...ferocious Black Death were shoved in a hole and buried with dirt. Around 1348, the bubonic plague (also known as Black Death) spread around Europe. This plague killed many people just because at the time people didn’t have the cure for the plague’s vicious symptoms. Also, the plague spread really quickly. The sorrowful times of the plague just keep on getting worse and worse, day by day, people dropping like flies. People wept for the loss of their loved ones and then soon enough they were dead in days. One by one the plague rages on, infecting hundreds and hundreds of people in it’s path, all of the people fall victim of this plague. People were simply unprepared for the plague, Black Death. Considering that the plague spread from Asia to Europe, a lot of people died. “If the infected person wore or even touched the clothes and then another person that wasn’t infected wore them they would be infected.” Also, fleas may attach themselves to a person that is infected and spread it. Another way it spread was in the air. If you were to...
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...Bubonic plague is an infectious disease that is spread by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. These bacteria remain in a dormant state primarily in a rat flea’s foregut. Once the flea has bitten a victim it regurgitates the contents in its foregut into the bite location. Once the bacterium has entered into a mammal’s warm body it begins to reproduce and spread throughout the mammal’s body. The reproduction of this bacterium creates large painful swollen lymph nodes which are called buboes. Once these buboes get large enough they begin to ooze infected body fluid so that any contact between an infected person and a healthy person will facilitate the spread of this disease. (The Mayo Clinic Staff, 2012) The areas where the buboes form are the neck, armpits, upper femoral, and groin. Once a person has been infected with Yersinia pestis it usually takes 2-5 days until they begin to show signs and symptoms of the illness. These symptoms include acral gangrene which is gangrene of the extremities to include fingers, toes, lips, and tip of the nose. Total body chills that also comes with severe uncontrollable shakes. A high fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit that induces muscle cramps. Seizures are another common symptom as well as pain begins before the buboes begin to form. In very extreme cases the victim will begin to change skin color to a pinkish hue. Some more less common symptoms are the vomiting of blood, heavy breathing, aching limbs, extreme pain, and coughing. With cases that the...
Words: 1704 - Pages: 7
...The Black Death is a form of bubonic plague that spread over Europe in the 14th century and killed an estimated quarter of the population (Black Death). This form of bubonic plague was very dangerous to the people in that specific time period. Bubonic plague is classified as a serious, sometimes fatal, infection with the bacterial toxin Yersinia pestis, transmitted by fleas from infected rodents (Bubonic Plague). Early in the 1340s, the disease had struck China, India, Persia, Syria and Egypt (History). China, India, and etc. were very crucial trading locations for Eastern Europe in the 1300s. Since the disease is carried by rodents, it is said that the disease got to Europe from the rodents that boarded the ships headed from Asia. The rodents had fleas which, in the ultimate ending, infected the humans. If the victim was not bitten by a flea, another way to obtain the disease was by being sneezed or coughed on by someone who was already infected. Plague causes fever and a painful swelling of the lymph glands called buboes, which is how it gets its name. The bubo would become inflamed and would at first be a deep red in color, but as...
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...Cristian Pardo Period 4 10/13/2014 Mr. Westerman Bubonic Plague DBQ Terrorizing throughout the fourteenth through the eighteenth century, the bubonic plague took the lives of at least one third of the population of Europe. The bubonic plague, also known as the black death, had originally arrived in Europe from rat infested ships bringing spices and other goods back from Asia. The disease then quickly spread throughout Europe as the rats distributed the virus. Throughout Europe there were several mixed reactions to the black death. The most obvious of the reactions is fear of the plague because England had never been under attack by any illness like this. This sickness had spread lots of skepticism as to how it was spreading. It even had some of the best scholars of the time stumped. Theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam (Document 2) said that what the true culprit of the cause of the widespread of the disease was the fact that England had streets full of filth and urine. Erasmus was on the right track. It was not uncommon at the time for people to simply throw out their feces in front of...
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...Bubonic plague is believed to have brought the Byzantine empire to its knees in the 6th century. This is the first ever documented record of bubonic plague in human history. But the fact that bubonic plague continues to afflict human population even today is a matter of concern. Your bubonic plague research paper would revolve around the premise of it being a deadly disease, but we assure you that we won’t scare you by the facts. Bubonic plague is typically differentiated from other infections because of its roots in the bacteria, Yersinia pestis or Pastuerella pestis. The bacteria typically infects the spleen, lungs, kidneys and brain. It is spread by virtue of rats and fleas. The staff at ProfEssays.com could as Help with Bubonic Plague Research Paperwell spell out some of its symptoms as shivering chills staggering gait stuttered speech memory loss weakness The early symptoms lead to graver consequences, and the ultimate zenith is reached when the patient ultimately breaths his last. Several deaths were caused by bubonic plague in the 14th century when medical science wasn’t developed as it is today. A nursing and healthcare term paper could focus on the facilities provided to modern healthcare officials that were not available in the 14th century. It killed almost 30 per cent of the contemporary European population. Infection is spread through fleas and rodents. It is a common occurrence to have rodents whenever there are earthquakes or other such calamities. The...
