...Course: | | ITECH1005-5005: Business Information Systems | | | | Date: | | Week 4, 2013-1 | | | | Reading Time: | | 5 Minutes | Duration: | | 45 Minutes | | | | Location Course Coordinator: | | Faezeh Afshar | | | | Total marks: | | 30 marks (Weight: 10%) | Instructions to candidates: 1. Print your name and student number on the Test Paper 2. Attempt ALL questions 3. Do not detach any portion of the examination paper 4. Begin writing, as indicated, after the reading time has ended Materials allowed: Nil ------------------------------------------------- DO NOT REMOVE ANY PART OF THIS TEST PAPER FROM THE TEST ROOM Student Name: | | | | | | Student ID: | | | Section I: Theory [20 marks] Please answer all of the following questions. Your answers should be concise, but in sentence form. 1. Briefly explain the following: a) Operating system software b) Packet switching c) TCP/IP a) Operating system software controls the application software and manages how the hardware devices work together b) Packet switching Occurs when the sending computer divides a message into a number of efficiently sized units, called packets, each of which contains the address of the destination computer c) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) Provides the technical foundation...
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...Executive Summary Originally, data and information was intensively collected manually and periodically due to the volume. With the help of information systems, such intensive manual labor in my opinion is now almost a thing of the past. This is not to say that there are still no data or information that will need to be gathered manually. In this information age of ours, a period when information is power, technology is such an important part of most organizations. The use of technology is not only limited to technology companies to operate effectively as almost all organizations; small and large, struggles with the management of information systems on a daily basis in one way or another. Management information system is “both a business discipline that deals with the use of information technology—or computers, computer technology, or simply technology—and an academic field of study” (http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/). With the amount of information in existence today, Information systems have become a part of us. An information management system provides information that is necessary to the effective and efficient management of an organization, its activities and its people. Managers and senior level management must be able to first understand their organization before they can decide which information system will best suit their purpose and help in the achievement of their organizational goals and objectives. This means that information systems obtained in organizations...
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...RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ( For Private Circulation Only) Reference: 1. Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS Publishers’Distributors 2. Kothari, C.R.,1985, Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited. 3.Kumar, Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology-A Beginners,(2nd.ed.),Singapore, Pearson Education. Step-by-Step Guide for RESEARCH: a way of examining your practice… Research is undertaken within most professions. More than a set of skills, it is a way of thinking: examining critically the various aspects of your professional work. It is a habit of questioning what you do, and a systematic examination of the observed information to find answers with a view to instituting appropriate changes for a more effective professional service. DEFINITION OF RESEARCH When you say that you are undertaking a research study to find answers to a question, you are implying that the process; 1. is being undertaken within a framework of a set of philosophies ( approaches); 2. uses procedures, methods and techniques that have been tested for their validity and reliability; 3. is designed to be unbiased and objective . Philosophies means approaches e.g. qualitative, quantitative and the academic discipline in which you have been trained. Validity means that correct procedures have been applied to find answers to a question. Reliability refers to the quality of a measurement procedure that provides repeatability and accuracy. Unbiased...
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...Research Methods –STA630 VU Research Methods (STA630) Contents Lesson 1: INTRODUCTION, DEFINITION & VALUE OF RESEARCH ........................ 14 What is Research?................................................................................................................... 14 What is the value of Research? ............................................................................................... 14 Research helps in developing methodologies ......................................................................... 15 We are surrounded by research............................................................................................... 16 Lesson 2: SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF RESEARCH & ITS SPECIAL FEATURES ...... 17 Important Characteristics of Scientific Method ...................................................................... 17 1. Empirical......................................................................................................................... 17 2. Verifiable ........................................................................................................................ 18 3. Cumulative ..................................................................................................................... 18 4. Deterministic.................................................................................................................. 18 5. Ethical and Ideological Neutrality ....................................................................
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...Page 1 of 240 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE MODULE The Research Methods course is one of the first semester core courses for those learners pursuing the Master in Project Planning and Management course. You are aware that any good decision is based on facts. Facts are based on data. The data must be systematically collected, processed, analysed and presented for use. The best-known way of collecting empirical data is through scientific research methods. This is what this course module is all about. The main aims of this course unit is to: 1. Providing you with the basic information needed to understand the research process. 2. Enable you to use the knowledge to design their own research agenda on an area of personal interest or that of an organization. MODULE STRUCTURE The module is covered in Lectures. Each Lecture focuses on area in research. You will note that in each unit, there is an introduction, unit objectives, contents presented in subtopics, activities, summary and suggestions for further readings. This structure aims at making it easy for you to read the material more easily and logically. In each Lecture you will find some activities or exercises that you should go through before starting the subsequent unit. It is advisable that you answer all the questions and check the answers from the various sources i.e.,...
