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Cyp 3.4 1.3

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Title: The practitioner in an early years setting supports children’s play, learning and development.

Children’s education is impacted upon through play, when children are playing they are learning. When children are playing within a setting whether that is a day nursery or a primary school they are developing in the 7 areas of development within the EYFS. The seven areas of development consists of 2 sub sections the 3 prime areas and the 4 specific areas. The 3 primary areas are; Physical social and emotional, physical development and communication and language with the 4 specific areas being literacy, numeracy, understanding the world and expressive arts and design therefore stating that when a child is playing within a setting they will …show more content…
The policies and procedures are used to influence all major actions within the setting as everything must follow the guidelines set.
A specific legislation that sets the fundamentals of policies is the UN convention of rights within their 54 articles, article 31 states that ‘Children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural, artistic and other recreational activities.’ (UNICEF, No Date) this right set by the UN states that any countries that are situated within the United Nations cannot exploit children and that all the children within them countries have access to play.
A policy that is used is ‘identification and assessment of children with special educational needs’ (Meggitt, 2015, p.184) this policy relates to the title as children with special educational needs must be identified and assessed straight away to ensure that they will be able to get the right support and help from other professionals to guarantee that they still develop at a steady rate, this therefore will be able to inform the practice of the setting to ensure that the child will still get the support that child needs to learn and

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