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Dual Credit Em-B Program Reflection Report

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Dear, Ms. Firth
I am writing to inform you of my overall experience in the summer Dual Credit EMT-B class and if I consider this to be a viable option for others who are interested in the course as well.
When I started the program I was very excited to be there and in my class I was able to meet really great people and make friends besides the age difference as most of them were in their 20’s. The classroom portion consisted of a Monday lecture and a Tuesday lab, this part of the class was not difficult with the previous knowledge I attained in the Health Science courses I attended at Cy-Lakes. Additionally, if I were to need extra help in the class there were two options I had, I could either attend and open skills lab through Lone Star or most if not all classmates were very helpful if one was struggling with the material. I found the tests to be fairly easy just by paying attention to the lectures and taking notes. Our instructor for the class even provided us with a review for the test to ensure a full …show more content…
What really made this class worth it was truly the clinical side due to the fact that I got to participate in many lifesaving events on the ambulance. On my first clinical shift I had the opportunity to attend to patients involved in motor vehicle accidents, cardiac arrest, seizures and much more. Although some of the scenes I came across were in fact graphic, it is important to understand that the instructors at school are open to discuss any of the events that occurred in order to provide support. Additionally we were required to write patient care reports for every call we went on, and this included getting information from the patient such as vital signs, chief complaint, history and more. This paperwork was to be turned in along with a preceptor evaluation of the student and an evaluation of the preceptor by the

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