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...Contents Cover Title Page Copyright Dedication About the Authors Preface Changes in the fifth edition Companion websites Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Introduction to research What is research? Business research Types of business research: applied and basic Managers and research The manager and the consultant–researcher Internal versus external consultants/researchers Knowledge about research and managerial effectiveness Ethics and business research Summary Discussion Questions Chapter 2: Scientific investigation The hallmarks of scientific research Some obstacles to conducting scientific research in the management area The hypothetico-deductive method Other types of research Summary Discussion Questions Chapter 3: The research process: the broad problem area and defining the problem statement Broad problem area Preliminary information gathering Literature review Defining the problem statement The research proposal Managerial implications Ethical issues in the preliminary stages of investigation Summary Discussion Questions Practice Projects Appendix Chapter 4: The research process: theoretical framework and hypothesis development The need for a theoretical framework Variables Theoretical framework Hypothesis development Hypothesis testing with qualitative research: negative case analysis Managerial implications Summary Discussion Questions Practice Project Chapter 5: The research process: elements of research design The...
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...MEC/CEC, CA/CWA, B.Com & B.Sc. Master Minds 4. Data Storage, Retrieval & DBMS Q.No.1. Write about different coding schemes. BCD: » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » BCD stands for binary Coded Decimal system. This is a 6 bit code i.e. each character is expressed in terms of a 6 bit code. There will be 64 ways of representing digits, alphabets and special symbols. There is no parity bit in this coding scheme. ASCII: ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This code is extensively used in small computers, peripherals, instruments and communication devices. It is a seven-bit code and has replaced many of the special codes that were previously used. Microcomputers using 8-bit word length use 7 bits to represent the basic code. The 8th bit is used for parity or it may be permanently 1 or 0. With 7 bits, up to 128 characters can be coded. A letter, digit or special symbol is called a character. It includes upper and lower case alphabets, numbers, punctuation marks, special and control characters. Here the first 3 bits are zone bits and the remaining 4 bits represent digit values. ASCII-8: A newer version of ASCII is ASCII-8 code, which is an 8-bit code. With 8 bits, the code capacity is extended to 256 characters. EBCDIC: EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It is a standard character code for large computers. It is a 8-bit code without parity and 9th bit can be used as parity bit. Using 8 bits 256 characters...
Words: 14549 - Pages: 59
...MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS: BUSINESS DRIVEN mis INFORMATION IS EVERYWHERE. INFORMATION IS A STRATEGIC ASSET. WITHOUT INFORMATION, AN ORGANIZATION SIMPLY COULD NOT OPERATE. THIS CHAPTER INTRODUCES STUDENTS TO SEVERAL CORE BUSINESS STRATEGIES THAT FOCUS ON USING INFORMATION TO GAIN A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, INCLUDING: • The core drivers of the information age • Data, information, business intelligence, knowledge • Systems thinking • Competitive advantages • Porter’s Five Forces model • Porter’s three generic strategies • Value chain analysis Many of these concepts and strategies will be new to your students. Be sure to explain to your students that this chapter offers an introduction to these concepts and they will gain a solid understanding of the details of these concepts as they continue reading the text. SECTION 1.1 – BUSINESS DRIVEN MIS Competing in the Information Age The Challenge: Departmental Companies The Solution: Management Information Systems SECTION 1.2 – BUSINESS STRATEGY Identifying Competitive Advantages The Five Forces Model – Evaluating Industry Attractiveness The Three Generic Strategies – Choosing a Business Focus Value Chain Analysis – Executing Business Strategies | | |SECTION 1.1 ...
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...Alonso, Penny Avril, Hermann Baer, Sandeepan Banerjee, Mark Bauer, Bill Bridge, Sandra Cheevers, Carol Colrain, Vira Goorah, Mike Hartstein, John Haydu, Wei Hu, Ramkumar Krishnan, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Bill Lee, Bryn Llewellyn, Rich Long, Diana Lorentz, Paul Manning, Valarie Moore, Mughees Minhas, Gopal Mulagund, Muthu Olagappan, Jennifer Polk, Kathy Rich, John Russell, Viv Schupmann, Bob Thome, Randy Urbano, Michael Verheij, Ron Weiss, Steve Wertheimer The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United...
Words: 199783 - Pages: 800
...e eBook Collection RESEARCH METHODS FOR BUSINESS A Skill-Building Approach Fourth Edition Uma Sekaran Southern Illinois University at Carbondale John Wiley & Sons, Inc. http://www.wiley.com/college ACQUISITIONS EDITOR MARKETING MANAGER SENIOR PRODUCTION EDITOR SENIOR DESIGNER PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES COVER IMAGE Jeff Marshall Ilse Wolfe Patricia McFadden Harry Nolan Hermitage Publishing Services José Ortega/Stock Illustration Source This book was set in 10/12 Garamond by Hermitage Publishing Services and printed and bound by Malloy Lithographing, Inc. The cover was printed by Von Hoffmann Press, Inc. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright 2003 © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, (212) 850-6011, fax (212) 850-6008, E-Mail: PERMREQ@WILEY.COM. To order books please...
