...2011 Cyber Bullying StopCyberbullying.org, an expert group on internet safety defines cyber bullying as: "a situation when a child, tween or teen is repeatedly 'tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted' by another child or teenager using text messaging, email, instant messaging or any other type of digital technology.” It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been initiated by a child against another child. Once adults become involved, it is cyber harassment or cyber stalking. Adult cyber harassment or cyber stalking is never called cyber bullying. The way a child does this bullying is only limited by their imagination and their access to technology, and the cyber bully one moment could become the victim the next. It has been suggested by the BBC that cyber-bullying may be influenced by videos that are uploaded to video sharing websites online, which contain offensive content or examples of acts of bullying. Websites that currently do not filter such videos, such as YouTube, have been asked to take legal action against videos of people being attacked, harassed or ridiculed, in order to reduce cyber bullying as a result. The kids often change roles, going from victim to bully and back again. Cyber bullying is usually not a one-time thing, unless it includes a death threat or a threat that would do serious bodily harm. Children have even killed each other and committed suicide after being involved in a cyber bullying...
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...113A 20 November 2015 Stop Cyber Bullying and Make World A Better Place Internet networking have turned the world into another generation that increased the rate of invention and knowledge acquiring. In the Internet age making connections between people is faster and easier than ever. But the cost of the networking is also greater; not going out and being anonymous online can do a lot. Cyber bullying is one then and it has become a side effect of Internet and social media. Cyber bullying is a more serious problem than people thought, and by stopping cyber bullying we can make the world a better place. The consequences of cyber bullying are real, brutal and ruthless, it can ruin people’s reputation and life, cause from mental health problems to suicide; to make world a better place cyber bullying can be stopped by compassion empathy and caution. Cyber bullying is a common practice in many nations and have led to many disasters. Internet brought home many good interventions but this one was the wrong one in the generation. It is believed that a million number of people get exposed by cyber bullying each day. The fact that the cyber bullying has gone far in affecting our young generation it unstoppable. It is the action that we can all take so that we could stop these actions from happening again in the future. Cyber bullying have raised fighting actions among those individuals who are affected by the action. In addition, cyber bullying have increased the emotional...
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...unmonitored bullying. But when will people start to realize that bullying is not the same thing as it once was. Back some odd 30 years, it was a Goliath-like figure and some David-like figure being hassled for lunch money, but now its Sally beating up Sue because she said the wrong thing to her on MySpace. Bullying has come to a new era. The new era of Bullying is called “Cyber-Bullying.” This kind of Bullying is unique, in the sense that unlike other types of bullying, this doesn’t start physically; it starts with words. “Responding to victimizations questions, 10 percent had been threatened with a weapon within the past year. About 20 percent of the youth reported they were offered, sold or given drugs at least once in school. Also within the past year, 24 percent had been teased about their race and 29 percent had had property stolen from them or damaged at school.” Cyber-Bullying starts on most social networking sites such as, Facebook, MySpace, or Orkut. Almost every teenager and young-adult has a social networking profile. About 87% to be exact. This makes cyber-bullying much more likely to occur. About 4 out of 7 kids have been bullied through social networking websites, and this number doesn’t show any signs of going down. People don’t realize that cyber-bullying causes more problems than actual bullying. There’s a wise saying “Problems out in the open are just words but when they are kept inside, they are poison.” When people get their feelings hurt over cyber-bullying...
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...Cyber Bullying Table of Contents I. Cover page II. Table of Contents III. Report It only seems like yesterday that teachers would have to stand on the play ground during recess and monitor the bullies, who would try to take another child’s lunch money, or to take a note being passed around in the classroom that would read something like “I will see you on the play ground after school.” A way to help prevent your child from being one of the many bullying victims is to know what the risk factors are of your child becoming one of the bullying victims. When it comes to being a bullying victim, children, teens and adults are those who don't get along well with others, have few or no friends, is less popular than others, what color their skin is, or what kind of clothes they wear, because they wear glasses, and what kind of house they live in. Now here we are in the year 2011, dealing with an entirely different style of bullying, which we all know is called “CYBERBULLYING”. No longer are the days of having the teacher send the student to the principal’s office or a phone call home to mom and dad. Friends and family of victims are also taking part when cyber bullying occurs. They may find themselves in difficult situations where they are peer pressured into participating in the bullying, afraid that if they don't play along, or they could become a target. They may feel that they have no power to stop it or start feeling guilty for not having spoken out against the...
