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Danielle Largent's Short Story

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Danielle Largent was livid her 6-year-old son got suspended for “distribution of a drug” in his kindergarten class for bringing a pill to school

The boy’s mom thinks the Missouri elementary school went to far in punishing her child because of his age, according to Fox4kc. Zamari Hawkins was hit with a 10 day suspension over the sleeping pill that ended up in another students mouth.

But, the mom feels the punishment given by Martin City Elementary School was too harsh because he’s only in kindergarten. Largent said:

“I could understand if he was in like middle school or high school, where he really understand -- even fourth or fifth grade -- but he doesn’t know any better.”

Zamari, who has ADHD and a mood disorder, was already suspended once this year for behavioral problems. His mom explained “He was having problems sitting still,” but he was doing better in school until he brought the pill in. …show more content…
Zamari took one of them with him to class, leading to his second school suspension.

His mother said:

“He took the pill out, and there was another little girl that was asking about this pill. You know, kids are curious. Zamari said, 'Yeah, but you’re not gonna like it.' She put it in her mouth and spit it right out.”

The girl told her mom she tasted the sleeping pill during class when she got home, prompting the mother to notify the school.

Largent got a phone call from the school telling her to pick up her child who was suspended for 10 days and would be patted down for the rest of the year.

The angry mom said:

“They said they slapped him with 10 days because he was in kindergarten, but they could have given him up to 170 days because of the pill. He’s a six-year-old child who doesn’t understand and doesn’t know that what he was doing at the time was

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