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...Introduction The Bubonic plague of the Middle Ages has proven itself to be one of the worst pandemics in history. Ebola, in the meantime, has also proven to be deadly and threatening since the outbreak in 2014. It upgraded itself from an outbreak to an epidemic. What if Ebola becomes a pandemic? Would it be deadlier than the Bubonic plague? This is the question that this thesis paper will attempt to find the answer to. This paper will provide detailed backgrounds of both of these diseases; including their history and historical relevance, their causes and effects, even their levels of damage and possible cures. This paper will expand your knowledge of both diseases to such an extent that you can accurately compare and contrast them in order...
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...LONDON IN 1665: THE GREAT PLAGUE Ellery Kamp HIST 4300: Junior Seminar December 7, 2015 In 1665, Londoners experienced their last, and most detrimental, wave of the Bubonic Plague; this specific outbreak is known today as The Great Plague. Population analyses provided by the Office of National Statistics along with the Bills of Mortality that were published on a weekly basis during the plague have concluded that around one hundred thousand people living in England died due to the plague, which was extremely significant because the estimated population of England at the time was under four hundred thousand people. The devastation that Londoners experienced during this outbreak was unexpected and far worse than any previous outbreak, leading many people to search for both an explanation for the plague’s occurrence and a successful way to stop it. Although modern research has attributed the origin of the bubonic plague to fleas and rats, medical and scientific technology was not advanced enough in 1665 to come to that conclusion; the invention of the microscope was necessary in order to study the specific mode of infection. At the time of the Great Plague, there was no revelation of the real cause of the transmission and infection of the plague; there were only general ideas of “pestilential miasmas” and “corrupted air” that were largely attributed to religious causes, such as being a punishment sent from God. Just as during other outbreaks of the so-called pestilence...
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...Comparison on Public Health and Community Health. Shelly Shew NUR/408 October 29, 2012 Kim Oatman Comparison on Public Health and Community Health Nursing. This paper will reflect the history of public health and significant events related to these agencies. The difference between public and community health will be acknowledged. Also information included on county, state, and national public health resources. There has been measurable growth and expansion over the years in regard to public health and its creation. Identification of Public health goes as far back as the 14th century. Towns and cities created a system known as quarantine to deter the bubonic plague (Black Death). Travelers and merchandise from places known to carry infections put in isolation. This procedure was in use until the 19th century to protect the public from the smallpox, syphilis, and cholera epidemics. Public health established services in 1798 as the Marine Hospital Service. This came about by early efforts of the federal government to provide health care to merchant seamen, protecting seaport cities from epidemics. In 1813 charitable services started by the Ladies Benevolent Society of Charleston, South Carolina, health care to the sick and poor. Another step toward the improvement of public health was the creation of the American Medical Association in 1847. Shortly after their existence this group formed a hygiene committee to conduct sanitary surveys and to develop a system to collect...
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...Comparison Paper What is history? Why do we need to study history? When I first started this assignment, I wondered why we needed to describe the history of public health and include pertinent dates and significant events. Being a good student, I did what I was told. While doing the research I realized that history is what shapes us. We not only learn from our successes, but our failures too. History has transformed us into what we are and why we do the things that we do. The History of Public Health According to the “Southeast Public Health Training Center” (2012), “Leviticus is believed to be the first written health code in the world” (para. 1). The book of Leviticus was written around 1500 B.C. and dealt with such issues as personal and community responsibilities, hygiene, sexual behavior, and protection against infectious diseases (“Southeast Public Health Training Center,” 2012). I found this very interesting since here we are thousands of years later still dealing with basically the same issues. The middle ages (500 to 1500 A.D.) marked a time when sickness was thought to be a consequence of sin. Bloodletting and alchemy were prevalent during this time. The biggest mistake of this era was their failure to believe that the environment could be the culprit, thus leading to epidemics such as the bubonic plague which resurfaced in Europe during 1348. Two-thirds of the population died within two years before scientists and religious figures discovered the...
Words: 1900 - Pages: 8
...Comparison Paper Jaime Prado February 4, 2016 Comparison Paper In the United States, we are all very fortunate to have resources for families, communities, state and nationally. These resources are available to all individuals regardless of religion, race or sexual preference. Here in Ventura County, we have the Ventura County public health department, and their mission is healthy people, healthy families, and healthy communities. Ventura County Health Care Agency 2015). The state of California has the California Department of public health; their vision is Healthy individuals and families in healthy communities. The California Department of Public Health is dedicated to optimizing the health and well-being of the people in California. (California Department of Public Health 2015). Nationally we have the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and their mission is to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2015). The Ventura County public health offers many services; some of them are free of cost and others to offer financial assistance to individuals who do not have insurance. Some of the frequently requested services from the public health are emergency medical services, health promotion, and education, communicable disease reporting forms and these are used by family practice and hospitals, and HIV and Aids Center. More over then providing services to the community, the public health department...
