclusions. The TKI is directed in simple to-utilize online and self-scorable configurations. Conflict is an inescapable part of human relationships. Where responsibility to mission and extended periods with negligible assets converge, not-for-profit work environments might be overflowing with conflict trades. Conflict can go out from administering varying viewpoints and clearly inconsistent concerns. Assuming that we can acknowledge it as a regular part of our zealous scene, it might be simpler to work with than in the event that we need (or wish!) conflict to never resurface. 2.0 Introduction of Thomas Kilmann Models. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument is intended to evaluate an individual conduct and behavior in certain scenarios. "Conflict Situations" are the scenarios in which the concerns of two individuals seem, by all accounts, to be incongruent. Conflict is a social culture...
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...GM591: Leadership and Organizational Behavior LIFE STYLES INVENTORY When proceeding with this life style survey, I was convinced that my “primary” style and/or my “back up” style will be far transparent from being Conventional and Oppositional. Moreover, in reviewing more in depth towards the final results, some of the outcomes are not exactly what I was expecting. In areas I thought should have resulted in a superlative score it barely met expectation in my scheme of things. Conventional-oriented has been revealed to be my “primary” style as the scoring was in the 98 percentile. I am by far not a manager that sees rules as more important than ideas. In fact, I do have a conservative behavior; however, it does not keep me away from trying new things. When working in a job I have always set goals and guidelines to be successful at my job skill. It has always persevered because I either was promoted at a rapid rate or acknowledgement went to me for an outstanding job. When working on a new job task that has been thrown my way, I get exhilarated from the new at all times. This describes more of an achievement-oriented “primary result” and what I was expecting at the end. At work, I am not seen as manager that will do things “by the book.” However, I am typically concerned with doing what is expected, but I am seeing as a manager that has high abilities to motivate subordinates to set goals and...
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...Journal 2 When it comes to me and negotiation I fall under the category of avoidance. I will say that if there is a way to avoid a major conflict or future conflict I usually take the steps to do that. There are also many times when I personally find things not worthy of a major discussion. I would rather take care of things that are going to have a major impact rather than little complications that pop up here and there. Time management is something that I focus on, so there are times where I do avoid issues that could be solved and they end up turning into a bigger situation then they needed to be. When I thought about this I realized that being an avoider could actually be a big disadvantage. When I continually avoid all the smaller issues that are occurring they have the potential to turn into one huge issue. That large issue will probably end up taking a lot more time to resolve, and could result in the relationships that I have being hurt. If you are not willing to sit down and have discussions with your counterparts or even people on your side, you risk the chance of them not wanting to work with you at all. Once that happens it will be a lot harder to get a deal done when the time comes for a negotiation of some sort. Another disadvantage of being an avoider is the fact that if you are constantly avoiding situations that could be resolved with a little bit of negotiation nothing will ever get done or get changed. When you look at some of the traits of an...
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...APPLE TAX AVOIDANCE SCHEME DOUBLE NON-TAXATION April 2015 1 Apple International Structure Source: New York Times 2 Taxation Principles RESIDENCE: • Incorporation • Place of Management -> Case of Ireland SOURCE: • Source jurisdiction is generally expected to have priority, but the concept of source is generally poorly developed in domestic tax legislation • Notion of permanent establishment, head office and transfer pricing rules 3 Double Irish Arrangement • The Double Irish Arrangement is a tax avoidance strategy that some multinational corporations use to shift income from a higher-tax country to a lower-tax country. • It is called Double Irish because it requires two Irish companies to complete the structure. One of these companies is tax resident in a tax haven 4 Apple Operations International (AOI) • AOI, the company's primary offshore holding company, made up 30% of Apple's total world profits. • Residence: Irish and U.S. tax residency rules: • Ireland uses a management and control test to determine tax residency. • United States determines tax residency based upon the entity’s place of formation. • AOI is incorporated in Ireland, it is not tax resident in Ireland, because AOI is neither managed nor controlled in Ireland. Because AOI was not incorporated in the United States, AOI is not a U.S. tax resident under U.S. tax law either. 5 Apple Sales International (ASI) (1) • The second...
