...Title: RIWT Task1 Toyin Debbie Osaro Western Governors University 11/08/2014 The Middle Ages, people lived under a lawless society. There were no order or structure during the fourteen and fifteen century; it was a long time of darkness; periods of severe weather that leads to crop failure and famine. (n.d.). The early middle ages arts also known as the Dark ages. The middle ages period was when European history fell from the Roman Empire to the renaissance. Art during the early middle ages went through many changes up to the early renaissance period. The Middle Ages art style known as the Byzantine art; while the dark ages followed by the medieval era of (1066- 1448 AD) encounter changes. Furthermore, the middle ages art and saw the emergence of early renaissance art. (WGU on line quote) The artist, by the name of Giotto di Bonedone, is one of the most famous people of the middle ages. His painting of “Madonna and Child” painted for a chapel in the church of Santa Maria. This picture made with temperas and wood and emphasized Christian faith, teaches spiritual truth, aid in the conversion of non-Christian. Renaissance art with the literal meaning “ Rebirth” played a significant part of our lives today. The early renaissance started right after the middle ages (1400-1600). During this period, the European history was marked by renewal of interest in intellectual and cultural legacies of ancients Greece and Rome. Renaissance was the time of tremendous creativity and...
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