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...Research Proposal on HIV Posted at: February 9, 2010 under: Sample Research Proposals by admin @ 7:04 am Problem Twenty years ago, the subject of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which has been found to be the cause of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), would not have been the topic of a major and serious worldwide catastrophe. Twenty years ago, people were not phased by the effects that would be caused by this ever so populating disease, and no one would have ever realized that this disease would not be curable or helped without expensive medicine. Like a simple exponential growth equation, the AIDS virus has increased victim numbers by about forty million all over the world. AIDS has also shown that it is not discriminating; it has infected all races and all heritages. The AIDS crisis extends far beyond its death toll, because more than seventy percent of the thirty-six million people with HIV/AIDS live in sub-Saharan Africa. Last year alone, the disease killed 1.5 million people in Africa. One third of these victims are between the ages of ten and twenty-four. The disease has been described as a development crisis; it is profoundly disrupting the economic and social bases of families and entire nations at a rate of infection at 16,000 per day. Without immediate action, AIDS will surpass the effect of the Black Plague that killed forty million people in the late fourteenth century. It is estimated that only ten percent of the death that this disease...
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...Paula Bent Research Paper 12/19/2010 The Global AIDS crisis and Health Care in the Developing World The global epidemic of HIV/AIDS is rapidly becoming the worst infectious-disease catastrophe in recorded history, surpassing the bubonic plague of the fourteenth century and the influenza epidemic of 1917, each of which killed some 20 million people. (1) The HIV/AIDS epidemic, first identified in 1981, remains among the greatest threats to global health. (2) AIDS has an unprecedented impact on the economy and society because it kills so many adults in the prime of their working lives; it decimates the workforce, impoverishes families, and shreds communities. To summarize, in the worst affected areas it is actually reversing the development gains made over the last four decades. In many cases the disease threatens to eliminate around twenty percent of the workforce. AIDS has an overwhelming impact on developing economies because, unlike other diseases, it kills young and middle-aged adults who are often healthy and productive members of society. In sub-Saharan Africa and many other regions in the world, more women than ever before are living with HIV/AIDS. Further research that reflects the voices of these women is essential. (5). Because of this epidemic both adds to companies' labor costs and slows growth rates in many developing economies. The disease is shared by the developing world where eighty-five percent of AIDS cases are present in the world’s poorer countries...
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...inventor of logarithms, invented Napier's rods (sometimes called "Napier's bones") c. 1610 to simplify the task of multiplication. In 1641 the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) built a mechanical adding machine. Similar work was done by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). Leibniz also advocated use of the binary system for doing calculations. Recently it was discovered that Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635), a graduate of the University of Tübingen (Germany), constructed such a device in 1623-4, before both Pascal and Leibniz. A brief description of the device is contained in two letters to Johannes Kepler. Unfortunately, at least one copy of the machine burned up in a fire, and Schickard himself died of bubonic plague in 1635, during the Thirty Years' War. Joseph-Marie Jacquard...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND BEHAVIORAL FACTORS Mgmt 605-M02 Mondays 6:00-8:10 p.m. DESCRIPTION This course links the classical management process to the analysis of human behavior. How do people think, analyze a situation, and how they behave. The practicing manager should gain theoretical knowledge on which to base experience and/or intuition when making decisions or solving problems involving the human dimension in the organization. In this course you are going to learn a series of models: 1) The individual—to help you understand, predict, and modify an individual’s behavior. 2) Perception of people—how such perception differs from other perceptions aspects and its importance 3) Functions of the managerial brain—how it works, makes decisions, solves problems, creates ideas 3) Dimensions of communications—to enable you to understand the basics of transmittal of knowledge 2) Two person interactions—so that you can understand conflict, leadership behavior, negotiations. 3) Small group functions,--so that you can understand when and why they are strong and get results and when they are weak and become failures 4) The large organization—so that you can utilize their strengths in marshalling human resources to get the work out and how they can adapt to changing times. If you have any problems with this course, doing the work or meeting standards, speak to your instructor before you receive failing grades or other unpleasant consequences. When you discuss...
Words: 22795 - Pages: 92
...and willing to contribute, as scientists in the sustainable development of our country as we strongly believe that Zambia can truly develop only through advancement in science and technology. This Policy Brief is in line with the aspirations of the Constitution of the Academy and specifically Articles 4 and 5 that empowers the Academy to initiate studies or can be requested by stakeholders including Government or persons to undertake such research for purposes of scientific advice, guidance or for purposes of advancing science and technology in Zambia. It is in recognising this important role that the first Policy Brief addresses climate change and food security. Climate change is a challenge universally considered the single most threatening situation facing mankind today since time immemorial. This Policy Brief tackles impacts of climate change on agriculture and food security as well as Zambia’s long time reliable Agro Ecological Regions Zoning that has been used since late 1970s to guide planning, agricultural production, scientific research and investment. The reliability of this Tool and the entire agriculture sector is threatened by climate change. Our decision to undertake a comprehensive review of the...
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