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...Adult Entertainment: The Effect it has on Local Politics, Taxes, & Society Lindsey M. Chapman BUS 670: Legal Environment Professor Kim Stock-Foster May 21, 2012 While planning the development and growth of any city, most government officials do not keep the idea of adult entertainment type businesses at the top of their list or in the front of their minds; however almost any and every city of any size will have to encounter this type of business at some point in time. Adult entertainment type businesses come with their own type of issues when it comes to tax laws, business permits, and so forth, but in the past these types of businesses have been able to utilize their First Amendment Rights to defend their style of business, but when these types of businesses are utilizing local tax money to protect and defend their businesses when is enough, enough? It is well known that many people will turn to adult entertainment, not only for entertainment but for work for the simple fact of making a significant amount of money in a very short time; however what kind of impact do these types of businesses have on local governments and societies when the majority of the employees do not pay any taxes on their income? The following paper will describe the effects that adult entertainment businesses have on local governments, the tax laws, and the effects these taxes have on the society of the environment the business is in. Throughout history there have been many...
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...(802.1Qau - Congestion Notification). Congestion is defined as the condition in which demand exceeds available network resources (i.e., bandwidth or buffer space) for a sustained period of time. Congestion control deals with the resource allocation and traffic management mechanisms that avoid or recover from conditions causing congestive situations. (McDysan, Spohn (1999). The methods for congestion control in frame relay involve congestion management and avoidance. Congestion management attempts to make sure the network never experiences congestion. One method of management attempts to avoid congestion entirely. This involves network designers allocating proper resource allocation which may include changes to: * Physical trunk capacity * Virtual Path Connection (VPC) Bandwidth * Allocated Buffer Space The way in which a network allocates resources may be a balance between economic implementation cost and the degree of guaranteed Quality of Server (QoS). Congestion avoidance attempts to avoid severe congestion while at the...
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...KPMG's Tax Shelters Tax shelter is a legal way to reduce taxable income, which in turn reduces taxes. By utilizing legal tax shelters, it is possible to avoid taxes without evading them illegally and suffering consequences. However, in the case presented by Tanina Rostain. KPMG has used tax shelters as a form of tax evasion rather than tax avoidance. My goal in this paper is to discuss how the concept of Groupthink and Rationalization played a role in the partners decisions, point out when tax avoidance becomes tax evasion, Describe how CPA firms can provide high quality tax consulting for their clients without crossing the line into tax evasion, and Finally analyze why KPMG (as an organization) failed to prevent this scandal from occurring at their firm. First of all, when discussing concepts like "Groupthink" and "Rationalization" I prefer to start with a brief definition. "Groupthink occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment”(Irving). While " Rationalization is a defense mechanism that involves explaining an unacceptable behavior or feeling in a rational or logical manner, avoiding the true reasons for the behavior"(Cherry). As we can see from these definitions, the tax partners in KPMG showed popular symptoms' of groupthink which are: * "Illusion of invulnerability –Creates excessive optimism that encourages taking extreme risks. * Collective rationalization...
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...Abstract This paper seeks to glean an understanding of corporate tax shelters, in respect to legal and ethical considerations. Tax shelters are often viewed with negative connotations, yet the general public holds different perceptions of the various classifications of tax shelters, tax avoidance, tax evasion, and tax flight (Kirchler, Maciejovsky, & Schneider, 2003). While this suggests a tolerance based on legal concerns, there exists a growing accountability for corporate social responsibility, “whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities, and others stakeholders, as well as their environment” (Guliani, 2014, p. 1117). Part of this includes, “companies paying their due taxes and obeying the law” (Guliani, 2014, p. 1120). In order to analyze the ethicality of tax shelters, this paper will introduce a variety of corporate tax shelters, discuss corporate tax shelters in relation to tax avoidance and tax evasion, explore the impact of corporate tax shelters on stakeholders, and examine the affect corporate social responsibility has on tax liability. A Legal and Ethical Examination of Corporate Tax Shelters As each business embarks on a pursuit for profit, companies often find opportunities to reduce tax liabilities in the form of corporate tax shelters. Corporations should be aware that when reducing tax liability, they must consider the...
