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Cyber Hacking Laws In The United States

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Assignment 1: Contrast and compare the cyber hacking laws between the United States, Russian Federation, and the Peoples Republic of China

Though, the fact that cyber security hacking is a widely used term, the law, punishment, rules and law are not fully developed yet. First, the cyber hacking laws in three countries are going to be reviewed.

The cyber hacking laws of US is also known as “Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) ” was released by the congress in 1986. In the documentation, it provides the laws to protect personal intellectual property on computer. Basically, it says that people should get punishment by accessing an authorized computer. Here, accessing means stealing code, command, and documents; damaging information from a …show more content…
For instance, people in Russia and China documented seriously about a security challenges; however, those challenges were just normally concern in the US. Also, the different translations of specific cyber security law terms between US, Russia and China will also causes the misleading of understanding. Moreover, some terms might be completely different among three languages, Chinese Russian and English, which will give the dangers in building universal measurement of understanding and acting cyber security law. A list of cyber law terminology interpolated in English, Russian and Chinese are detailed explained in the paper mentioned …show more content…
2) China focuses on paying more attention to cyber-crimes that involve damaging the political stability such as online fraud. 3) US : To build and maintain an effective national cyberspace response system and to implement a cyber-risk management program for protection of infrastructure.

8) The control of overseas cyber hacking protecting law is weak and quite different. In US and China, cyber hacking to other country isn’t rare; however, in Russian, hackers are encouraged to do international cyber hacking activity to make contribution to their own society. It is unavoidable fir having international cyber hackings. Obviously, international protection law of cyber hacking and security need to be specifically defined and strictly

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