...Identifying the factors that affecting the customer hospitality A Report On Identifying the factors that affecting the customer hospitality Submitted to Mr. Asraf Harrun Lecturer in Marketing Department School of Business Submitted By BBA, 24th Intake Sec-06 BUBT Bangladesh University of Business and Technology Serial No. | Name | Id | 1 | Taha Kabir (Group Leader) | 10112101244 | 2 | Anika Zinnat Joya | 10112101250 | 3 | Rifatul Hassan Sagar | 10112101248 | 4 | Md. Nasir Uddin | 10112101243 | 5 | Roktim Hossan | 10112101229 | Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) 05/01/12 Letter of Transmittal 9th, May, 2001 To Mr. Md Asraf Harun Lecturer in Marketing Department School of Business BUBT Subject: Submission a report Dear Sir/Madam, It is really a matter of immense pleasure for us to submit the report on “Identifying the factors that affecting the customer hospitality”. This report enriches our knowledge. We will be highly encouraged if your kind to receive this report. We put our best effort to include all the applicable information, which we have collected from both primary and secondary sources and also from our personal observation. If you need any further clarification therein, we will be your instant service and I am always available for any queries. We would be grateful to you if you accept this report and give our assessment on it. Faithfully yours Taha Kabir (Group Leader) ...
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...The Importance of Customer Service in Hospitality March 5, 2012 “Customer service is the essence of the hospitality industry. The importance of customer service in hospitality is stressed in professional courses as well as on-the-job training module since aspiring hoteliers, restaurateurs and others in the industry need to be well aware of its significance and implication for successful business operations”. In recent years, the term hospitality has become increasingly popular and may be interpreted in a number of ways whether it is commercial, industrial or public services. King, in his book, states that hospitality may have four attributes which are that must have a relationship between individuals who take the roles of host or guest, this relationship may be commercial or private, the keys to successful hospitality in both the commercial and private sectors include knowledge of what would evoke pleasure in the guest and hospitality as a process that includes arrival, providing comfort and fulfillment of guest’s wishes, and departure. Tourism industries are not the same as other industries. It is because we provide services to the customer while some industries provide the tangible product. Thus, hospitality and tourism can not be separated as hospitality is the key to success in the tourism industry. The following paragraph will discuss the importance of hospitality in relation to the tourism industry. Firstly, there are several components in the tourism industry, for...
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...Abstract This article presents findings of growth and challenges that hospitality industry might fact in the year ahead respectively through globalization. Globalization is becoming increasing important these years in international hotel industry. When hotels flag their properties in a new country, they must localize their products and service in order to adapt the culture traditions of that country strategy. Differentiation strategy is also useful or hotel companies to become competitive in the global environment. Top issues that will influence the global hospitality industry in the year ahead include sustainable development calls for green hospitality, labor cost, multicultural issues and higher education. Challenges that facing hospitality include will include operating issues, such as labor shortages; marketing issues and economic issues. Introduction Hospitality industry has booming like never before. After Second World War, the practice of Hospitality became professional and wide spread, therefore it will acquire a knowledge base so that can improve its operation and develop the manager of the future (Ingram, 1999). The rise in the global travel, market and environmental trends led to the internationalization of the hospitality industry. The globalization of business and lifestyles is characterized by communicating over vast distances in foreign languages, frequent travel to overseas countries, dealing in many currencies, and coping with a variety of political...
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...1.0 Introduction Hospitality as an industry is very broad and ranges from multi-national corporations to single-person enterprises. The hospitality industry in Australia is responsible for over 80 different types of jobs. The various sectors in Australia’s hospitality sector include tourist services, events, travel services, visitor attractions, bars pubs and night clubs, membership clubs, holiday parks and gambling. The country’s hospitality industry has over 13,000 different firms providing more than 400,000 job opportunities to the country’s citizens. The hospitality industry in Australia contributed a total of 2.8% of the country’s GDP in 2013, and the sector employs 3.5% of the total workforce in the country. Tourism, a major sub-sector in Australia’s hospitality industry is made up of both foreign and domestic tourists. Foreign tourists account for 30% of the country’s tourists while the remaining 70% is usually covered by local tourists. 2.0 Market structure Australia’s hospitality industry operates under a monopolistic type of competition. Under monopolistic competition, there are usually many firms offering the same products to consumers. The services and products from firms in a monopolistic competition are usually differentiated to create a competitive edge (CHON & MAIER, 2010, p. 14). Monopolistic competition is different from perfect competition because, goods and services from firms in a monopolistic competition are not usually the same, a case that is the opposite...