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...known as Cyber Bullying. Young people to bully peers can use emails, texts, chats, phones, websites and cameras. It is now a worldwide problem with countless occurrences reported and has yet to get the attention it merits and remains nearly vague from research works. This paper reconnoiters definitional problems, the incidences and potential outcomes of cyber bullying, as well as deliberating possible intervention and prevention stratagems. While most youngsters seem conscious of what cyberbullying involves, occurrences of cyberbullying in educational institutions seem to be minimal. Although students have entree to many technologies, the mainstream seem not to participate in bullying over the internet. However, persons who are cyber bullies are also likely to be targets of cyberbullying. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is becoming a crisis with the progression of social media tools. Should government create new laws to protect the people who are being targeted? This is just but one of the many questions people seek for answers. Cyber bullying has been in existence since time in memorial but has gained fame and become more wide spread with the introduction of the internet some few years back. It is common to see instances of cyber bullying nowadays unlike in the past, children are no longer the victims but everyone is; be it old or young, the crime has experienced an exponential growth with the growth of the internet and the tough economic times. Additionally, Cyber Bullies in...
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...Cyber – Bullying and its Impact on Kids Aujah Monique Fedd CIS 170 – Fall 2011 December 4, 2011 Abstract This paper will define and examine the cause and effect of cyber bullying among kids. It will also discuss my plan to spread awareness in schools to the students and parents. In conclusion, it will discuss how to examine the effect of the plan to spread awareness. Introduction Cyber bullying among children and teens is when they threaten, harass, humiliate, torment and embarrass another child or teen. Cyber bullying is done via internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. There are two categories for cyber bullying; direct attacks and cyber bullying by proxy. Direct attacks are sent directly from one kid to another and by proxy is when a third party is used to help cyber bully a victim. This can be done with or without the third parties knowledge. Impact of Cyber – Bullying Cyber bullying has made a huge negative impact on kids who have found themselves on the wrong end of it. That’s exactly what happened to Phoebe Prince of South Hadley Massachusetts, she committed suicide as a result of being cyber bullied as well in person (CNN, 2010). Prince, who was only 15 years old, suffered with the bullying for months. It started because she briefly dated a popular senior football player. According to District Attorney, Elizabeth Scheibel, “the investigation revealed relentless activity directed toward Phoebe designed to humiliate her and to make...
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...Cyber Bullying: It’s Causes and Effects on Adolescents John Flanders Pima Medical Institute The causes and effects of Cyber Bullying, and Bullying in general, can be not only detrimental for the fragile psyche of children but it’s a new menace to society. Cyber Bullying has swept across the world at a high rate. There is an abundance of websites and foundations that have been created just to fight this plague. The majority of the information that has been pulled together for this paper is from various websites and foundations that were created by the parents of children who have taken their lives due to the negative effects of being bullied both at school, on the way home from school, and in their very own homes via social media. Bullying of all forms has been tied to every single school shooting that has occurred over the last 20 years. Cyberbullying is an epidemic that is more widespread amongst adolescent females than males. The definition of cyber bullying, per the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is the electronic posting of mean spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously. It first became noticed in 2000. The different types of cyber bullying are exclusion, harassment, outing, cyber stalking, flaming, pseudonyms, and anonymity. Some examples of methods used in cyber bullying Cyberbullying.info are as follows: * Exclusion- In many cases, teenagers who don't have mobile phone are excluded from the group of teenagers who do. Girls...
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...are kids mature enough to not only realize that there are dangers in putting too much information on the internet, but to know what those dangers are and how to avoid them? Also, what affect will the potential cyber bullying have on kids? Social Networking sites like MySpace, Twitter, and mainly Facebook say that they respect the privacy of minors and that they create a safe place for people to connect; but do they really take an active stand for the privacy of all of their patrons, most notably the under eighteen age group? One of the primary concerns for parents with children using social networking websites like Facebook is cyber bullying. As Anne Weaver (2010) demonstrates in her article, Facebook and other Pandora’s boxes, bullying is not a new phenomenon, the danger in cyber bullying, particularly with Facebook, lies with the fact that it is a much more public degradation and far more permanent (p.24). But what exactly is “cyber bullying?” Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place electronically through mediums such as email, chat rooms, instant messaging, and social networking sites, among other avenues, suggests Kowalski (p.1, 2008). While many people consider traditional bullying and cyber bullying to be one in the same, that is not the case. Cyber...
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...joining these social media sites there are growing problems. These problems are a direct correlation with the popularity of social media in America’s adolescents. In today’s age most kids receive some sort of electronic phone or tablet before they are out of elementary school. We’ve all had to deal with them or have seen them before. They come in many shapes and forms. They can be short, big, a guy or a girl. Some roam in “packs” or have a “possy”. There are famous ones such as Biff and Regina George. Bullying has been a problem in America’s youth...
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...Cyber bullying Everyone take a minute to close your eyes. Raise your hand if you have ever been the victim of bullying, now open your eyes. Now raise your hand if you have ever been the bully, now open your eyes. Finally, raise your hand if you have ever watched someone being bullied, open your eyes. We can all think of experiences involving bullying, whether we were the victim, the bully or a witness. More recently though, cyber bullying has sky rocketed due to all the social media sites now available to use. Cyber bullying and just bullying in general, has caused so many lives of young teens and adults to be taken. In order to put an end to it, or even help the popularity of it, we must open our eyes and look the bully right in the face. Cyber bullying is when someone is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, or just a target by a mobile phone or internet, most of the time, both. Cyber bullying can include anything from the list provided above, by text message, instant message, email, blogs, social websites, etc. As more and more children gain access to these, the more people are being harmed. This topic is usually forgotten about once children reach 18, out of high school, which makes the severity of the topic increase. Cyber bullying does not go away with age, race, ethnicity, eye color, hair color, wealth, etc, it just takes on a different name with more consequences that could affect someone for the rest of their life. While growing up, movies make a...