Words: 136265 - Pages: 546
...case, the Yankees' use of information systems in their new stadium can be seen as an effort to achieve which of the primary business objectives? A) Operational excellence B) Survival C) Customer and supplier intimacy D) Improved decision making 2) Journalist Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" referred to: A) the flattening of economic and cultural advantages of developed countries. B) the use of the Internet and technology for instantaneous communication. C) the reduction in travel times and the ubiquity of global exchange and travel. D) the growth of globalization. 3) The six important business objectives of information technology are: new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; improved decision-making; competitive advantage; operational excellence, and: A) flexibility. B) survival. C) improved business practices. D) improved efficiency. 4) The use of information systems because of necessity describes the business objective of: A) survival. B) improved business practices. C) competitive advantage. D) improved flexibility. 5) Which of the following choices may lead to competitive advantage (1) new products, services, and business models; (2) charging less for superior products; (3) responding to customers in real-time? A) 1 only B) 1 and 2 C) 2 and 3 D) 1, 2, and 3 6) Verizon's implementation of a Web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with real-time information such as customer complaints...
Words: 23003 - Pages: 93
...and Management, Ninth Edition Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, and Peter Rob Vice President of Editorial, Business: Jack W. Calhoun Publisher: Joe Sabatino Senior Acquisitions Editor: Charles McCormick, Jr. Senior Product Manager: Kate Mason Development Editor: Deb Kaufmann Editorial Assistant: Nora Heink Senior Marketing Communications Manager: Libby Shipp Marketing Coordinator: Suellen Ruttkay Content Product Manager: Matthew Hutchinson Senior Art Director: Stacy Jenkins Shirley Cover Designer: Itzhack Shelomi Cover Image: iStock Images Media Editor: Chris Valentine Manufacturing Coordinator: Julio Esperas Copyeditor: Andrea Schein Proofreader: Foxxe Editorial Indexer: Elizabeth Cunningham Composition: GEX Publishing Services © 2011 Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at www.cengage.com/permissions Further...
Words: 189848 - Pages: 760
...Course Technology’s Management Information Systems Instructor and Student Resources Introduction to IS/MIS Principles of Information Systems, Eighth Edition • Stair, Reynolds Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fourth Edition • Stair, Reynolds Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition • Oz Information Technology in Theory • Aksoy, DeNardis Office Applications in Business Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access & Excel, Sixth Annual Edition • Brady, Monk Succeeding in Business Applications with Microsoft Office 2007 • Bast, Gross, Akaiwa, Flynn, et.al Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 • Gross, Akaiwa, Nordquist Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2007 • Bast, Cygman, Flynn, Tidwell Databases Database Systems, Eighth Edition • Rob, Coronel Concepts of Database Management, Sixth Edition • Pratt, Adamski Data Modeling and Database Design • Umanath, Scamell A Guide to SQL, Seventh Edition • Pratt A Guide to MySQL • Pratt, Last Guide to Oracle 10g • Morrison, Morrison, Conrad Oracle 10g Titles Oracle9i Titles Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Third Edition • Monk, Wagner Data Communications Data Communications and Computer Networks: A Business User’s Approach, Fourth Edition • White Systems Analysis and Design Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, Fifth Edition • Satzinger, Jackson, Burd Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process • Satzinger, Jackson, Burd Systems Analysis and...
Words: 223685 - Pages: 895
...RESEARCH PAKISTANI SINGER’S EYE ON INDIAN MUSIC INDUSTRY (IMI) FOR EXPOSURE (-research by MADHU VIJHANI) TABLE OF CONTENTS SNo. | Particulars | Page no. | 1. | Introduction | 6-8 | 2. | Problem | 89-10 | 3. | Significance of the research | 11-14 | 4. | Objectives of the research | 15 | 5. | Hypothesis | 16 | 6. | Review of literature | 17-33 | 7. | Methodology | 34-36 | 8. | Data processing and analysis | 37-38 | 9. | Data representation | 39-48 | 10 | Conclusion | 49 | 11. | Bibliography | 50 | 11. | Annexures | 51-55 | Table of Data Analysis& Reppresentation SNo. | Particulars | Page no. | `1. | Number of people inclined towards music | 39-40 | 2. | Preference of music by people for different genre | 41-42 | 3.(i) | Number of people preferring Indian singers/music | 43-44 | (ii) | Number of people preferring Pakistani singers | 45-46 | 4. | Number of people favouring Pakistani singers in IMI | 47-48 | Introduction The term 'mass' denotes great volume, range or extent (of people or production) and reception of messages. The term 'mass' suggests that the recipients of media products constitute a vast sea of passive, undifferentiated individuals. With the advancement in Media Technology, people are no longer receiving gratification without questioning the grounds on which it is based. Instead, people are engaging themselves more with media products such as computers, cell phones and Internet. These have...
Words: 11730 - Pages: 47
...™ Everything Easier! Making cle 11g Ora ® Learn to: • Set up and manage an Oracle database • Maintain and protect your data • Understand Oracle database architecture • Troubleshoot your database and keep it running smoothly Chris Zeis Chris Ruel Michael Wessler www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Oracle 11g ® FOR DUMmIES ‰ www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Oracle 11g ® FOR DUMmIES by Chris Zeis, Chris Ruel, and Michael Wessler ‰ www.it-ebooks.info Oracle® 11g For Dummies® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online...
Words: 106399 - Pages: 426