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...“Hospitality means satisfy a guest’s need for shelter and lodging and those which provide their patrons with food and beverages.” (Chon and Sparrowe, 1995, p. 3) It is a relationship between a guest and a host. Hospitality always refers to the hospitality industry likes hotels, restaurants, resorts, clubs and any other else. The hospitality industry has become one of the biggest industries in the world. A hospitality service is an intangible factor in the hospitality industry. It is what the host given to the guest for their needs. It is the important part in hospitality industry. “Standardization refers to the situation where uniformity is achieved either in outputs (products or services) and / or in the processes that produce such outputs.” (Taylor, 2000, p. 51) It is using the same ingredients, recipes, prices, and etc. In the setting of customer service, standardization is the processes making the organizations to focus their attention in provide a great customer service. It is satisfying the customer expectations and needs. The motivation for standardization comes from a number of sources. “These include the aspiration for reducing costs and improving reliability of systems. By promising that reliable and interoperable standard exists, it is possible to dodge being locked into specific vendor’s products and ensure healthy race to improve quality, reduce costs, and guarantee reliability of supply.” (Ratha and Govindaraju, 2008, p. 473) I am agree with the statement that standardization...
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...Changing Role of Hospitality IT BIS/303 August 26, 2013 Changing Role of Hospitality IT Hospitality business information technology systems have advance in technology because the older days of hotel telephone workers and recordkeeping by hand. Managers in the hospitality industry have influential devices or systems within hands reach. This allows them to achieve a bigger picture in the organizations operational environment and the financial situation by using the information technology systems. Hospitality services have increased throughout the years of time, making managers oblige to finding better technology systems and means to manage information technology produce by the organization’s daily operations. This modern technology is converting information into data, the managers can use this information to maximize revenue with the organization’s investments that was once impossible to compile by hand. Regardless of the geographical distance statability gives business rank managers the ability to access data instantly from numerous restaurant or hotel sites. This system uses web-base tools to gain and distribute data or information to the hospitality managers. Statability uses an assortment of data mining tools to mine data from hotel and restaurant hospitality systems in use worldwide (Nyheim, McFadden, & Connolly, 2005). The data generate in the reports by this application from the statistics gathered from the information technology system is accessible...
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...Tasmanian Hospitality Industry Skills Plan June 2012 Contents Foreword Skills Plan Overview Background & Consultation Hospitality Industry Skills Plan Focus Area #1 Recruitment Induction & Retention Focus Area #2 Customer Service Focus Area #3 Career Pathways Focus Area #4 Fostering a Training Culture Detailed Action Plan 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 Definitions THA VET Tasmanian Hospitality Association Vocational Education and Training RTOs Registered Training Organisations AACs Australian Apprenticeship Centres 2 Hospitality Industry Skills Plan – June 2012 Foreword The hospitality industry employs approximately 20 000 people1, which is equal to approximately 11% of the Tasmanian workforce. The industry is heavily reliant on casual labour with part-time and casual employees making up almost three quarters of the hospitality workforce in Tasmania2. The role and contribution of the industry to both the economy and community is largely unrecognised. This is reflected in the fact that only a small proportion of employees perceive hospitality as a long term career choice. As hospitality is a service based industry, a skilled workforce is a key requirement to ensure quality service delivery to both local and visitor markets. In order to provide quality service employees require access to training which delivers the essential skills and knowledge. Access to training is only one element of the equation. Also essential is venue owners and operators placing more value...