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...|Strayer on line | |Case Study 2 Bullying | |Week 8 The Amanda Todd Story | | | | | | | |Professor | | | |CRJ 180 | | | | ...
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...Why is it important to delete cyber bullying? Cyber bullying according to Wikipedia is defined as the use of Information Technology (Computers, cell phones, etc.), to harm or harass other people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. Cyber bullying has been a very sensitive topic in recent years due to the pain and embarrassment it causes for the individuals on the receiving end. I believe that in order to delete this behavior there has to be accountability to the person(s) doing it, tougher laws for someone who commits this act, and prevention. There once was a time before computers that people were able to go anywhere and do anything and no one would bother them. As a teenager, you could go to school and even if you were bullied, you knew that when you went home, that you would be safe and no one could touch you there. In the technology drive society we live in today, that is seldom the case. Even though no one is physically coming into your home they do by the way of social media. If someone is using information technology to deliberately harass or harm people then the authorities should be made aware and take action. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but not at the expense of hurting another person or group. Instead of saying “kids will be kids” , or “sticks and stones…” if a parent finds out that their loved one is engaged in this activity, they should speak up and let their loved one know that these kinds of activities will not be tolerated. There...
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...There are various different types of challenging behaviour and one of the most common and prominent ones is bullying. There are several different types of bullying and I am going to discuss three of them, including the reasons behind these types of bullying and the possible effects on an individual who may be subjected to bullying. The first type of bullying I am going to discuss is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that takes place with the use of technology/over the internet. Cyberbullying can include behaviours like sending threatening or nasty to emails to another person or to a group of people. Emails like this can include any type of message from racist comments to sexist comments or just plain nasty names or threats. (Teenwirral.com, 2015) Social networking sites are another way a person can cyberbully an individual. People can post offensive statuses which could either be again, racist, sexist, mean or threatening. They also have the power to post embarrassing pictures of someone or they could just harass someone on their profile by commenting nasty things on the victim’s profile. Social media websites are prominent platform for cyber bullying as the bully has the power to create a fake/anonymous account which can be used to bully a person, without any consequences. This links in to one of the main causes of cyberbullying which is that the bully has the ability to hide behind a device, therefore they aren’t required to take any responsibility for...
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...Cyber-bullying among juveniles is a growing and severely dangerous problem that most are unaware of. Many educators and legislators are afraid to cross the line of right and wrong and will not punish these children as they should be. Unsurprisingly these juveniles are doing this when the parents are not present. Surprisingly though most of these children are in elementary school and are not even old enough to have a Facebook or other social network sites. “The incidence of cyber-bullying increases during elementary school, peaks in middle school and decreases in high school.”(Snakenborg, Van Acker, Gable page 90). This goes to show that parents need to be more aware and more controlling over what their children are doing and who they are hanging out with. Cyber-bullying also has a different outcome when looking at the aspects of males and females. During face to face bullying, “males are the primary instigators and victims.” (Snakenborg, Van Acker and Gable. Page 90.) When cyber-bullying females are “25% more likely victims.”(Snakenborg, Van Aker and Gable. Page 90). This increases the one that is bullying’s control over the situation because they believe that they are reaming anonymous. Having a sense of control can heighten a juvenile’s belief that they fit in and can be with friends with a certain crowd of people. A juvenile’s behavior is a major factor into why they would bully another peer on through electronic devices. This depends on the motivation which varies from...
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...Cyber bullying is detrimental in adolescent development Consider how often you use the Internet or a cell phone. Over the last decade, technology has become ingrained in our daily lives, changing the way we work, communicate, and seek information or entertainment. At schools across the country, many students are accessorized with the latest cell phones and iPods. Children are especially tech-savvy, having grown up alongside computers, the Internet, and cell phones and many connect with friends several times a day through email, text messages, Web sites, or instant messaging. But along with the convenience and communication that these high-tech innovations provide, the potential for negative experiences has also emerged. Often, the parent-adolescent relationship is the one relationship that informs how a young person handles other relationships. Unfortunately, adolescents sometimes develop unhealthy relationships, and experience or exhibit bullying or dating violence. Friendships play a major role in the lives of adolescents. A circle of caring and supportive friends can have a positive influence on healthy development, and the absence of caring and respectful friends can have negative effects. Parents, teachers and other adult role models can help young people learn how to make and keep good friends. Still, forming and maintaining friendships during adolescence can be challenging. Peer pressure—good and bad—often affects decisions young people make. Adults can set good...
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