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Submitted By bluedevilsrock
Words 319
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David Gross Masterclass 3/26/15

* Use different techniques for different sounds * Practice lift strokes and follow through * Grip Types
American is more articulate and resonates less, good for Beethoven * Rolls
The higher the pitch, the faster you need to roll
Experiment with roll speed
When playing soft rolls bring your hands up higher so the mallet angle is different
Experiment with slowing down and speeding up at the end of rolls
Play it by ear though * Staccato Playing
For practice purposes, try playing articulate with soft mallets, and legato with hard mallets
Youtube oliverian concerto the Olympian
Stay down on the instrument
Think like a bass pizzacotto
Always think what it will sound like in the hall (excerpts)
Pinch between thumb and index finger * Tuning
Practice tuning intervals from an A
Always go up to the note when tuning
Fixed do helps recognize pitches by relating the syllables to the pitch * Muffling
Try a wiping motion
Start at the edge and use last 3 fingers to wipe across the head
Maybe use wiping in etudes?
For muting purposes perhaps put a piece of felt or shammy in the middle of the drum * Cross “Hammering”
Try putting hands between the drum and use wrist “windshield wiper” motion * Excerpts
Know what is going on around me in the piece
Possibly keep a score with you in rehearsals
Good timpanists can help shape the sound and rhythm of the orchestra
Add dynamics to rolls to make them seem like they’re leading somewhere
Don’t add too much when it comes to dynamics
If you have a repeated note it probably isn’t the most important thing going on * Teaching Timpani
In the beginning take time to maintain the instruments
Goodman method book for teaching, Vic Firth, Hinger, Delecluse
Have at least 2-3 pairs of mallets
Begin with French grip so they can get confident with it
Start with ear training early on

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