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...UNIT 12: HOSPITALITY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Get assignment help for this unit at assignmenthelpuk@yahoo.com LO1 Understand the operational and economic characteristics of hospitality operations Nature of hospitality products and services: product and service areas eg food and beverages, rooms division, conference and banqueting; tangible and intangible elements; perishability; marketing and sales; plant; equipment; supplies and commodities Patterns of demand: patterns eg opening hours, seasonality, time of day/week, sociological influences, healthy eating and drinking patterns, food and fashion trends, accommodation trends, cultural, regional and ethnic influences, pricing and economic factors, elasticity of demand Customer profile: characteristics eg spending power, types of hospitality business, menu/accommodation range, pricing considerations, expectations and requirements, the meal experience Management issues: issues eg integrated planning and resourcing, business and operational plans, staffing, finance, decision-making (gathering information and data, analysing and evaluating data, reaching decisions, forecasting), operating procedures and systems, control systems, technical and procedural standards, service standards, quality systems, team working and team leading, scheduling, training LO2 Understand product development within hospitality environments Stages in product development: stages to include market research, market segmentation, idea evaluation, concept development...
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...Hospitality Markets Analysis Marketing Analysis – Portsmouth Football Club Report Table of Content Part 1: Executive Summary Part 2: Intro Part 3: Hospitality Marketing Analysis Strategic Marketing Analysis Strategic Competitor Analysis Part 5: SWOT Analysis of Portsmouth FC Hospitality Services Strengths Weakness’s Part 6: Customer Research (Questionnaire) Questionnaire Finds Part 7: Recommendations for the organisation Marketing Objective Brand Management Improve awareness Recommended marketing Activities Part 8: Conclusion Executive Summary This report contains an analysis of Portsmouth FC’s hospitality markets in attempts to widen their brand name and recognition in not only the football aspect of its daily business but also within that of its hospitality services. This Analysis contains various marketing models, which range from SWOT Analysis, Porters Five Forces, PESTEL and Ansoff Matrix. This reach documents the organisations hospitality markets both internal and externally and analyses all affecting factors that prohibits the growth of club’s hospitality services. Intro For our Marketing analysis, we were tasked to create a hospitality report for Portsmouth’s local football club, ‘Portsmouth FC’, in an attempt to help the organization properly marginalise profits by appropriately utilizing resources. Portsmouth FC has seen the worst of times due to its financial issues and a number...
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...0TAKORADI POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT HND III NAME OF LETURER: MR. JOSEPH FORDJOUR COURES TITLE: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COURSE CODE: SMS 316 NAME OF STUDENT: JULIANA AMOAKOHENE INDEX NO.: 07102017 DATE: 20TH FEB,2013 QUESTION a. The hospitality industry is known to have a high employee turn over. What are the basic characteristics of the industry that makes it have a high employee turnover? b. As a general manager of Protus Hotel, outline ways you could solve this. INTRODUCTION The hospitality industry by dictionary is a cluster of industries comprising of accommodations, food services and recreation, entertainment and amusement sectors. The hospitality industry is dependent on the availability of people‘s leisure time and disposable income. A hospitality unit such as the hotel, restaurant or even an entertainment park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance, front office, housekeepers, kitchen workers, bartenders and so on. Management, marketing and human resource come together to serve the customers. Within each of the department, human labor is needed to produce goods and service to customers. Employees are therefore a company’s most valuable assets in every industry including the hospitality industry but worldwide researchers have suggested that, employee turnover is very high in the hospitality industry. Generally speaking, employee turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and requires minimal skill, minimal...
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...Introduction: This report is the contemporary hospitality information provided as additional work to the presentation that has already been covered in learning outcome L 1.1 and L1.2. The purpose of this report is to show a universal view of the diverse types of accommodation options that are available for potential customers of hotels or any other hospitality industry. In this report I will be looking at the requirements needed for recruitment in different industries of hospitality also I will be debating job roles, responsibilities and the correct qualifications which is needed in order to be considered for employment within the fourteen hospitality sectors. Furthermore the report will be analysing the managerial operations and legislative issues which are resulting from recent changes that is affecting the hospitality industry also in this report I will be presenting justified prediction for potential trends and developments in hospitality. The hospitality and catering industry can be divided into two main sectors; commercial and public sector. 2.1: Assessing the staffing requirements in the Hospitality Industries: The hospitality industry is commonly defined as hotels and restaurants, however the industry has twelve other different sectors apart from the two that are commonly defined; hotels and restaurants which makes it 14 sectors in total. The sectors of the hospitality industry are: Events, travel services, tourist services, visitor attractions, self catering...