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...THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY AF5206 HONG KONG TAX FRAMEWORK Unit 14 – Anti-avoidance Provisions Coverage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tax avoidance and Tax evasion Principles of anti-avoidance rules Anti-avoidance provisions in IRO Section 61 Section 61A Doctrine of fiscal nullity Section 20 Section 61B Section 39E Section 9A (Type I service company arrangement) Type II service company arrangement Advance Ruling Tax planning and ethical issues Basic tax planning principles Basic techniques of tax planning 1 TAX AVOIDANCE AND TAX EVASION Tax avoidance - Attempt to obtain tax benefit (i.e. reduction, elimination or postponement of tax) by legal means Tax evasion - Failure on the part of taxpayer to supply full and correct information relevant to an assessment of tax because of deliberate attempt or negligence - An offence punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment 2 PRINCIPLES OF ANTI-AVOIDANCE RULES Westminster principle - “Every man is entitled if he can, to order his affairs so that tax attaching under the appropriate Act is less than it would otherwise be.” [Lord Tomlin in IRC v. Duke of Westminster (1935)] Choice principle - Established in Australian case law 2014 MPA_U14 Anti-avoidance.doc 1 August 2014 - Taxpayers are free to create favourable situations which will attract tax consequences for which the legislation specifically provides - If the legislature confers a choice on the taxpayer so as to whether or not...
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...The goal of tax planning is to minimize taxes is not a true statement. The goal of tax planning is t maximize the taxpayer's aftertax wealth while simultaneously achieving the taxpayers non-tax goals. 3. Timing strategy exploits the variation in taxation across time. Income shifting strategy exploits the variation in taxation across taxpayers. Conversion strategy exploits the variation in taxation across activities. 7. The factors that the benefits of accelerating deductions are higher tax rat, higher interest rats, larger transaction amounts, and the ability to accelerate deductions by two or more years. The factors the increase the benefits of deferring income are higher tax rates, higher rates, larger transaction amounts, and the ability to defer revenue recognition for longer periods of time. 10. If an investor can earn a positive return, $1 invested today should e worth $1.05 in one year, 17. Paying dividends is not an effective way to shift income from a corporation to is owners because corporations do not get a tax deduction for dividends paid, paying dividends is not an effective way to shift income. Paying dividends results in double taxation. 22. The constructive receipt doctrine limits income deferral for cash-method taxpayer. 24. Related party transactions receive more IRS scrutiny because each transacting party negotiates for his or her own benefits. 25. Business purpose doctrine allows the IRS to challenge and disallow business expenses for...
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...June 23, 2015 Research Memorandum FROM: Dan Vo SUBJECT: Oprah’s Pontiac G6 Giveaway Problem Oprah opened her 2004-2005 season by giving away 276 Pontiac G6 on September 13, 2004. The problem arises when the people who received the cars should or should not include the value of the car in their taxable income for that year. The car’s designated value was $28,000. There has been debate on whether Oprah’s car was a gift or a prize. The IRS determined it was a prize because the audience had to apply for the seats on the show, and Oprah responded by picking people who needed the cars (MarketWatch, 2004). IRS Regulation 1.74-1 states “Prizes or awards which are includible in gross income include (but are not limited to) amounts received from radio and television giveaway shows.” Evidence In 2000, the first season of Survivor aired and its winner was rewarded $1 million. Richard Hatch claimed his prize as the winner of that season. However, he failed to claim the earnings on his taxable income for the next 6 years and was convicted of tax evasion. In the case United States v. Richard Hatch, Hatch violated 26 U.S.C. §§ 7201, which states “any person who willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title shall be imprisoned…” He also violated 26 U.S.C. §§ 7206, which prevents fraud and false statements. Hatch was sentenced to 51 months in prison, and was still forced to pay his taxes. In another case, Turner v. Commissioner, the defendant...
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...if there is any suspicion of tax evasion. Punishment for tax evasion is very strict and hard in Germany. For serious tax evasion the consequence can be high fines and a prison term up to 10 years. The period of limitation for tax fraud amounts also to 10 years. Compared to international regulation Germany is strict regarding tax evasion. Australia and Germany have a double tax agreement which was stated in 1974. Purpose of the agreement is the avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion of individuals and businesses and a general ease in favor for the cross border economic exchange. The agreement says in which country individuals and companies have to pay taxes. Crucial for the tax claim is the habitual residence of the individual or the permanent business establishment of the company. Article 15 of the agreement for example states that a Non-executive director who´s getting paid for his work in Australia, while he is living in Germany, also must pay taxes in Germany. Conclusion: Even if there are many opportunities to avoidance or evasion of taxes international transaction costs, currency risks ( fluctuations of the foreign exchange market) and the hard punishment of the government make it hard to get an overall advantage. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Compare: http://www.steuerliches-info-center.de/EN/AufgabenDesBZSt/Abzugsteuerentlastung/abzugsteuerentlastung_node.html [ 2 ]. Compare:...
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