Words: 2031 - Pages: 9
...International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Emerald Article: Teaching human resource management in hospitality and tourism: a critique Tom Baum, Denis Nickson Article information: To cite this document: Tom Baum, Denis Nickson, (1998),"Teaching human resource management in hospitality and tourism: a critique", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 10 Iss: 2 pp. 75 - 79 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09596119810207228 Downloaded on: 24-09-2012 References: This document contains references to 19 other documents Citations: This document has been cited by 5 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 4078 times since 2005. * Users who downloaded this Article also downloaded: * Tom Baum, Vanessa Amoah, Sheryl Spivack, (1997),"Policy dimensions of human resource management in the tourism and hospitality industries", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 9 Iss: 5 pp. 221 - 229 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09596119710172615 Philip Worsfold, (1999),"HRM, performance, commitment and service quality in the hotel industry", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 11 Iss: 7 pp. 340 - 348 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09596119910293240 Peter Haynes, Glenda Fryer, (2000),"Human resources, service quality and performance: a case study", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 12 Iss: 4 pp...
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...Effects of Social Media on Hospitality/Tourism Name: Institution: Date: Introduction Since the turn of the century, there has been an upsurge in the use of social media. As a result, many tourism organizations that include hotels, travel agencies, and airline companies have started using the internet as one of the important tools in marketing and communication strategies. Many businesses within the hospitality industry rely on good reviews from their customers, and social media is offering this as a natural marketing tool (Bennet, 2012). The use of social media have become very widespread, and the travelers use these sites consistently to brag about their great experiences as well as express displeasure with poor experiences. This is a natural way through which the social media is impacting the hospitality and tourism industry. After realizing the power of social media, businesses are also leveraging on the wide presence of customers in social media to communicate, engage, and market their services and products to the customers (Guzel & Sengun, 2015). The growth of social media has had immense impacts on social media that range from marketing, communication, and even corporate social responsibility. This paper conducts a literature review on the effects of social media on hospitality and tourism. Literature Review According to Mahmood A Khan (2012), the benefits of social media can be very helpful in marketing and management in hospitality and tourism. He states that...
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...Worldwide Hospitality Industry Hospitality and Travel FdA Hospitality and Travel Management The Worldwide Hospitality Industry Module Code: YCUT400006 Learner Name/Number: Aleena Iqbal/10451742 Tutor Name: Clare Dodsley Date: 9th April 2014 Introduction What is the Hospitality Industry? Hospitality in itself means kindness in welcoming guests or strangers and Barrows and Powers (2008, p5) suggest it is an industry that is broad and varies ranging from single-person organisations such as Restaurants and Bars to worldwide corporations. The Industry includes many different sectors within it including Food & Beverage, Accommodation as well as the Travel and Tourism sector. According to People1st State of The Nation Report (2013, pp.24-25) the industry has more than 80 different jobs to offer and as a whole currently employs 2,076,000 people, where Restaurants remain the largest employed sector. Unfortunately, over the recent years, some issues have been encountered within the hospitality Industry including Customer Loyalty, Information Technology (IT) and Recruitment and Retention, which have had a negative impact within the industry as a whole. Hence, this review will attempt to identify and analyse these current issues, developments and potential trends in the Hospitality Industry, exploring possible ways to overcome these. One important issue that has been identified within the Hospitality Industry...
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...1.0Title THE IMPACT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE The proposed title for this research study is The Impact of Total Quality Management (TQM) to achieve competitive advantage in the Hospitality Sector. The research will give a background of information and literature review on TQM practices and how it enhances customer satisfaction by offering effective customer service. It will present various methodologies and approaches that will be used to achieve the research objectives. Total quality management has been evolving in the hospitality business since quality assurance was introduced in the 1980s (Breiter et al 1995) 2.0. Introduction The hospitality industry is a service based industry as services are produced and consumed in real time and are inherently variable – from customer to customer, from provider to provider and from time to time for the same customer and/or the same provider (John 2003). Total quality management (TQM) in the hospitality industry has risen to amazing levels due to preferences, customer behavior and competition to retain and attract new customers. This has resulted in the demand for quality service thus necessitating the need to implement TQM strategies to have a competitive edge over other players in the industry. Acceptance of TQM strategies in the hospitality industry (Raj Kumar, 2005), with service quality being an important factor for growth and survival is an integral part to achieve success...
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